
Peony culture is not suitable for potted peonies how to water peonies

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Peony flowers are elegant and magnificent. I believe everyone likes them very much. Like to raise one or two plants, in the breeding time careful care, I believe that in their own careful care, peonies will be able to raise bright colors. Peony culture is not suitable for peony flowering. Peony flowers are in full bloom.

Peony flowers are elegant and magnificent. I believe everyone likes them very much. Like to raise one or two plants, in the breeding time careful care, I believe that in their own careful care, peonies will be able to raise bright colors.

It is not suitable for peony culture.

1. Peony is not shaded during flowering.

When peony flowers are in full bloom, it is not appropriate to leave them unshaded. During this period, if it is not properly shaded and exposed to the sun, the flowering period of the peony will be greatly shortened, and the blooming flowers will lose their luster, which will reduce the ornamental quality of the peony.

2. Peony flowers come out early in spring

Peonies should not leave the room too early when it comes to spring. In the spring, although the temperature has slowly begun to pick up, but sometimes there will be low temperature weather. The normal flowering time of peonies is from April to May, depending on the temperature of maintenance. If the peony leaves the room too early, once it encounters a low temperature, its flower buds will stop growing or even fall off, and serious plants will die.

3. Stagnant water in peony soil.

Peony itself is fleshy root, more afraid of stagnant water. In the cultivation of peony flowers, if there is the phenomenon of too much watering, it is easy to cause rotten roots, affecting plant growth and flowering. When watering the peonies, we must pay attention to the right amount at the right time to ensure that the soil is slightly moist, and drainage should be strengthened in the rainy season.

4. Improper pruning of peony flowers

Reasonable pruning is a necessary process for peony flowers to bloom. Improper pruning will lead to small, dark and deformed peony flowers. When pruning peony flowers, we should cut off the terminal buds, retain the lateral buds, and cut off the residual flowers after the flower fade, so as to avoid nutrient consumption.

5. Diseases and insect pests of peony flowers

In the cultivation of peony flowers, diseases and insect pests should not appear, which will lead to a lot of adverse consequences, and even plants will die. The common diseases and insect pests of peony flower include gray mold, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, rust and white silk disease, as well as the harm of shell insects, diamondback moth and underground pests, which need to be controlled in time.

How to water potted peonies

Peony flowers for fleshy roots, watering should not be much, usually not watering in winter, other time watering there is no obvious time interval, according to the weather conditions and basin soil conditions timely watering.

After May, the weather gradually turns hot, if the weather is relatively dry, it can be properly watered, but the basin soil should be dry rather than wet.

In case of showers or continuous rainy weather, be careful not to accumulate water in the basin so as not to damage the plant. After the rainstorm, the soil should be loosened in time to improve the aeration condition of the soil.

Watering points for potted peony flowers:

Potted peonies are watered mainly with soft water, and natural water is the favorite of plants, followed by tree river pond water. The tap water at home should be used after hanging for a day. The tap water contains chlorine, which is disadvantageous to the growth of peonies. You know, plants are sometimes picky eaters.

Don't use dishwashing water or laundry water to teach = water flowers, or the peony will grow ugly.

Pay attention to the water temperature, do not suddenly hot and cold, it is best to use normal temperature water. Don't use ice water in summer. (do you think the peony is the same as you? do you want to cool your heart? Winter watering is placed indoors for a period of time so that the water temperature is close to the room temperature.

In addition, the watering time and amount of water should also be properly controlled, more watering can be done in spring, and the time is concentrated at noon; watering should be sufficient in summer, and should be carried out sooner or later; less watering in autumn and winter should be carried out when the temperature is high in sunny days.

If you have peony flowers in your home, then you should pay more attention to this kind of breeding, because they can be regarded as national flowers, symbolizing prosperity.

The cultivation method of Family potted Peony Flowers how to raise Peony Flowers Peony flowers have been widely loved by people since ancient times. they are flowers and plants that imply wealth and are known as "king of flowers". Peony has been widely planted in the folk since ancient times. as an ornamental flower plant, every family is willing to put it in the home to decorate the interior space. Then let's learn about the breeding methods of peonies and see how to raise potted peonies in the family.

Brief introduction of peony flower: peony is a perennial deciduous shrub with short and thick branches. The leaves are usually two-to-three compound leaves. Flowers solitary branches apical, 10-17 cm in diameter; flower colors rose, reddish purple, pink to white, usually variable, Obovate, tip irregularly wavy. Beautiful flower color, jade smile and pearl fragrance, elegant and unrestrained, magnificent, known as "king of flowers" reputation.

The growth habits of white peony flowers: peony prefers warm, cool, dry and sunny environment. Like the sun, but not resistant to summer sun exposure, but also resistant to semi-shade, cold, drought, weak alkali, avoid stagnant water, afraid of heat, afraid of direct sunlight. It is suitable to grow in neutral sandy loam soil which is loose, deep, fertile, high dry and well drained. Poor growth in acidic or clayey soils. The plant will be dormant when the temperature is above 25 ℃, and the optimum temperature for flowering is 17-20 ℃, but it must be treated with low temperature of 1-10 ℃ for 2-3 months before flowering.

