
How to plant several strawberries in a pot without blooming?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Potted strawberries, this is also a kind of strawberries, is super many people know, super good-looking, then potted strawberries do not blossom? Plant several in a pot: what if potted strawberries do not blossom: if strawberries do not blossom in the course of maintenance

Potted strawberries, this is also a kind of strawberries, is super many people know, super good-looking, then potted strawberries do not blossom? Plant several in a pot:

What if potted strawberries don't blossom:

If strawberries do not blossom in the course of maintenance, it is mostly because of our own maintenance problems.

1. Variety problem

If strawberries do not blossom, we should first know the varieties of strawberries, because different varieties of plants are different when they bloom, and they may not blossom because they do not have enough time to grow.

2. Plenty of sunshine

Strawberry is a shade-tolerant plant, but if we want it to grow and blossom better, we should get enough light. Generally, we can accept full or short sunshine in the process of maintenance. Only in this way can we effectively help it promote flower bud differentiation.

3. the temperature is suitable for its growth.

If you want to make strawberries blossom, it is not possible to manage the temperature of strawberries without proper temperature. generally, in the process of maintenance, we will keep the temperature below 20 degrees, because this will make its flower buds differentiate more quickly. compared to the high temperature, it will be disadvantageous to its flowering.

4. Watering properly

Whether we water too much or too little, it will affect its flowering, because too much watering will lead to stagnant water and rotten roots, and too little watering will lead to water shortage. so in the process of maintenance, we have to make sure that its basin soil is in a wet state.

5. Fertilize it reasonably.

Plants need a lot of nutrients to blossom and bear fruit, but because there are certain restrictions on the nutrition of potted plants, we need to supplement nutrients through fertilization at this time. We can increase the use of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before strawberries blossom, which can more effectively promote its flower bud differentiation.

6. Picking leaves to promote flowering

We need to remove some of his leaves in the process of maintaining it, which can induce it to blossom more effectively, especially to remove the old leaves before it blossoms, which is very helpful to its flowering.

Several strawberries are planted in a pot:

Under normal circumstances: potted pot to choose a diameter of 20-30 cm ceramic pot is appropriate, such a pot to plant one on the line. If it is an ordinary flowerpot at home, only one small flowerpot will do. If it is a large flowerpot, one should be planted every 30 centimeters to the left.

The reason why potted strawberries do not blossom is introduced here. Now you know how many strawberries are planted in a pot.

How about potted strawberries? introduction to the planting methods of potted strawberries

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In recent years, with the continuous improvement of people's living standards, people pay more and more attention to the surrounding living environment. Especially with the rise of family vegetable orchards, many people want to plant some vegetables and fruits that can be watched and used at home, so potted strawberries gradually appear. So what about this potted strawberry, what are its benefits, and how do people grow potted strawberries? what things need everyone's attention?

How about potted strawberries?

Strawberry, as we all know, is a perennial herbaceous plant, and it is a very common fruit in real life, but in general, strawberries are relatively expensive in market, and some people eat them less than once in several years, so some people come up with the idea of growing strawberries in their own potted plants. so what are the benefits of potted strawberries?

1. Good visual effect: strawberry is a very pleasant fruit, because its fruit is bright red and bright, and its leaves are green and green, so it looks very beautiful, but it is one of the most dazzling beauties when planted in any kind of flowerpot. Its visual effect is very gratifying.

2. The edible effect is good: ripe strawberries are sweet in acid and sour in sweetness. They taste very delicious. Most people like them very much. If they grow strawberries at home, they can not only eat delicious strawberries, but also spend no money and time to buy them in the market.

3. Strong interest in life: growing fruit is a very interesting thing. Under the pressure of modern people, planting strawberries occasionally can not only pass the time, but also experience the joy of life, which is very similar and comfortable.

Planting method of potted strawberry

Potted strawberries are easy to say, but it's a little troublesome to actually do it, so how to grow potted strawberries:

1. Material selection

A skilful wife cannot make bricks without rice, and you can't grow strawberries without proper flowerpots, strawberry varieties and soil, so you must first prepare all these materials. Flowerpots generally choose ceramic pots with a diameter of about 20 to 30 centimeters, and the soil rich in humus is the best. And strawberry varieties can be random, generally Changhong No. 2, 83-38 and other excellent four seasons strawberry varieties have a higher survival rate when potted, and strawberries can blossom and bear fruit many times.

2. Daily culture management

When strawberries are planted in a flowerpot, you can't feel that there is nothing to do. Plant growth is a long process that requires careful care, so what are the things you need to pay attention to when raising potted strawberries?

① cultivation techniques: usually potted strawberries can be planted all year round, but autumn is the best. Choose strong strawberry seedlings for planting, pay attention to the root system of the seedlings should be extended in the soil as far as possible, the planting depth should be appropriate, can not show roots, can not be absorbed.

② Water and Fertilizer Management: strawberries are usually fruits that blossom and bear fruit many times a year, and their daily nutrition consumption is relatively large, so it is necessary to maintain an adequate supply of nutrients in the daily breeding process, topdressing once a week, watering every morning and evening, and enough liquid water or compound fertilizer produced by the world retting during fertilization.

③ seedling management: strawberries grow faster, especially potted strawberries. It is necessary to pick leaves, stolons and buds in time when necessary. And in order to maintain healthy growth, we also need to pay attention to pest control work.

Conclusion: potted strawberries are indeed a very interesting thing, no matter at home or where, it is full of interest in life, and it is not very difficult to operate, friends who love strawberries can really try.

How do you grow potted strawberries? Planting methods of potted strawberries

How do you grow potted strawberries? Have you mastered all the methods of growing potted strawberries? Next, the editor will introduce the planting methods of potted strawberries to you in detail to help you grow strawberries better.

Planting methods of potted strawberries:

1. Seed selection and basin soil

The selection of potted strawberries and the use of potted soil are very fastidious, a group of good varieties should be selected, they can blossom and bear fruit many times throughout the year, and the soil should choose the soil with high reproductive content as far as possible, and the ceramic pot with the diameter of 20-30cm is the best.

two。 Planting techniques:

Potted strawberries are generally not limited by time, green beans can be used all year round, but it is best to choose strong seedlings, take more soil when raising seedlings, remove old residual leaves, and cut the roots of seedlings to 10cm or so. Let the roots be well planted in the soil, as long as the depth of the planting is not exposed. After planting, water it thoroughly, leave it in the shade for 5 days, and then move to a place with plenty of light.

3. Fertilizer and water management

Fertilizer and water management of potted strawberries is generally very simple, because it can blossom many times a year, so keep adequate fertilizer, usually once a week. Warm water is the best choice for watering, not super-cold water.

4. Planting management

Potted strawberries must do a good job in planting management, properly thinning buds, picking leaves and removing the stems of Pudan. Maintain a good gap between plants, do not block the sun, have good light transmittance, in order to promote the better growth of potted strawberries.

5. Change the basin

Potted strawberries are generally changed after 2 years of fruit. when changing the pot, the plant should be taken out of the pot and cut off the old bad roots, and then loaded into the new pot soil.

6. Temperature and humidity

Generally, the temperature of potted strawberries is the highest at 20-25 degrees, and the temperature can be kept at about 15 degrees in winter. Flowerpots should generally be placed in a ventilated and sunny place to keep the soil moist enough.