
Cotton seed coating technology

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Cotton seed coating technology

With the gradual rise of temperature and the preparation for ploughing and spring sowing, cotton planting has also entered the work of seed screening, seed drying and coating. Cotton seed coating can promote seed rooting and germination and stimulate plant growth, which is an important measure to prevent diseases and insect pests and ensure the whole seedling and strong seedling. So how does cotton seed coating work? Come and have a look with the editor.

1. Effect of seed coating agent on cotton seeds

At present, there are many seed coating agents in the market, which can be reasonably selected according to local diseases and insect pests and seed varieties. Its main function is to control cotton rotten seeds, rotten buds and seedling diseases, and can significantly improve the seedling emergence rate in the field. Although seed coating can play a role in preventing diseases and insect pests and improving the emergence rate, attention should be paid to the seed coating time, because it has been proved by experiments that there is a tendency to reduce the germination rate after seed coating, and the germination rate of coated seeds on the day of storage is significantly lower than that of light seeds, but the effect of coating treatment of healthy seeds is very small, only about 1%.

II. Points for attention in use

1. Choose healthy seed coating

When coating, the seeds with high germination rate, low broken seed rate and full grains must be selected. if unhealthy seeds are selected, the influence of germination rate will be greater after coating, while the effect of healthy seeds after coating will be relatively small. therefore, manual seed selection must be carried out before seed coating.

2. Mechanical coating

If you want the seed to be coated evenly, it is recommended to choose mechanical coating, and the loss of the seed is also better. The seed should be mixed strictly according to the proportion of medicine recommended by the commodity, so as to improve the uniformity and the quality of seed dressing.

3. Cushion cloth to dry

After coating, cotton seeds will increase their water content by about 3%. At this time, they need to be dried, and the seeds can not be bagged until the water content is less than 12%. It is strictly forbidden to dry the seeds directly on the cement ground, and pay attention to the cushion so as not to burn the seeds at high temperature. reduce seed quality.

4. Finish the coating as soon as possible

The seed coating work should be completed 10 days before sowing. After drying, the seed coating should be bagged and stored for more than 10 days to improve the seedling emergence rate.

5. Understand the function of coating

At present, the coating machine on the market generally has bactericidal effect, such as Fujia seed coating agent, which only has bactericidal effect, not insecticidal effect, so remind farmers to understand its role when purchasing seed coating agent.

The above is the introduction of cotton seed coating technology, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.