
Management measures of cotton after waterlogging

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Management measures of cotton after waterlogging

Cotton is a kind of crop with strong tolerance to waterlogging. after being waterlogged for 2-3 days, the plant is intact after waterlogging. after waterlogging for more than ten days, its leaves fall off and its main roots rot. As long as the growing point is not dead and managed in time after drainage, the plant can resume growth after about 20 days. So how to manage cotton after being flooded? Let's get to know it with the editor.

1. Drainage to support seedlings

Although Fumiaoran cotton field can continue to grow after stagnant water, if it is waterlogged for too long, it will seriously affect the root activity of the plant and easily cause a large number of leaves and bolls to fall off. in this case, the medicine can remove stagnant water in time and minimize the time of stagnant water in the field so as not to aggravate the waterlogging damage. In addition, after the cotton is flooded and blown by the wind, its root system will inevitably be lost, often causing cotton lodging, so it can be righted and cultivated in time after drainage, and at the same time, the soil of branches and leaves will be washed off in time to restore normal photosynthesis and promote plant growth.

2. Cultivate the soil by ploughing.

After handling the waterlogging in the cotton field, it will cause soil consolidation, poor ventilation and serious imbalance of water, gas and heat, so it is necessary to carry out mid-tillage as early as possible after drainage to break the soil consolidation condition, and at the same time combine with soil cultivation during mid-tillage. to improve the mildness of the plant rhizosphere to prevent lodging.

3. Increase fertilizer application

After the cotton field is flooded, a large number of nutrients in the soil are washed away, and the absorption capacity of the root system is weakened, so it is necessary to topdressing in time to restore the normal growth and development of cotton plants, and is conducive to the increase of cotton peach. Before cotton resumes growth, foliar fertilizer is mainly sprayed. After the plant resumes growth, it can be ditched 10-13 cm away from the plant. Generally, 10-15 kg of ammonium bicarbonate or 5-7.5 kg of urea are applied per mu.

4. prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

After the resumption of growth in the cotton field, the branches and leaves are young and tender, there are more aphids in the early stage, and they will be damaged by cotton bollworm and cotton bridge worms in the later stage, so it is necessary to be early and ruthless for diseases and insect pests, so that each leaf must be protected, and the yield per plant can be increased as much as possible. In addition, due to the influence of waterlogging, high humidity in the field can easily cause rotten bolls, so attention should be paid to prevention and control. At the same time, the topping time of cotton suffering from waterlogging should be postponed for 5-10 days, and artificial ripening can be carried out in case of drought in autumn.

The above is the introduction of cotton waterlogging management measures, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.