
He Chunlan of the three Gorges

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, "three Gorges Lotus" is downhill in Kaixian County, Chongqing City, and the digger "Tan Xiaoan". The new product is Huang he, who has won a silver medal in Dazhou Orchid Exhibition. This flower is the lotus petal of Chunlan dwarf species, the petal shape is extremely round, yellow flower, the leaf shape is also very unique.

"three Gorges Lotus" is downhill in Kaixian County, Chongqing City, and the digger "Tan Xiaoan". The new product is Huang he, who has won a silver medal in Dazhou Orchid Exhibition. This flower is the lotus petal of Chunlan dwarf species, the petal shape is extremely round, yellow flower, the leaf shape is also very unique.