
These 5 kinds of flowers, half a month without watering will become old piles, the price will be 10 times!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In recent years,"old pile" has become a popular word for wreath-raising, and many flower friends envy the flowers of other people's homes to easily cultivate old piles. In fact, it is not difficult to cultivate old piles, as long as you master Huahua's "old pile cultivation secret manual"!

Aloe old pile

Aloe leaves are thick and contain a lot of juice and can survive even in dry environments. If aloe wants to become an old pile, it must consume the water of the bottom leaves and promote the Lignification of the branches.

The old pile develops the Dafa:

Unless the potted soil of aloe vera is about to dry and crack, do not water frequently. Flower friends can water once every half a month, do not let the basin soil in a state of too wet for a long time.


Most sunflowers are annual. If you want to develop an old pile, you'd better choose sunflowers with perennial roots.

The old pile develops the Dafa:

After the sun flowerpot soil dries, pour water through, and then put it in the sun to give enough light to let its branches slowly become woody. If you want sunflowers to become old stakes quickly, you can use grafting.

Succulent plant

Succulent old pile should be the most familiar to flower friends, there are some varieties, such as Ji obiyue, jade butterfly, winter beauty, it is very easy to develop old pile.

The succulent old pile is cultivated as a great method:

In addition to choosing the right variety, succulent plants also need water control measures to make succulent plants consume their own leaves to meet the water needs for growth. Therefore, in the process of developing old piles, we must not water them frequently.

Longevity flower

When longevity flowers reach a certain age, they will naturally become lignified into old stakes, but through certain skills, the process of Lignification of longevity flowers can be accelerated.

The great method of developing old piles of longevity:

In addition to forcibly rolling leaves and Lignification of branches, longevity flowers can also develop old stakes by controlling water. Reduce the watering frequency, bask in the sun more, and let the branches become naturally Lignified.


The reason why Yushu is loved by people, in addition to its round and thick appearance, but also it can survive for a long time, is a flower that can accompany people for a lifetime.

The old pile in Yushu is cultivated as a great method:

Yushu is very resistant to drought, but is very afraid of stagnant water, once it is easy to rot roots. Therefore, do not worry that Yushu will dry to death, if you want to develop an old pile, you have to raise it in drought, as long as the pot soil is not dry, do not water!

Have you grown old stakes in your flowers?

If you have a better old pile to develop the secret

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