
What is the prospect of planting Chinese wolfberry in 2019? How is the market?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, As a common health product in our daily life, Chinese wolfberry is basically a must in every family. Can not be able to tonify the blood can also act as food excipients on the table, the effect is very many. Then many friends will also have doubts, want to come to this industry to try but have no experience. For example, what is the prospect of planting Chinese wolfberry in 2019?

As a common health product in our daily life, Chinese wolfberry is basically a must in every family. Can not be able to tonify the blood can also act as food excipients on the table, the effect is very many. Then many friends will also have doubts, want to come to this industry to try but have no experience. For example, what is the prospect of planting Chinese wolfberry in 2019? What is the market situation and so on? today, the editor will introduce you one by one.

Planting Prospect of Lycium barbarum in 2019

I. planting prospect of Lycium barbarum

Chinese wolfberry belongs to plants with strong vitality, and the environment of our country has been seriously damaged, and there are a lot of wasteland. If planting can protect the environment, the second is that the seedlings of Chinese wolfberry itself are very good-looking and have a certain ornamental value. In addition, it is a beautiful scenery in the fruiting season, and the third is that the use value of Chinese wolfberry is very powerful, not only blindly traditional Chinese medicine. More as a drink, so every year there needs to be a large number of Chinese wolfberry on the market, and finally, the annual export volume of Chinese wolfberry is also very large, so the planting prospect is very broad.

II. Lycium barbarum market

The annual output of Chinese wolfberry in our country is relatively large, but it is still unable to meet the demand of the market. Fresh Chinese wolfberry can be sold as a kind of fruit, and then processed and dried can be used to make tea and soup. In addition, it can be used as medicine after medicinal treatment, and finally it can be processed into a beverage with many uses, and at least 1 million people in the country are using Chinese wolfberry, so the dosage is also very large. In fact, Chinese wolfberry also experienced a low period before 2010, for a long time, the price of Chinese wolfberry did not have any upward trend, until in recent years slowly re-entered our lives, and became a hot current.

III. Market price

There is no unified standard for the market price of Chinese wolfberry, because there are many varieties of Chinese wolfberry, the most common of which are red Chinese wolfberry and black Chinese wolfberry, and there is a very obvious gap between them. The price of red Chinese wolfberry is about 25 to 35 kilograms, while that of black wolfberry is about 40 to 55 kilograms. Then there are big Chinese wolfberry and small Chinese wolfberry. They are also different. Big Chinese wolfberry costs an average of 50 yuan a kilogram, while small Chinese wolfberry only costs about 30 yuan a kilogram. Finally, the price of Chinese wolfberry varies in different regions. For example, the price of Chinese wolfberry is about 30 yuan per kilogram in * * areas, but it costs 40 to 50 yuan per kilogram in Ningxia.

IV. Planting cost

The most important cost of planting Chinese wolfberry is the cost of renting land, seedlings and chemical fertilizer, while the rest are the expenses of employment salary and planting equipment. on average, 200 to 300 seedlings are needed per mu of land. then it costs about seven to eight hundred yuan to buy seedlings, and then the land rent is calculated according to six to 810 mu, chemical fertilizers and pesticides cost more than a thousand a year. Plus some other planting costs, the total cost is about three to 3500.

This is the end of the question about the prospect of planting Chinese wolfberry in 2019. Generally speaking, the profit is quite considerable. Interested friends can try it, but don't follow the trend and take risks. You have to inspect it yourself.

How can potted Lycium barbarum sprout

If you want to talk about this Chinese wolfberry, it is really super delicious and delicious. Do you want to raise your own potted plants? Let's take a look at the planting method of potted Chinese wolfberry:

The first method is to plant Chinese wolfberry seeds.

Dry Chinese wolfberry can be soaked in water and crushed with your hands, and then the seeds and meat floating on the top of the water can be removed and thrown away, leaving the bottom full seeds, dried and preserved. If it is fresh Chinese wolfberry, do not use blisters, directly crush and take seeds.

The planting method is to sprinkle Chinese wolfberry into the soil, about three centimeters deep, pour some water after sprinkling the soil, and water it when it dries quickly. In fact, you don't have to water it, but it comes out slowly. If it is planted in a large area, fine sand can be used to add Chinese wolfberry seeds in a ratio of 10 to 1, with a spacing of 10 cm.

The second method is the cutting method of asexual reproduction. That is, from the Chinese wolfberry tree to find a strong branch, cut into 10-20 cm section, the big head down to check the soil can. However, the soil must have a certain amount of moisture, otherwise the roots will die and live very slowly. It is usually inserted this year and transplanted next year, and the fruit can be produced in the third year!

On the method of potted Chinese wolfberry is introduced here, you do not say, this is really can bear Chinese wolfberry.

How to plant Chinese wolfberry? Pot planting steps of Lycium barbarum

Chinese wolfberry is a good tonic, as we all know. Whether it is used to stew, soak in water, etc., all have a very good health effect. Lycium barbarum has strong adaptability and is distributed in the north and south of our country. Like sunshine and cool climate, cold and early resistance, alkali resistance, fear of waterlogging, poor growth in stagnant water, good growth in well-ventilated, well-lit sandy slope. The second flowering period is from May to June and from September to October every year, and the fruit is long and picturesque, and people mature one after another after autumn to fall off after January. However, Chinese wolfberry can also be potted, today the editor will introduce the potted technology of Chinese wolfberry to everyone, like potted friends can plant a pot at home, both beautiful and economical and practical.

The steps of potted planting of Chinese wolfberry:

1. Prepare some raw dried Chinese wolfberry and soak them in warm water of about 40 degrees for 8 hours until the pulp of Chinese wolfberry is bulging.

2. The soaked Chinese wolfberry is very soft. Gently rub the pulp with your fingers and you can see the seeds. Rinse the seeds and put them in a cool place to dry.

3. Prepare a basin of soil and use ordinary garden soil. Use chopsticks to draw a small trench of 4cm to 5cm on the soil surface, about 1cm deep. After sowing the seeds, cover the soil with a little sand, and then spray the soil with fine spray.

4, just sowed Chinese wolfberry should pay attention to heat preservation, the best temperature is about 18 degrees, you can cover the mouth of the flowerpot with a plastic bag, do not forget to pierce a few air holes.

5. If you see that the soil surface is dry, you can spray a small amount of water, it can germinate in about a week, and the germination rate is about 90%. After germination, you can gradually bask in the sun.

6. fertilization management, when potted Chinese wolfberry is planted, liquid fertilizer based on phosphate fertilizer is usually applied once a week, rotten base fertilizer is applied in winter, and nitrogen fertilizer is applied 2-3 times in full bloom. When turning the pot, it is a very important link to plant Chinese wolfberry in pot. when turning the basin and changing the soil, we should apply sufficient base fertilizer and add phosphorus and potassium fertilizer such as calcium superphosphate as base fertilizer.

7. After the Chinese wolfberry seedlings grow tall, they can be topped, which will make the branches thicker and the plant type dwarf. If you like the shape of climbing vine, you can also build a shelf for Chinese wolfberry to climb without pruning.

8. To raise Chinese wolfberry, you should water less and bask in the sun more. There is no need to apply fertilizer. Generally speaking, it will blossom in autumn that year. At first, the flowers are purple, and then they gradually turn into light yellow.

9. After the flowers fade, they will bear fruit, and the red wolfberry hangs on the branches.

The above are the planting steps of potted Chinese wolfberry. Chinese wolfberry has a strong cold resistance, like light, flowering and fruit period must have sufficient water, in addition, Chinese wolfberry likes alkaline soil and sandy loam, pot maintenance must not have stagnant water.