
If you buy flowers, you must go around these pits, or you will die when you go home, and your intestines will repent!

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, The change of season, you flower friends have been rubbing their hands, ready to go to the flower market ~ anyway, the flower is not idle, the family did not spend to see it is uncomfortable, have to go to the flower market to walk a few laps. Today, Huahua will send an experience post to tell you which flowers are in the flower market. Don't buy them no matter how cheap they are!

Bright flowers and leaves, beware of merchant traps

Huahua found that the flowers in our family did not have the water spirit on the flower market. It seemed that the leaves of the flowers were really greased. Later, a friend who sold flowers told Huahua that they would spray "brightener" every day!

The flower sprayed with an increment makes people like it as if it had been oiled. You must bear it. This brightener is oily and will affect foliar respiration. It is easy to die if you buy it back for less than 2 days.

Don't buy those with disease, go back and infect a lot of them.

Summer and autumn is also a period of high incidence of disease, you can be sure when buying flowers, if which leaf has worm eyes, screen, rust spots, do not buy! Buying it back is not only incurable, but also can infect other flowers in the family.

If it is difficult for you to distinguish between diseases, you can focus on the leaves of rose, succulent, rich tree, clematis, chrysanthemum, bean green, and money tree. If you find aphids, red spiders, and scale insects, put them down and don't buy them!

Don't be curious, nine times out of ten you won't live.

Not only foliar brighteners are commonly used in flower markets, but also "discoloration agents" are used, especially succulent plants. If you see many colorful succulent plants and jade trees, 90% of them are medicated, and the color fades when you buy them back, and the survival rate is very low.

In addition to succulent plants, there are also some colorful flower varieties. If you sell multicolor flowers and flower roots, you can say that one tree can produce several colors of flowers. Almost all of them are big tricks. 2 yuan is also money. Don't be fooled!

Don't buy crooked ones, spend money looking for trouble

There are many pots of the same kind of flowers in the flower market, pick them around, do not take "crooked neck" flowers, these are generally not good growth, not only affect the beauty, but also easy to buy back stunted.

When you encounter something like orchids and gentlemen's orchids, you should choose those with symmetrical leaves; those with succulent ones, you should pick short, fat and round ones; and roses, triangular plums, etc., you should pick dry and strong branches.

If there are few buds, it is not worth the money.

Autumn is also the time to buy small daisies and longevity flowers. First of all, it depends on whether the color of the flowers is strong, which means that the nutrition is more adequate, and you can keep blooming even if you buy it back.

In addition to the color, but also to pick more buds, the temperature is appropriate to go back to the pot is relatively easy, as long as do not pour too much water, the bud can normally open, the same price to buy more flowers pot bud, it must be worth it!

The potted soil is scattered and light, and there is something fishy about the flower.

Newly bought flowers are difficult to adapt, picking flowers is very critical, looking at the potted soil is very scattered, like newly filled soil, this is generally transplanted in the greenhouse, has not yet taken the pot, it is even more difficult to buy back.

Think about it a few times when picking flowers. If the whole is very light, it means that most of the soil is not nutritious and its roots are poor, or the lower half of the flowerpot is covered with plastic and paper, all of which are the "tricks" of businessmen. Don't be fooled.