
What if the culture method of five-colored plum has grown in vain?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Five-colored plum, this is a lot of people are super like, flowering is so wayward, what is the breeding method of five-colored plum? What to do when the five-color plum grows: the culture method of the five-color plum: the conservation method in spring, the pot of five-color plum should be turned before leaving the house in spring, and sufficient base fertilizer should be applied.

Five-colored plum, this is a lot of people are super like, flowering is so wayward, what is the breeding method of five-colored plum? What if the five-colored plum grows:

Culture methods of five-colored plum:

1. Maintenance methods in spring

Potted five-color plum should turn the pot before leaving the house in spring, apply sufficient base fertilizer, and prune the branches appropriately. If it is a small seedling, it should be topped to promote lateral branches. For the formed plants, attention should be paid to the thinning of weak and diseased branches and proper truncation in order to maintain a good tree shape and promote more new shoots.

For adults with no seeds left after flowering and fruiting, the residual flowers should be picked in spring to facilitate the extraction of inflorescences from the lower leaf axils. Cut off the withered branches, trim and reshape the new branches to keep the new branches beautiful, and it is easier to shape when the new branches sprout in spring.

2. Maintenance methods in summer

Five-colored plum is native to tropical America, and a small amount of wild plum is found in the south of China. Like warm, humid and sunny environment, not cold-resistant. Bonsai can be maintained outside in the sun during the growing season from spring to autumn, even in midsummer, but it requires good ventilation. If the light is insufficient, the plants will grow too long, the stems and branches will be thin and long, and the flowering will be rare, which will seriously affect the ornamental plants.

Keep the basin soil moist during the growing period to avoid excessive dryness, and pay attention to spraying water to the leaves to increase air humidity; apply thin fertilizer dominated by phosphorus and potassium every 15 days or so to provide sufficient nutrients and make the plant blossom more.

3. Maintenance methods in autumn

Five-color plum autumn is the most flowering time, to maintain sufficient sunlight, flowers can be rich and varied, bright and bright, leaves can also carry out full photosynthesis, set off bright flowers.

Flowering should pay attention to keep the basin soil moist to avoid dryness. If there is a dry situation, the flowers are easy to wilt, and the new buds are not easy to bloom, affecting the viewing of flowers.

4. Maintenance skills in winter

If the room temperature above 15 ℃ is maintained in the sunny part of the room in winter, the plant can grow and blossom normally, and it should be watered, fertilized and pruned properly. If you can not maintain such a high temperature, control watering, stop fertilization, so that the plant dormancy, more than 8 ℃ can safely survive the winter.

What if the five-colored plum grows:

1. Light and water treatment

In the cloudy and rainy days in the south of our country, it is difficult for people to get enough light. At this time, we have to deal with the water. Five-colored plum is a water-resistant plant, but when the light is insufficient, a small amount of water is appropriate. It is overcast and rainy. In order to control the water in time, we only need to keep the micro-tide of the basin soil.

2. No partial application of nitrogen fertilizer at flowering stage

It is true that five-colored plum at flowering stage needs more nutrients, but liquid fertilizer should be applied thinly, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, with little or no application of nitrogen fertilizer. Special fertilizer for flowers and flowers and special fertilizer for flowering are all fine, but do not apply nitrogen fertilizer partially.

3. Chopping cuttings

The overgrowth of five-color plum seedlings can be saved by light, water or fertilization and dwarf element, but the overgrowth of adult plants can only be achieved by beheading and cutting. Intercept the top of the plant and maintain the cuttage. It can take root in 15-30 days.

This is the end of the introduction on the breeding method of five-colored plum. If the five-colored plum appears, you should pay attention to it.

What to do when the five-color plum grows? an analysis of the reasons for the growth of five-color plum

Five-colored plum like light, like warm and humid climate. It has strong adaptability, drought and barren resistance, but not cold resistance, and grows better in loose, fertile sandy loam soil with good drainage. The florescence is from June to October. Sex likes a warm, moist, sunny place. Drought-resistant, slightly shady, not cold-resistant. It is basically cultivated in the open field in the south and can be used as a potted ornament in the north. What if the five-colored plum grows? What is the reason for the growth of five-colored plum? The following wed114 wedding network editor brings you the details.

