
Are peony orchid and andrographis a kind of plant?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, They are not the same plant. In the former, the leaves are dense green, the flowers bloom on the branches, the color of the flowers is red, and the flowering period lasts from spring to autumn, and you can see flowers and leaves. The latter has oval leaves, flowers can be seen at the top and armpits, and its calyx has some small hairs, while the Corolla is white and hairy on the outside.

1. Peony hanging orchid

1. Although this kind of plant has the name of Cymbidium, it is not this genus. We give it such a name because its branches are drooping, and its appearance is semi-creeping, which looks very much like it.

2. Its leaves are thick green, the flowers bloom on the branches, the color of the flowers is red, and the flowering period lasts from spring to autumn, and you can see flowers and leaves. It is a better flower that decorates the living room and windowsill.

3. It is a perennial evergreen succulent plant. The branches are about 20 cm long, with more meat and bright green. These branches have edges and angles, and when they are elongated, they look like half-lying on their stomach. Flowering apically, branching after flowering. The color of the flower is dark red, the middle is light yellow, the shape is roughly similar to the chrysanthemum, small petals, shiny, blooming from spring to autumn.

4. And its branches are hairless, there are some small particles, and the leaves grow opposite to each other, with a length of about one or two centimeters. In addition, it has more petals and a longer flowering period, which is in July and August when it is in full bloom. And the number of seeds is more.

2. Andrographis paniculata

1. This kind of plant has many aliases, perhaps what we all know is precisely its aliases, such as Indian grass, golden vanilla and so on.

2. It is relatively tall, about 50 to 80 centimeters, and its lower branches are quite long, so some people can't tell them apart for this reason. In addition, its leaves are oval, and the length of the leaves is about four to eight centimeters. It can be used for medicinal purposes, such as clearing away heat and reducing inflammation.

3. The flower can be seen on the top and armpits, and its calyx has some small hairs, while the Corolla is white and hairy on the outside.

In addition, the number of its seeds is not so large, only about 12, and the shape is square, there are some small wrinkles, so we can also tell the two by the appearance and number of its seeds.

5. In addition, it is born in one year, while the former is born in several years. It is impossible to recognize them by this alone, but if the family keeps it, it can be known according to the year.