
Fertilizer and planting method of potted strawberry

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Strawberries are one of the fruits that adults and children like to eat. Strawberries are very popular with children in appearance. First of all, it is red and looks like a heart. Secondly, it takes a bite and its mouth is full of strawberry flavor. Finally, its flesh is not only thick and juicy.

Strawberries are one of the fruits that adults and children like to eat. Strawberries are very popular with children in appearance. First of all, it is red and looks like a heart. Secondly, after a bite, the mouth is full of strawberry aroma. Finally, not only its flesh is thick and juicy, but also its sweet and sour taste is unforgettable. If you want to grow potted strawberries, the editor will introduce you to potted strawberries.

Potted strawberries belong to multiple herbs. Friends should pay more attention to many things when planting potted strawberries, which is of great help to improve the fruit setting rate of strawberries.

1. Pot strawberry selection container

Mud pots or porcelain pots or wooden boxes with a diameter of 21-33 cm can be used. The size is determined according to the number of plants planted. There are water seepage holes in the bottom of the box. The flowerpot should be soaked in water before planting. Variety selection of potted strawberries. General cultivated varieties can be selected, but it is better to be the strawberry variety of the four seasons.

two。 Nutrient soil of potted strawberries

Strawberry is a fertile working soil with good sand-loving and air permeability. Therefore, the ideal basin soil is the humus soil on the surface of broad-leaved forest. This kind of soil contains a lot of organic matter, nutrients, loose soil, good water absorption and drainage performance is conducive to the growth of strawberries. Nutritious soil can also be prepared manually, with a ratio of soil, fertilizer and sand at 1:1:1, that is, 1 part of fertile garden soil, 1 part of rotten chicken, duck or sheep manure, and 1 part of river sand; dung, soil and sand are best crushed and screened, and then mixed with 2% Mel 3% SSP. The prepared nutritious soil can be disinfected with 0.3% potassium permanganate aqueous solution before basin loading. Cake fertilizer can be added appropriately if there are conditions.

Fertilizer and planting method of potted strawberry

3. Fertilizer and Water Management of potted Strawberry

Strawberries have higher requirements for fertilizer and water, especially the four seasons strawberries, which continue to form flower buds, bloom and bear fruit in a year, and need to apply more fertilizer and ice many times in order to meet the needs. Potted strawberries can be fertilized with compound granular fertilizer or long-acting flower fertilizer, or cake fertilizer, water, fully fermented and ripened, combined with watering and fertilizing, with an interval of about 10 days. If chemical fertilizer is applied, foliar spraying fertilizer such as 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be applied in the morning or evening. The leaves of potted plants outside are easy to wilt due to lack of water and need to be watered once in the morning and evening to keep the soil moist. It is hot in summer, flowerpots should not be directly exposed to the sun, should be placed in a ventilated and dry place, and should be watered once at noon, but not with well water or tap water with low water temperature.

4. Seedling Management of potted Strawberry

Plant management of potted strawberries should be strengthened. First, timely thinning buds, picking leaves, removing stolons. The high-level flowers that are about to be ineffective should be properly thinned in the bud dispersion period. Old leaves, residual leaves, diseased leaves and excess stolons were removed to reduce nutrient consumption and improve fruit quality. The second is fruit shaping. That is, the fruit racks of different shapes are made with iron wire or bamboo sticks and put into flowerpots to make the ears ventilated and transparent, the fruit coloring evenly, prevent the soil from polluting the fruit and reduce the harm of diseases and insect pests. At the same time, stolons can also be used for artistic modeling to improve the ornamental value. Third, corresponding comprehensive control measures should be adopted for the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests.

5. Change the basin

After potted strawberries bear fruit for 2 years, the pot or soil should be changed after the fruit. When changing the pot, first take the plant out of the basin, cut off the senescent root, dead root and lower aging rhizome, and then plant it into the new potted soil.

6. Temperature and humidity

Generally, the temperature of potted strawberries is 20-25 ℃, and the room temperature is above 15 ℃ in winter. The flowerpot should be placed in a ventilated and sunny place, and the pot soil should always be kept moist.

Fertilizer and planting method of potted strawberry

The most popular fruits are apples, pears, bananas, peaches, durian, watermelons and so on. There is also a favorite fruit for children, that is strawberries. Why are strawberries popular with children? First of all, in terms of appearance, it is red and heart-shaped, and then its mouth is full of strawberry aroma. Finally, not only its flesh is thick and juicy, but also its sweet and sour taste is unforgettable. If you want to grow potted strawberries, the rabbit will introduce you to potted strawberries.

Potted strawberries belong to multiple herbs. Friends should pay more attention to many things when planting potted strawberries, which is of great help to improve the fruit setting rate of strawberries.

Choice container for potted strawberries: mud pots or porcelain pots or wooden boxes with a diameter of 21-33 cm can be used. The size is determined according to the number of plants planted. There are water seepage holes in the bottom of the box. The flowerpot should be soaked in water before planting. Variety selection of potted strawberries. General cultivated varieties can be selected, but it is better to be the strawberry variety of the four seasons.

