
What happened to the wrinkled leaves in the dance of elegant music?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, What happened to the wrinkled leaves in the dance of elegant music?

The dance of elegant music is a kind of succulent plant, which is not uncommon, and the number of people raised is also relatively large. At the stage of its normal metabolism, the plant will lose its leaves, but sometimes the leaves will wrinkle, which is not a normal metabolism. Be sure to check what caused it.

First, the reason why the leaves of the elegant music dance are wrinkled.

1. The slow root is not good.

That is, after we buy it home and transplant, the plant needs a certain amount of time to slow down the pot. If the pot soil and external environment are not suitable, the slow root process will lead to wrinkling and thinning of the leaves.

two。 There is a problem with watering

The watering problems mentioned here, including too much or too little watering, will make the leaves wrinkle in the dance of elegant music. If there is a lack of water, the leaves of the elegant music dance can not fully absorb water, and the leaves of the elegant music dance will wrinkle; if they are watered too much and the roots are soaked in the water, the roots will rot and the leaves of the elegant music dance will wrinkle. Don't water too often, but don't stay unwatered for a long time. Look at the humidity of the basin soil to master it.

Second, what if the leaves of the elegant music dance are wrinkled

If the leaves of the elegant music dance are wrinkled due to root problems, we should change the pot and transplant in time, because if there are rotten roots, there will be a lot of bacteria in the original soil, and we have to cut off the roots and let it take root again. An appropriate amount of rooting powder can also be added to the basin soil to promote root regeneration.

Or you can take the way of re-cutting, the plant will be cut off branches and cuttings, slow maintenance.

The above are the causes and solutions of the wrinkled leaves of the elegant music dance introduced by the pro-agricultural network. I hope it will be helpful to you. The elegant music dance is a very lovely succulent plant, so you might as well plant a pot at home if you like.