
What should be paid attention to when orchids bloom and how to protect them?

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, What should be paid attention to when orchids bloom and how to protect them?

1. Moisture

The plant needs more water than usual when it blossoms. If there is not enough water, it may affect the flower. Do not sprinkle water on the bud when watering. Remember to control the water for the plant after all the flowers bloom.

Second, humidity

If the plant should control the humidity of its surrounding environment after flowering, keep the humidity appropriate, can not be too dry and whether it can be too wet.

Third, sunshine

When the plant is still a bud, it should be placed in a mild sun to absorb sunlight, and after the flower blooms, it should be placed in a cool place, which can prolong the flowering period.

4. Pruning

If the plant has a large number of flowering buds, it can be pruned properly so that it can be concentrated and distributed to healthy buds.

V. Protection

When the plant is in bloom, if the wind is strong, it is likely to break the stem of the plant, and the flowers may be blown out of spirit, so it is necessary to move the plant indoors in a windy and rainy climate.