
Cymbidium, the Star of the three Gorges

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In 2006, in an Weilan you Hou Forest, it was found that the former ridge flowers were sold to Mr. Xu Renpeng, a fragrant orchid garden in Shanghai, and were named "jubilant". During the Spring Festival in 2008, I got this grass by chance. After many discussions with the elders of the Orchid Association, I named it the Star of the three Gorges.

In 2006, it was discovered in Anwei Lanyou Shulin. At that time, the front ridge flower was sold to Mr. Xu Renpeng of Shanghai Yixiang Lanyuan; it was named "Happy". Spring Festival in 2008, I got this grass by chance; after many discussions with the elders of the Blue Association, I named it the Star of the Three Gorges