
How to maintain Chunyu / Golden Diamond

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Spring feather is known as spring taro and golden diamond. It is a perennial evergreen herb of the genus Colocasia of Araceae. The stem is short, tufted, the leaf is huge, the whole leaf is pinnately parted, leathery. The potted growers are smaller. The leaves are dark green, smooth and shiny. Sexual preference for warm, humid environment, shade tolerance, fear of direct exposure to strong light

Spring feather is known as spring taro and golden diamond. It is a perennial evergreen herb of the genus Colocasia of Araceae. The stem is short, tufted, the leaf is huge, the whole leaf is pinnately parted, leathery. The potted growers are smaller. The leaves are dark green, smooth and shiny.

Sexual preference for warm, humid environment, shade tolerance, fear of direct sunlight, suitable for loose and fertile sandy loam. Potted plants can choose rotten leaf soil or peat soil plus a small amount of river sand culture soil. During the growing season, the basin soil should be kept moist and should not be fertilized too much, such as applying thin cake fertilizer and water once or twice a month or applying a long-acting granular fertilizer every 1 or 2 months. If fertilizing too much, it will lead to slender and weak petiole, bending and sagging, affecting the ornamental effect.

In autumn and spring, it can be placed near the indoor south window □, and after the spring is warm, it can be placed in the shade of outdoor trees or other shaded places. Avoid direct sunlight in summer, and pay attention to the wine on the ground around the flowerpot and spray water on the leaves every day to improve the air humidity. It is advisable to keep the room above 10 degrees Celsius at room temperature where there is sufficient light in winter, control watering, stop fertilizing.

Cultivation techniques

1. Basin soil

You can choose mud basin planting, which can cover other pots, which is both beautiful and breathable. Because Chunyu prefers slightly acidic soil with fertile, loose and good drainage, family cultivation can be mixed with rotten leaf soil, peat soil, garden soil and a small amount of river sand. Depending on the growth of the plant, the pot will be changed once in spring in about 2 years.

two。 Light

Spring taro like temperature, shade-resistant, not cold-resistant, avoid strong light direct exposure. The hot summer should be kept in the shade. In winter, it can be placed in a sunny place.

3. Temperature

The suitable temperature for growth was 20 ℃ ~ 30 ℃ and began to grow after 10 ℃, and the suitable overwintering temperature was higher than 8 ℃.

4. Watering

Spring taro likes the humid environment, usually can pour some rice washing water, pay attention to keep the basin soil moist during the growing period. In summer, you can spray water around the leaves or flowerpots every day to maintain a fresh and moist microclimate. Watering should be flexible, keep the soil moist in spring and summer, and dry and wet in autumn and winter.

5. Fertilizer application

Like fertilizer, in the golden diamond May-September growth season, fertilizer water 1-2 times a month, avoid partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise the petiole will be slender and weak, not easy to stand upright, thus affecting the ornamental effect. Fertilize as little as possible in other seasons.

6. Overwintering

The overwintering temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃. In winter, the air temperature decreases gradually, so the watering times should be reduced. Although spring taro likes to be warm and humid, it has a strong ability to adapt to the indoor dry environment in winter in the north. When going up or changing the basin, some hoof horn pieces or oil residue are padded at the bottom of the basin as base fertilizer, and then liquid fertilizer can be applied once a month (such as thin pancake fertilizer, etc.). In winter, apply less or stop fertilizing.

Reproduction method

There are ramet or cuttage methods for reproduction. In general, strong-growing plants can sprout tillers at the base, and after they take root, they can be taken off and planted separately. Or cut off the upper part of the plant into a plant, the base of the old plant will sprout several buds, these buds can be used for reproduction.

Matters needing attention

1. Some light fertilizer can be applied properly in the growing season, but not too much

two。 Usually spray water to the leaf surface, and watering should be properly controlled in winter. But don't water too often.

3. Outdoor maintenance should be placed in the shade, indoor anywhere can grow, but the bright light is better. As long as the room temperature is kept above 8 ℃, it can survive the winter safely.

4. The water content should be controlled in winter management, and the basin soil should be watered dry. For adult plants, before leaving the room every year, change to loose and fertile nutrient soil, and use hoof horn or oil residue in the basin as base fertilizer. In late April, the flowerpot was moved to the outdoor leeward and sunny place for management. High temperature in summer should avoid inflammation and strong sunlight, so shading measures should be taken.

5. Spring feather needs a lot of water, it is watered twice every day in summer, and the foliar surface is often sprayed with water to clean the foliar surface and maintain a fresh and moist microclimate. Usually irrigate Amoy rice water, light chicken, fish blood water, increase soil fertility, prevent basin soil consolidation. Spring feather grows fast, adjusts water, fertilizer, light and temperature, and can grow 375 leaves a year.

The above is what I have sorted out about the cultivation methods and points for attention of spring feathers. I hope it can be helpful to you. Please continue to pay attention to the succulent flower bed and learn more about flowers.