The reason for the growth of five-colored plum

Lack of light

You can't get a tan in the sun in the tropics. Therefore, how much the five-colored plum native to tropical America likes light can be seen from the process of breeding flower friends in the south of our country. There will be a lot of cloudy and rainy weather in summer in the south, when the five-colored plum, lack of light, began to grow wildly and did not follow the routine at all.

Excessive nitrogen fertilizer

You can see five-colored plum blossom from May to October. Flower friends are worried that the flowering period consumes too much nutrients, so the frequency of fertilizing five-color plum is accelerated, and the amount of nitrogen fertilizer is also increased. The application of nitrogen fertilizer can promote plant growth most, if the partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, it is not only not conducive to blooming, but also easy to cause plant overgrowth.

Too much water

The climate of most parts of southern China is subtropical monsoon climate, while that of Guangdong and Hainan is tropical monsoon climate. But because near the Tropic of Cancer, the temperature is naturally comparable to the area within the Tropic of Cancer. Therefore, the summer temperature may not be ridiculously high. If the temperature is not high enough, the light is not enough, and the amount of water is relatively large, it will also cause the five-colored plum to grow.

What if the five-colored plum grows?

Light and water treatment

In the cloudy and rainy days in the south of our country, it is difficult for people to get enough light. At this time, we have to deal with the water. Five-colored plum is a water-resistant plant, but when the light is insufficient, a small amount of water is appropriate. It is overcast and rainy. In order to control the water in time, we only need to keep the micro-tide of the basin soil.

No partial application of nitrogen fertilizer at flowering stage

It is true that five-colored plum at flowering stage needs more nutrients, but liquid fertilizer should be applied thinly, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, with little or no application of nitrogen fertilizer. Special fertilizer for flowers and flowers and special fertilizer for flowering are all fine, but do not apply nitrogen fertilizer partially.

Beheading cuttage

The overgrowth of five-color plum seedlings can be saved by light, water or fertilization and dwarf element, but the overgrowth of adult plants can only be achieved by beheading and cutting. Intercept the top of the plant and maintain the cuttage. It can take root in 15-30 days.

What if the five-colored plum grows?

The reason for the growth of five-colored plum is lack of light.

You can't get a tan in the sun in the tropics. Therefore, how much the five-colored plum native to tropical America likes light can be seen from the process of breeding flower friends in the south of our country. There will be a lot of cloudy and rainy weather in summer in the south, when the five-colored plum, lack of light, began to grow wildly and did not follow the routine at all.

Excessive nitrogen fertilizer

You can see five-colored plum blossom from May to October. Flower friends are worried that the flowering period consumes too much nutrients, so the frequency of fertilizing five-color plum is accelerated, and the amount of nitrogen fertilizer is also increased. The application of nitrogen fertilizer can promote plant growth most, if the partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, it is not only not conducive to blooming, but also easy to cause plant overgrowth.

Too much water

The climate of most parts of southern China is subtropical monsoon climate, while that of Guangdong and Hainan is tropical monsoon climate. But because near the Tropic of Cancer, the temperature is naturally comparable to the area within the Tropic of Cancer. Therefore, the summer temperature may not be ridiculously high. If the temperature is not high enough, the light is not enough, and the amount of water is relatively large, it will also cause the five-colored plum to grow.

How to deal with light and moisture when the five-colored plum grows?

In the cloudy and rainy days in the south of our country, it is difficult for people to get enough light. At this time, we have to deal with the water. Five-colored plum is a water-resistant plant, but when the light is insufficient, a small amount of water is appropriate. It is overcast and rainy. In order to control the water in time, we only need to keep the micro-tide of the basin soil.

No partial application of nitrogen fertilizer at flowering stage

It is true that five-colored plum at flowering stage needs more nutrients, but liquid fertilizer should be applied thinly, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, with little or no application of nitrogen fertilizer. Special fertilizer for flowers and flowers and special fertilizer for flowering are all fine, but do not apply nitrogen fertilizer partially.

Beheading cuttage

The overgrowth of five-color plum seedlings can be saved by light, water or fertilization and dwarf element, but the overgrowth of adult plants can only be achieved by beheading and cutting. Intercept the top of the plant and maintain the cuttage. It can take root in 15-30 days.