
Analysis on the causes of rotting Root of potted Tea Plum

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Tea plum as one of the common potted plants, but not paid attention to in daily maintenance, tea plum will appear rotten root phenomenon, general fertilization leads to tea plum rotten root, mainly because fertilization is too frequent and too thick. It is best to use thin fertilizer to fertilize tea plum.

Tea plum as one of the common potted plants, but not paid attention to in daily maintenance, tea plum will appear root rot phenomenon, generally tea plum root rot is mainly caused by soil, fertilization, watering, the following are described in detail.

Analysis on the causes of rotting Root of Camellia oleifera 1. Rotting Root of Tea Plum caused by flowerpot soil

Improper selection of potted soil, tea plum is very easy to rot roots, which mainly includes two reasons, soil and changing pots.

A, there is something wrong with the soil: it includes two reasons, one is that the acidity and alkalinity of the soil is not suitable, and the other is that the soil is not loose and permeable enough. Camellia oleifera likes acidic soil, so when choosing potted soil, do not choose highly alkaline soil. In addition, the soil also needs to be loose and breathable, rich in humus, more suitable mountain soil, can add a certain amount of pine needles or river sand, which can be conducive to the growth of tea plum roots and reduce the occurrence of rotting roots.

B, there is something wrong with the flowerpot: it is necessary to find the reason in terms of texture and size. Generally grow tea plum, tile basin is better, followed by purple sand basin, porcelain basin is not suitable. In terms of size, it is mainly to ensure that the plant of tea plum can grow well and facilitate the extension of the root system.

2. Large amount of fertilizer application leads to rotting root of tea plum.

It is mainly because of fertilizing too often and too much. The best way to fertilize tea plum is to use thin fertilizer, which can be divided into three growth stages. Nitrogen fertilizer can promote the good growth of Chung shoot in March and April. Phosphate fertilizer is the main fertilizer in May and June, which can make the flowers blossom brightly. The compound fertilizer of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is the best in September and October. Winter is the dormant period of tea plum, generally stop fertilizing.

Therefore, in the fertilization, in addition to ensure that tea plum nutrients are adequate, but also need to pay attention to a degree, in case the fertilizer is too thick and burning roots, rotting roots.

3. Too much watering leads to rotting root of tea plum.

The root rot of tea plum is mostly caused by too much watering. Tea plum needs a lot of watering when it is growing vigorously, but there is still a certain degree, so watering is best carried out according to the dry and wet condition of the potted soil, which is related to the climate, the size and texture of the flowerpot, the growth environment and so on. Basically, when the surface of the basin soil dries, it should be watered, not too much, or the roots will rot. In addition, if watering is needed in winter, the water temperature should not be too low.

Maintenance and Management of potted Flowers in August

Each season has its own characteristics, this year's summer is unusually hot, in such a bad environment, the flowers in the balcony and courtyard will also become very sad, if you do not pay attention to management, it will also cause a variety of diseases, serious even cause death. So in the hot August, how to manage the potted flowers on the courtyard and balcony? The editor will analyze several major aspects of daily maintenance for you.

Baobao flower

First, watering

In August, it should be watered between 9 and 10:00 in the morning and after 4 o'clock in the afternoon to keep the water temperature basically consistent with the soil temperature and air temperature. For those ornamental plant species that like acidity, 0.1% ferrous sulfate can be added to the irrigation water. It is worth noting that for ornamental plants with dense hairs on their leaves, such as Baobao, Tripterygium, Tripterygium, Begonia, etc., the leaves are not easy to evaporate after droplets, which can easily lead to leaf rot, and only a small amount of spray is feasible; the flower buds of Fulang flower (African chrysanthemum) and the leaf center of Magnolia can not be drenched with water, and the flow of dirty water into the leaves will cause heart damage. Pineapples must be watered less, sprayed more, and injected water into the leaf tube in order to meet their needs. When watering and spraying potted plants this month, you must pay attention to loosening the soil, but every 10 days, otherwise it will lead to pot soil hardening due to repeated watering. For dormant and semi-dormant flower species, watering and spraying should be controlled to keep the basin soil slightly moist, and a relatively cool environment can be created by spraying water around the flowerpot.