Cultivation methods and matters needing attention of Golden Diamond maintenance Secret techniques

Home furnishings are inseparable from green plants, which can not only embellish and beautify the home, but also improve the air quality of the home. Golden Diamond is a very common indoor foliage plant with broad, strange and beautiful leaves. It has a good decorative effect on home layout. What should we pay attention to in the breeding method of golden diamond?

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Basic information of golden diamond:

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Golden diamond (Latin name: PhilodenronselloumKoch), also known as spring feather, spring taro, pinnacle, etc., is a kind of evergreen herb for many years, which is more shade-tolerant, the golden diamond plant is dense, the leaves are broad and peculiar, and the leaf color is green and green, it is now a very common foliage plant in the home indoor or public places, the plant type is large and small, generally small will be placed in desks, windowsills and other places, large plants will be placed in living rooms and other more spacious places.

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The culture method of golden diamond:

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1. Soil: Golden diamond culture is not strict on soil, it is better to use sandy loam rich in humus and good drainage, and potted plants are generally made of peat and perlite.

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2. Watering: the golden diamond originates from the tropical rain forest and likes the humid environment, and the page of the golden diamond is wide and thin, so it is necessary to keep the basin soil moist in the growth cycle, especially in the summer high temperature period. but it can not be watered too much, the accumulation of water in the basin soil is easy to cause the root system of the golden diamond plant to rot and die.

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3, sunshine: the golden diamond likes the semi-overcast environment, and the requirements for light are not strict, but it is not tolerant to the long-term shaded environment, otherwise it will cause the golden diamond leaf color to become lighter, the petiole longer, the leaf sagging and the ornamental reduced; it can not let the golden diamond be exposed to strong light, otherwise the leaf is prone to dry leaf tip, scorched edge, leaf color whitening and loss of luster, so the golden diamond is most suitable for maintenance in an environment with sufficient astigmatism or semi-shade.

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4. Fertilization: Golden diamond needs to provide sufficient fertilizer in the period of vigorous growth, mainly nitrogen fertilizer is better, at the same time, pay attention to do not apply too much fertilizer at one time, it is best to apply thin fertilizer frequently. After entering the autumn, we should pay attention to control the amount of fertilizer to facilitate the winter. When the temperature is below 20 ℃, we should stop applying fertilizer.

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5. Insect pests: the common diseases of golden diamond are leaf spot, anthracnose and so on. It is generally controlled by wettable powder such as carbendazim, methyl topiramate and Dysen zinc, and the effect is obvious. In terms of insect pests, there are mainly red spiders and shell insects, which can be sprayed and controlled, and environmental management should be strengthened at the same time.

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6. Pruning: the golden diamond will begin to appear yellow, withered and charred leaves for a period of time, which should be checked. If the disease is not caused by simple metabolism, then the old leaves need to be pruned in time to reduce the loss of plant nutrients.

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Matters needing attention in the culture of golden diamond:

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1. Golden Diamond likes a warm climate. The temperature of breeding needs to be kept at about 20 ℃, not less than 10 ℃, and to avoid heating, air conditioning and cold wind.

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2. The golden diamond is produced in the tropical rain forest and has a great demand for water. generally, the air humidity is required to be kept between 50% and 75%, which is lower than 50% of the dry edge of the yellow leaves.

3. Golden diamond watering is best carried out when the surface of basin soil is dry, and can be kept moist in high temperature in summer. If the ambient temperature is lower than 15 ℃ in winter, dry and wet alternating watering is needed.

4. Golden Diamond likes light, but avoids strong direct light. It is better to maintain the environment in a semi-shade or a place with sufficient scattering, not in a shady environment for a long time, otherwise the leaves are easy to yellowing and the light is not too strong, so that the leaves will not be glossy.

5. Golden Diamond fertilization is based on the principle of frequent application of thin fertilizer, and nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer.

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The fancy words of the golden diamond:

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The golden diamond with luxuriant leaves gives people a feeling of prosperity, and the golden diamond has strong vitality, the leaves are green and green, symbolizing vigorous vitality, therefore, its flower language is many children and many blessings.

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The reproduction of golden diamond:

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The propagation methods of spring feathers are mostly carried out by cutting, sowing and dividing plants, and it is best to use cutting and dividing plants in the family, and the operation is relatively simple.

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Cutting propagation: it is suitable for cutting propagation between May and September, cut the stems with strong growth and long branches, directly insert them into the clean river sand and place them in the semi-shade place, maintain a high air humidity, the temperature is about 25 ℃, and it can take root in 20-25 days.

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Ramet propagation: when there is a small plant at the base of the old plant, the small plant should be carefully separated from the old plant so as not to hurt the old plant or the root. You can also choose to remove the heart of the lateral plant, which can not only dwarf the plant, but also give birth to more lateral plants. when the new lateral plant is about 15 cm, it can be cut off with aerial roots and replanted.

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The breeding methods and matters needing attention of the golden diamond are said to be here. The golden diamond is a very good foliage plant, whether it is an indoor living room, study, or outdoor courtyard balcony, the layout of the golden diamond will have a very good beautification effect. For more information on household flowers, please follow the Flower Channel Flower column.

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