
Hydroponic culture method of Rabdosia angustifolia

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Copper grass, also known as water money, likes wet environmental conditions and is suitable for growing in aquariums, aquariums, pools or wetlands: lax environmental requirements, preferably in a humid environment, suitable for aquatic life. Growing in the direction of light, it is easy to tilt the crown and grow only. The cultivation method: half water and half soil is the best, followed by soil culture or water culture.

Copper money grass, also known as water money, likes humid environmental conditions, suitable for water tray, aquarium, pool or wetland growth: the environmental requirements are not strict, in the humid environment is better, suitable for aquatic. Growth to the direction of light, easy to partial crown, excessive length.

Cultivation method: half water and half soil is the best, followed by soil culture, but also hydroponic. Because hydroponics are clean, many flower friends choose hydroponics. Here are some examples of hydroponic experiences.

1. Water money is suitable for extensive coarse cultivation, as long as it is given enough sunlight and water, it can grow very fast.

2. If there is no sunlight indoors, you can use lights instead.

3. Water requires tap water that has been settled for two hours or used every other day.

4. A little nutrient solution can be added to the water.

5. Water money generally has yellow leaves, but it withers much less quickly than it grows, so don't worry.

6. Water money root system will grow green algae, but can not be washed.

7. As long as the water is not rotten, just add water to it, and spray water on the leaves often ~

As the weather gets warmer, it's time to buy some lovely copper grass to nourish it.

Of course, the higher realm of aquatic plants is to do scene design, water money is very easy to raise, but also to do scene commonly used collocation.

Cultivation method: half water and half soil is the best, followed by soil culture, but also hydroponic. Because hydroponics are clean, many flower friends choose hydroponics. Here are some hydroponics experiences. 1. Water money is suitable for extensive coarse cultivation, as long as it is given enough sunlight and water, it can grow very fast. 2. If there is no sunlight indoors, you can use lights instead. 3. Water needs to be tap water that has been settled for two hours, or used every other day. 4. You can add a little nutrient solution to the water. 5. Water money generally has yellow leaves, but it withers at a much slower rate than it grows, so don't worry. 6. Water money root system will grow green algae, but can not be washed. 7. As long as the water is not rancid, just add water to it, and at the same time spray water on the leaves often. As the weather gets warmer, you can now buy some lovely copper coins to raise them. Of course, the higher level of water-raised plants is to do scene design. Water money is very easy to raise ~ It is also a common match for doing scenery. How does a copper seed grow?

Copper money grass, leaves round shield shape, such as a copper coin, with a long handle, wavy edge, summer and autumn open small yellow-green flowers. The cultivation and management of copper coin grass is simple, the plant shape is beautiful, the leaf color is green, and it is very eye-catching. It is one of the most favorite water plants of flower friends at present, and it is widely respected. This kind of plant can be potted in warm areas, suitable for water dishes, aquariums, pools, wetlands, indoor water greening; but, for this kind of copper flower grass how to cultivate better? Copper money grass can also be hydroponic, then, how to carry out hydroponic? What about hydroponics? Below, for everyone to tell the next copper grass hydroponic method, I hope to help everyone.

The method of hydroponics of copper flower grass

1, choose some copper money grass, must take the root oh, otherwise can not live, in order to be beautiful, we can arrange the height of its leaves according to their own preferences. Put the collated copper flower grass into a water culture bottle.

2, in the root of copper grass pressure on small stones, white stones more beautiful, if there are colored stones bought from the Internet is also very good, and then add some water, so simple.

3. There is also a method to plant copper money grass directly into the sand without putting stones. You can only plant one or two copper money grass with ups and downs. When it germinates slowly, it will look better. There is a feeling of silt without staining.

4. There are very few pests. Strong growth adaptability, no need for deliberate care. After a while, the whole container will be filled with coriander. Water is often sprayed on the leaves to keep them green and shiny. After dense growth, ventilation should be paid attention to, otherwise the plant is easy to yellow. Winter roots are frostbitten. Spring eager to leave the room, copper money grass temporarily unable to adapt to the sudden change in climate. Long-term exposure to poorly ventilated environments. Leaves do not spray water for a long time, accumulated dust, hindered photosynthesis.

Key Points of Copper Flower Maintenance

Water money is suitable for extensive coarse cultivation, as long as it is given enough sunlight and water, it can grow very fast. Water needs to be tap water that has been settled for more than two hours, or used every other day. A little nutrient solution can be added to the water. If there is no sunlight indoors, you can use lights instead. Water money generally has yellow leaves, but it withers at a much slower rate than it grows, so don't worry. Water money root system will grow green algae, but can not be washed. Water is not rancid, just add water to it, and spray water regularly on the leaves.

Meaning of copper coins

According to the culture in our country, pay attention to meaning, homonym, etc., copper coin grass, round leaves, like mini lotus leaves, quite lovely, but also like ancient copper coins, meaning reunion, good luck, and the name stained with "copper""money" two words, meaning naturally different, home copper coins, rolling wealth, so it is considered a symbol of wealth, so planting copper coin grass in the home has symbolic significance, but also avoids the use of gold copper decoration tacky, But the shape of copper money grass is special, and noble gas.

Coin grass and home style collocation

Now people have begun to turn from complex to the pursuit of simple and comfortable home style environment, so more and more people design furniture style simple and chic, fresh and beautiful, copper grass in the home style collocation also versatile green plants, for example, with round transparent glass container cultivation copper grass, both fresh and beautiful, and publicity personality, will make your home add a lot of artistic flavor. If it is a return to natural pastoral home style, let alone, copper grass chic green, more natural fresh refined.

The above is the method of hydroponics of copper money grass for everyone. Is everyone clear? More home improvement knowledge please pay attention.