Nutrient soil of potted strawberries: fertile industrial soil where strawberries like sand and have good air permeability. Therefore, the ideal basin soil is the humus soil on the surface of broad-leaved forest. This kind of soil contains a lot of organic matter, nutrients, loose soil, good water absorption and drainage performance is conducive to the growth of strawberries. Nutritious soil can also be prepared manually, with a ratio of soil, fertilizer and sand at 1:1:1, that is, 1 part of fertile garden soil, 1 part of rotten chicken, duck or sheep manure, and 1 part of river sand; dung, soil and sand are best crushed and screened, and then mixed with 2% Mel 3% SSP. The prepared nutritious soil can be disinfected with 0.3% potassium permanganate aqueous solution before basin loading. Cake fertilizer can be added appropriately if there are conditions.

Fertilizer and water management of potted strawberries: strawberries have higher requirements for fertilizer and water, especially the four seasons strawberries, which continue to form flower buds, blossom and bear fruit in a year, and need to apply fertilizer and ice many times in order to meet the needs. Potted strawberries can be fertilized with compound granular fertilizer or long-acting flower fertilizer, or cake fertilizer, water, fully fermented and ripened, combined with watering and fertilizing, with an interval of about 10 days. If chemical fertilizer is applied, foliar spraying fertilizer such as 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be applied in the morning or evening. The leaves of potted plants outside are easy to wilt due to lack of water and need to be watered once in the morning and evening to keep the soil moist. It is hot in summer, flowerpots should not be directly exposed to the sun, should be placed in a ventilated and dry place, and should be watered once at noon, but not with well water or tap water with low water temperature.

Seedling management of potted strawberries: plant management of potted strawberries should be strengthened. First, timely thinning buds, picking leaves, removing stolons. The high-level flowers that are about to be ineffective should be properly thinned in the bud dispersion period. Old leaves, residual leaves, diseased leaves and excess stolons were removed to reduce nutrient consumption and improve fruit quality. The second is fruit shaping. That is, the fruit racks of different shapes are made with iron wire or bamboo sticks and put into flowerpots to make the ears ventilated and transparent, the fruit coloring evenly, prevent the soil from polluting the fruit and reduce the harm of diseases and insect pests. At the same time, stolons can also be used for artistic modeling to improve the ornamental value. Third, corresponding comprehensive control measures should be adopted for the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests.

Change the basin: after the potted strawberries bear fruit for 2 years, the pot or soil should be changed after the result. When changing the pot, first take the plant out of the basin, cut off the senescent root, dead root and lower aging rhizome, and then plant it into the new potted soil.

Temperature and humidity: general potted strawberries require a temperature of 20-25 ℃ and room temperature above 15 ℃ in winter. The flowerpot should be placed in a ventilated and sunny place, and the pot soil should always be kept moist.

The above is the planting method of potted strawberries and its fertilizer and water management. Friends who want to grow potted strawberries need to take a good look at what the rabbit wrote. I hope it will be helpful for everyone to grow potted strawberries. We all know that strawberries are not only delicious, but also have many functions, such as: strawberries can relieve cough, clear eyes and nourish the liver, promote digestion, prevent cancer and so on. Women eat strawberries that are good for skin and hair. When we buy strawberries, don't choose deformed ones, but choose strawberries that feel hard, shiny and fluffy, but not too big.

How do you grow potted strawberries? Planting methods of potted strawberries

How do you grow potted strawberries? Have you mastered all the methods of growing potted strawberries? Next, the editor will introduce the planting methods of potted strawberries to you in detail to help you grow strawberries better.

Planting methods of potted strawberries:

1. Seed selection and basin soil

The selection of potted strawberries and the use of potted soil are very fastidious, a group of good varieties should be selected, they can blossom and bear fruit many times throughout the year, and the soil should choose the soil with high reproductive content as far as possible, and the ceramic pot with the diameter of 20-30cm is the best.

two。 Planting techniques:

Potted strawberries are generally not limited by time, green beans can be used all year round, but it is best to choose strong seedlings, take more soil when raising seedlings, remove old residual leaves, and cut the roots of seedlings to 10cm or so. Let the roots be well planted in the soil, as long as the depth of the planting is not exposed. After planting, water it thoroughly, leave it in the shade for 5 days, and then move to a place with plenty of light.

3. Fertilizer and water management

Fertilizer and water management of potted strawberries is generally very simple, because it can blossom many times a year, so keep adequate fertilizer, usually once a week. Warm water is the best choice for watering, not super-cold water.

4. Planting management

Potted strawberries must do a good job in planting management, properly thinning buds, picking leaves and removing the stems of Pudan. Maintain a good gap between plants, do not block the sun, have good light transmittance, in order to promote the better growth of potted strawberries.

5. Change the basin

Potted strawberries are generally changed after 2 years of fruit. when changing the pot, the plant should be taken out of the pot and cut off the old bad roots, and then loaded into the new pot soil.

6. Temperature and humidity

Generally, the temperature of potted strawberries is the highest at 20-25 degrees, and the temperature can be kept at about 15 degrees in winter. Flowerpots should generally be placed in a ventilated and sunny place to keep the soil moist enough.