Family potted peony peony culture methods: 1, soil quality: peony is suitable for loose, fertile, deep soil. The drainage capacity of soil must be good. Pot culture can be used in general culture soil, the soil pH value is neutral, micro-acid or micro-alkali can also be used. 2. Temperature: peony is cold-resistant and can not bear high temperature. In both eastern and central China, the flower buds began to expand gradually when the winter temperature reached 4 ℃. The suitable temperature is 16-20 ℃, and it will not blossom below 16 ℃. At high temperatures in summer, plants are semi-dormant. 3. Illumination: Yin camellias, Yang peonies. Peonies like the sun, but they don't like the sun. When planting, you need to choose a higher eastward sunny place, and the potted plants should be placed on a sunny eastward balcony, such as a south balcony or roof platform, and shade in the west.

Pink peony 4. Planting: peony is a deep-rooted flower and tree. Deep ploughing should be carried out before planting and base fertilizer should be applied (such as bone powder, cruller, chicken manure, etc.). 5. Watering: peony should not be watered much, and it is generally not watered in winter. After May, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. If the dry land is dry, it can be watered appropriately, but it should be dry rather than wet. Only after the soil is dry can it be watered. 6. Fertilization: it is best to apply fertilizer three times a year, the first time in the new shoot, when the leaves and buds are stretching, mainly by applying quick-acting fertilizer; the second time after flower fade, it is still dominated by available fertilizer; the third time in autumn and winter, mainly by base fertilizer. 7. Pruning and pruning: cut off the remaining flowers after the flowers have faded. In order to make the crown low and flowers dense, it can be pruned before July to avoid the influence of dense branches on flowering. It is appropriate to leave 5-6 main branches per plant.

Red peony family potted peony how to raise: 1, extensive management, simple maintenance, in addition to the midsummer noon light should be properly sheltered, other times should be given sufficient light, especially in winter. There is a large water demand in the peak growth period from March to September, so it is necessary to often water and spray to increase humidity, and gradually reduce the amount of water after autumn to improve the cold resistance of the plant. 3, like the semi-shady environment, if the light is too strong or insufficient in the place, the leaves will easily become light green or yellowish green, lack of vitality, lose their due ornamental value, or even die; such as direct sunlight, dry air, it is most likely to cause scorching, so it should be placed in a cool and ventilated place and pay attention to maintaining environmental humidity.

Green peony 4, not easy to occur diseases and insect pests, but if the basin soil stagnant water and poor ventilation, in addition to leading to rotten roots, root rot may also occur, attention should be paid to spraying control. 5. Put it in the ventilated position with sufficient scattered light, because winter is not the growing period of peony orchid, in order to prevent and cure the rotten root, watering must be thoroughly watered, depending on the situation. Summary: the above is about the introduction of peony culture, the cultivation of potted peonies at home also needs us to pay attention to some related points. When the beautiful peonies are in full bloom, our indoor environment will add a lot of color. I hope the above will be helpful to all of you.

How to raise peonies? Culture skills of peony flowers

[FAQ] how to raise potted peonies? What are the techniques of peony culture?

[expert answers]

Peony flowers like cool and hate heat, should be dry and afraid of dampness, and can withstand the low temperature of-30 ℃. Like Yin, require loose, fertile, well-drained neutral soil or sand soil, avoid sticky heavy soil or low temperature planting. The florescence is from April to May.

Soil: 1. Soil quality: peony is suitable for loose, fertile, deep soil. The drainage capacity of soil must be good. General culture soil can be used for potted plants. 2. Soil: neutral or neutral slightly alkaline soil. Watering: "Peony should be dry rather than wet." Peony is a deep-rooted fleshy root, afraid of long-term stagnant water, usually watering should not be too much, should be properly dry. Water twice before planting. Irrigate once before the beginning of winter to ensure its safety through the winter. Supply water according to the dry and wet soil after the beginning of spring, but don't overwater it.

Picture: peony flower

Fertilization: the cultivation of peony base fertilizer must be sufficient. Base fertilizer can be compost, cake manure or manure. It is usually better to apply fertilizer three times a year, that is, spraying phosphate fertilizer plus flower Zhuangtiling half a month before flowering, compound fertilizer once half a month after flowering, and composting before winter to ensure flowering in the second year.

Pruning: pick flowers and prune in time after flower fade, cut them according to the natural growth of the tree, and at the same time smear the wound healing and anti-decay film at the trimming mouth to protect the wound and prevent bacteria from invading and infecting. If the plant is low and the flowers are dense, it should be shorter and heavier in order to inhibit the expansion of branches and the occurrence of root tillers, generally 5-6 branches should be retained per plant.

Pest control: the common diseases of peony are brown spot, root rot and shell insects. Brown spot disease leaves appear brown or black markings, Bordeaux liquid can be sprayed 1-2 times a month, if the disease is serious, it can be sprayed 3 times. The seriously infected leaves should be cut off and burned to prevent spread. If root rot is found, the diseased root should be cut off and burned, and some sulfur powder should be sprinkled in the planting hole when planting. On the other hand, the shell insects were sprayed with 40% omethoate emulsion and 1500 times aqueous solution.

[editor's comments] Peony is a precious flower variety, its wealth and beauty has always been admired by the world, compared with rose flowers, daffodils, it will be more difficult to raise, then, do you know what matters need to pay attention to peony pot culture? The editor of the first Agricultural Economics above will share with you the breeding methods and precautions of peony flowers. I hope it will be helpful to you.