II. Fertilization

In August, foliage plants Such as tortoise back bamboo, one-leaf orchid, rubber tree, spring feather, brown bamboo, red (green) gemstone, southern sequoia, golden wasabi, beautiful needle sunflower, sunflower, fishtail sunflower, sunflower, green apple, Brazilian wood, Dutch iron, fortune tree, kidney fern, dew tree, ash wood (African jasmine), orchid cinnamon (peace wood), gold coin tree (dragon and Phoenix wood), taro, green emperor, green queen, poinsettia, pink leaf, goose palm wood, peach leaf coral, green queen Pocket coconut, leafy wood, star anise gold plate, etc. Can be applied with low concentration of liquid fertilizer, such as urea, flower special fertilizer or cake fertilizer. For species with long flowering period, such as rose, magnolia, jasmine, pearl orchid, crape myrtle, pomegranate, Milan, four seasons cinnamon, cinnamon, triangular plum, five-colored plum, etc., as well as daidai, bergamot, kumquat, lemon, rich seeds, firethorn, golden marbles, pomegranate, pumpkin, papaya, etc., in addition to ensuring nitrogen supply, we should also apply appropriate amount of available phosphate and potassium fertilizer, such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate and so on. For potted grass flowers blooming in autumn, such as red, thousand-day red, dry chrysanthemum, marigold, peacock grass, longkou flower, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum, pocket sunflower, etc., thin liquid fertilizer can be applied every semimonthly to ensure the reproduction of leaves and flowers after autumn. For the species of flowers and trees in flower bud differentiation, such as camellia, tea plum, plum blossom, sweet-scented osmanthus, rhododendron and so on, low concentration of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied to the leaves. When applying organic fertilizer to ornamental plants, do not drop the fertilizer on the leaves, so as not to cause the leaves to rot. For the sake of safety, spray water on the leaf surface in time after fertilization to rinse away the fertilizer droplets that may adhere to the leaves. For ornamental plant species in dormant or semi-dormant state, such as orchid, crabapple, calla lily, cyclamen, Daphne, aloe, longevity flower, purslane, crab claw orchid, sedum, purple triangle leaf sorrel, cactus, cactus, etc., it is necessary to stop all forms of topdressing, otherwise it is easy to lead to rotten roots or death.

Begonia semperflorens

Third, shading

In August, the heat is still strong, so it is still very important to manage the shade of potted flowers in the courtyard. For those cool ornamental plant species Such as tortoise back bamboo, spring feather, cherry angel, rubber tree, hulk, hulk, taro, taro, red (green) gemstone, brown bamboo, green apple, green emperor, green queen, bluegrass, pink daiye, pepper grass, pineapple, water mass flower, mirror grass, fern, Buddha belly bamboo, Phoenix tail bamboo, hanging orchid, auspicious grass, pocket coconut, netted grass, purple velvet, blood leaf orchid, silver silk grass, black leaf Guanyin lotus, crystal candle, anthurium, anthurium Begonia, rich bamboo, one-leaf orchid, asparagus, purple calyx, etc. Can continue to give shade, pull up the shade net at 9: 00 in the morning, and then withdraw after 4: 00 in the afternoon. If the number of potted flowers is small, they can also be moved indoors for 6 to 7 hours before and after noon. If there are conditions, you can also move it to the shade of big trees and wait until the middle of September to move out from the shade of trees.

4. Pruning

In August, those stump bonsai that are vigorous, pruning-resistant and easy to germinate continue to be heart-picked or trimmed, such as hammer elm, Finch plum, Fujian tea, banyan tree, white wax, bayberry, melon seed and yellow poplar. Cut the rose, pomegranate, Milan and so on after each flower. Potted chrysanthemums should do a good job of peeling buds and removing buds.

V. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

In August, scale insects, citrus butterflies, rose leaf wasps, peach red-necked longicorn beetles and other pests should be controlled. Pay attention to the prevention of orchid leaf diseases, including anthracnose, Botrytis cinerea, leaf blight and so on. Pay attention to the control of chrysanthemum aphids, leaf moths, borer and so on.

Basic knowledge of growing flowers, grass and potted plants

Basic knowledge of growing flowers, grass and potted plants

Good teaching materials: basic knowledge of growing flowers, grass and potted plants

