
Is there any clever way to use fertilizer for edible fungus in winter?

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, Is there any clever way to use fertilizer for edible fungus in winter?

The credit bacteria mentioned here are relatively extensive, and the common ones are: Lentinus edodes, straw mushrooms, mushrooms, fungus, Tremella, hericium Erinaceus, bamboo shoot and so on. Most of the edible fungi planted in winter are in the greenhouse. Do you have any tips for applying fertilizer to edible fungi in winter? I have summarized six points here for you to share.

1. Mash poultry manure, add 1.5 times water, ferment for 10 days, boil for 10 minutes, spray water 3 times.

2. Cook 10%-30% human and animal urine or 1% glucose, filter and pour on the border.

3, 1% superphosphate, 0.5% urea, 0.2% ammonium sulfate or culture material leaching solution for spraying.

4. Chop up the leaves of carrots and cabbage, boil them with water, and spray them 4 times and 5 times after filtration.

5. 500 grams of bean flour, boil with 25 kilograms of water, dry at room temperature, filter and spray.

6. put the wheat bran in a cloth bag, add 10 kg of water for every 1 kg of wheat bran, boil it for 15 minutes, then squeeze it in 20 kg of water, and then spray the boiled water and water.