
How much profit does raising 10 meat donkeys make a year?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, How much profit does raising 10 meat donkeys make a year?

Donkey meat is delicate and delicious with high nutritional value. It is known as "dragon meat in the sky, donkey meat on the ground". In the past decade, it has been selling well in various markets and the price is steadily rising, by contrast, it is higher than pig, cow, sheep, horse and chicken meat. The market price is almost twice that of horse meat. Let's take a look at the profit of raising 10 donkeys a year.

How much does it cost to raise 10 donkeys a year?

The cost of raising meat donkey mainly includes the cost of buying donkey, feed, construction of donkey house, vaccine and medicine, etc. the price of a donkey with more than 200 jin is about 2500 to 3000 yuan. Every day, you need 3 jin of concentrate feed (corn flour, wheat bran, soybean meal, cottoncake, rapeseed cake, etc.) and about 10 jin roughage (crop straw, rice straw, weeds, etc.), and the feed cost is about 6 yuan. For example, the total feed cost for 10 months is 1800 yuan, the construction cost of each donkey house is 100 yuan, the cost of vaccine medicine is 50 yuan, and the cost of artificial water and electricity is 500 yuan. Therefore, the total cost of raising one donkey is 3000 yuan + 1800 yuan + 1800 yuan + 50 yuan + 500 yuan = 5450 yuan, and it costs 54500 yuan a year to raise 10 meat donkeys.

How much profit is it to raise 10 donkeys a year?

The profit of raising donkey is the selling price of donkey minus the cost of raising donkey. under normal circumstances, the weight of each donkey for 10 months reaches 600jin, the average fat donkey is 140.16 yuan per jin, it is sold according to the average price of 15 yuan per jin, and the selling price of 600jin donkey is 9000 yuan. minus the total investment of raising donkey cost 5450 yuan, so the profit of raising one donkey is about 3550 yuan, and that of raising 10 meat donkeys is about 35500 yuan a year.

How to raise the prospect of meat donkey breeding market?

1. Large demand: donkey meat is delicate and delicious, known as "dragon meat in the sky, donkey meat underground", which is favored by consumers, so donkey meat has been in short supply, and the market gap is more than 70%.

2. Low cost: donkey is a herbivore with excellent adaptability, strong disease resistance, easy to manage, low risk, low investment and high benefit, so it is very suitable for entrepreneurs.

3. Multi-efficacy: donkey meat has health functions such as tonifying blood, tonifying qi and tonifying deficiency, and has the characteristics of two high and two low. It has a good health care effect on patients with arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease and hypertension.

4. Support large: the national policy encourages individual entrepreneurship, especially in agriculture and aquaculture, and various local governments have issued a lot of regulations on financial subsidies.

How to reduce the cost of raising meat donkeys?

1. Meat donkeys should keep the house hygienic at all times and use abandoned weeds as bedding grass as far as possible to reduce the waste of forage grass.

2. Feeding less frequently during feeding can save forage grass, and it is easy to develop the problem of picky palatable forage at one time.

3. when feeding, first feed roughage, and then feed concentrate or forage according to its nutritional needs.

4. Feeding donkey concentrate after salinization, alkalization, ammoniation or crushing can improve the utilization rate of forage.

5. To change the bad habit of throwing the forage grass directly into the donkey pen, the forage grass should be fed in the trough.

6. Donkeys should not burn the leftover rough stalks, but can reuse them to reduce feed costs.