
How to choose and buy stone turtle seedlings

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, First, it is necessary to try to buy stone turtle seedlings with good physique and strong disease resistance, so that the probability of getting disease is low; if the turtle seedlings have poor physique and low disease resistance, the probability of getting disease is high. The physique of the turtle seedling depends on the quality of the turtle species. From the aspect of turtle species, the seedlings hatched by wild and imitation wild stone turtles have the best physique, strong growth and development ability and disease resistance, and the probability of getting disease is low. Therefore, try to buy the seedlings hatched by wild or imitating wild stone turtles. In reality, the wild

First, try to choose and buy stone turtle seedlings with good physique.

If the turtle seedling has a good physique and strong disease resistance, the probability of getting the disease is low; if the turtle seedling has a poor physique and low disease resistance, the probability of getting the disease is high. The physique of the turtle seedling depends on the quality of the turtle species. From the aspect of turtle species, the seedlings hatched by wild and imitation wild stone turtles have the best physique, strong growth and development ability and disease resistance, and the probability of getting disease is low. Therefore, try to buy the seedlings hatched by wild or imitating wild stone turtles. In reality, the stone turtle seedlings hatched by wild stone turtle species are especially loved by the majority of farmers, mainly because of their good quality, less disease and easy growth.

Second, it is necessary to choose and buy stone turtle seedlings that are disinfected and nursed professionally after coming out of their shells.

Whether the turtle seedlings can get the correct disinfection, feeding and nursing in time after coming out of the shell has a direct and key impact on their healthy growth in the future. If disinfection, feeding and care are not carried out in time, the turtle seedlings will become weak, sick and even die.

Third, the stone turtle seedlings should be selected and purchased from the turtle seedling farm with higher professional breeding technology and better after-sales service.

Professional farms will generally carry out professional disinfection and care for the newly shelled turtle seedlings, and will carry out after-sales tracking service for the sold turtle seedlings, the breeding technology is guaranteed, and the probability of disease of the turtle seedlings will be reduced accordingly. In comparison, the morbidity of turtle seedlings purchased by turtle vendors is generally higher, because the purchased turtle seedlings come from different farmers, and ordinary farmers generally do not disinfect and feed the newly shelled turtle seedlings in time, which will lead to the decline of turtle seedling physique. There is also a risk of cross-transmission of bacteria and diseases between turtle seedlings of different farmers.