
Fortune and wealth: what kind of tricks and money to raise and what kind of flowers to raise? What tricks? money is easy to raise.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, It seems that everyone at home likes to grow potted flowers to flourish feng shui, but everyone's needs are not the same. Some people want to make progress in their careers and studies, others want to.

It seems that everyone at home likes to grow potted flowers to flourish feng shui, but everyone's needs are not the same. Some people want to make progress in their careers and studies, and some people want to get promoted and get rich. Since the needs are different, the flowers you want to grow are naturally different. In the end which people are the most suitable to raise which flowers, hurry to follow the flowers to have a look!

Raise these three kinds of flowers and make a lot of money!

1. Raise a pot to make a fortune, so that you can make a lot of money!

Location: 45 °of the front door or southeast of the home

The rich tree has a tall and straight posture, bright leaves and the word "make a fortune" in its name, which is very suitable for raising a pot at home, especially for those families who do business and open shops. And Huahua also heard that if you put 100 yuan under the flowerpot of the rich tree, you can keep your money with money!

2. Raise a pot of money tree to make your business prosperous!

Location: balcony, desk

The leaves of the money tree are thick and thick, which looks like a string of coins, giving people a positive feeling, so whether it is the opening of a company, a shop, or moving to a new house, all flower friends who want to get rich need to put a pot at home to bring you good fortune!

3. Raise a pot of copper grass to make you rich and prosperous!

Location: living room, coffee table

Moreover, copper grass is very easy to feed, as long as there is a flood and a big sun, it can burst in minutes!

Raise these three kinds of flowers, the family is harmonious and happy!

1, raise a pot of happiness tree, family harmony is the happiest!

Location: balcony, study

The happiness tree has thick leaves and seems to be full of youthful vitality. it has the effect of prosperity in the living room, the bigger the leaves are, the greener the leaves are, and the more obvious the effect of prosperity and fortune is, so if you want to raise a happiness tree at home, it is best to choose a big sturdy tree to make the family happy!

2. Raise a safe tree and make the family harmonious and happy.

Location: living room, balcony, front door facing 45 °

As soon as I look at the name of Ping an Tree, I know that it can protect the safety of the family.

3. raise a pot of rich bamboo, and the family will be harmonious and happy!

Location: upper left corner of the desk, 45 °financial position at the front door.

Every time I see the name of Fugui bamboo, Huahua thinks of two words: flowers bloom rich, bamboo reports peace. Because of the implication of auspiciousness and wealth, the arrangement of rich bamboo is particularly exquisite. Soil culture of rich bamboo generally put 2 or 5, water culture of rich bamboo generally put 1 or 4.

Raise these three kinds of flowers, promote your luck step by step!

1. The pot is plain sailing, and the career is smooth and prosperous!

Location: living room, study

Whether it is work or study, flower friends must hope that they can have a smooth sailing and a smooth career, so it is necessary to keep a pot of plain sailing at home. The meaning of plain sailing is not only good, but also can absorb some harmful substances in the air, such as formaldehyde, benzene and so on, so that the indoor air is more fresh.

2. Good luck in raising pots, good luck in your career!

Location: living room, bathroom

Good luck blossoms at the top, and the color is very bright, so it is a good sign of good luck. If one tree is raised in the family, it has the effect of attracting wealth and wealth, thus bringing good luck to the family; if the family has three trees, it is even better, which means good luck and good fortune!

3. Raise a pot of Anthurium andraeanum and develop a prosperous career!

Location: living room, study

The flowers of Anthurium andraeanum, like luck, also grow at the top of the plant, so it has the significance of prosperity and great ambition. There is also a yellow spike in the flowers of Anthurium andraeanum, implying that you have money in your hands, so those who do business or want to have a successful career are the most suitable to put Anthurium andraeanum at home!

Raise these three kinds of flowers, good health and longevity!

1, raise pots of longevity flowers, health and longevity!

Location: coffee table, balcony, windowsill

If you want to say the most suitable flowers for the elderly, the first flowers that come to mind must be longevity flowers! Longevity flowers are also called longevity flowers, which means health, longevity and safety, so it is most suitable to raise a pot for the elderly at home.

2. Raise chrysanthemums in pots to prolong life and make you healthy!

Location: balcony, living room

Chrysanthemums symbolize longevity, happiness and longevity, and can be matched with other flowers. Chrysanthemum and pomegranate, bergamot, peach together, symbolize many children, more happiness, longevity, and the most common is with cranes, symbolizing birthday.

3. Raise potted turtles to carry bamboo for good health and longevity.

Location: senior bedroom, living room, 45 °diagonal of the gate

The life span of the tortoise is very long, and bamboo has a good reputation for peace, so the tortoise carrying bamboo always has the meaning of health and longevity, so it is best to put it in the bedroom of the elderly. secondly, if it is placed in the living room or the wealth position of the family, it can also increase happiness and wealth, so it is best to have a pot for the elderly at home.

Do all the flower friends know?

Want to make a fortune and make a lot of money

Or is it a step-by-step promotion of luck?

Make sure you choose the right flowers!