Potted basic knowledge watering chapter 1. Term explanation-buckling water is in the process of flower growth, no watering or less watering to limit its vegetative growth, so that nutrients are accumulated, which is conducive to flower bud differentiation and formation of flower buds. For example, the cultivation of triangular plum, plum blossom (green peach, chrysanthemum, jasmine, winter coral, bergamot, orange, etc.) begins to "buckle water" when the new shoot grows to about 20 cm, that is, without watering for 2-3 days, the plant begins to show a withered state due to lack of water, and only a small amount of water is watered to restore the leaves. After repeated 2-3 times, the growth of the top of the branch is inhibited, making nutrients concentrated and promoting flower bud differentiation. 2. Noun explanation-backwater means that fresh water must be watered again in the morning after fertilizing the night before. It can promote the root system to absorb fertilizer and avoid fertilizer damage. Because the fertilizer applied the night before last after a night of infiltration, the concentration of fertilizer is too high, not only it is not easy to absorb the roots, but also burn the seedlings. After watering "backwater", the fertilizer in the soil is diluted, which is beneficial to root absorption. (more suitable for the following flowers: West (country) rhododendron, gentleman orchid, camellia, magnolia, jasmine, pearl orchid, etc.) 3, noun explanation-"blocking waist water" is also called "half-cut water", which refers to the basin soil "wet up and down dry", that is, the upper part is wet and the lower half is dry. Due to the poor drainage of the soil leads to stagnant water in the basin soil, the poured water can not leak out of the basin hole.

4. Noun explanation-hard water and soft water are divided into hard water and soft water according to the condition of salt content. Soft water refers to water whose hardness is less than 8 degrees; hard water refers to water whose hardness is higher than 8 degrees and has higher salt content. Water should be watered with salt-free soft water. 5, noun explanation-see dry see wet for some flowers that like to be wet, such as rhododendron, camellia, Michelia, gardenia, Milan, etc., it is necessary to water according to the principle of "dry and wet". When you see the white surface of the cultivation medium, you can water it until it is wet. To achieve the basin soil should not be too dry or too wet for a long time, just keep it "moist". 6. Noun explanation-dry and thoroughly watered potted flowers such as orchids, preserved plums and geraniums that like dry and afraid of waterlogging should be watered according to the principle of "dry and thoroughly watered". Only when the cultivation medium is dry can it be watered. "watering thoroughly" means not pouring "waist water", but to make the basin soil drenched thoroughly. If it is not irrigated thoroughly, the root system will not be able to absorb water, which will affect its growth. 7. Noun explanation-better dry than wet for five-needle pine, black pine and xerophytes, water should be watered according to the principle of "better dry than wet". Water must not be accumulated until it is thoroughly dry. 8. Noun explanation-soil moisture is usually expressed as a percentage of soil water content. The water needed for flower growth is mainly absorbed from the soil, so the soil moisture is generally 60-70% of the field capacity. 9. Noun explanation-the field soil has a maximum water-holding capacity, which is collectively referred to as the field water-holding capacity, which is about 25%, which is a limit of soil water-holding capacity. 10. Noun explanation-the magnitude of air humidity is often expressed as a percentage of air relative humidity. During the day, at the highest temperature in the afternoon, the relative humidity of the air is the smallest and the maximum in the morning. The air humidity required for general flowers is about 65-70%, while plants in arid and desert climates are much lower than this. Species with aerial roots, such as greenhouse flowers, tropical foliage plants and tropical orchids, as well as humidity-loving plants such as ferns, need about 70-80% air humidity. 11. Noun explanation-- dry air: due to dry air, a large amount of water in flowers transpirates. At this time, the lack of water in the soil will cause the plant water imbalance and temporarily wither, but it will not die. 12. Noun explanation-soil drought: atmospheric drought often causes soil drought. Soil long-term expenditure of water, and there is no timely replenishment, can not supply the water needed by flowers, resulting in withering and death. 13, noun explanation-waterlogging due to poor soil drainage, too much water, air can not enter the soil, over time will cause plant suffocation and death. Culture soil-medium part 1, noun explanation-- the mass of medium per unit volume. To reflect the loose and compact degree of the medium, the bulk density indicates that the medium is too tight, and the permeability of water and air is poor; too small bulk density indicates that it is too loose, and the plant is not easy to stand firm. 2. Noun explanation-the sum of water-holding pores and permeable pores in total porosity media has been expressed as a percentage of the volume of the medium. 3. Noun interpretation-ph value ph value: an indication of pH. PH7 means alkaline. When the PH value is more than 6.5, the absorption capacity of iron, boron and other trace elements in most plants will decline, and element deficiency will occur over a long time. 4. Noun explanation-an indicator of the concentration of salt in an EC solution, usually expressed as mS. The hydroponic nutrient solution must be a pollution-free nutrient solution with low electrical conductivity, which can maximize the dissolved oxygen while ensuring the comprehensive and reasonable nutrition of plants. Because at the same pressure and temperature, the level of dissolved oxygen in the nutrient solution decreases with the increase of salt content. 5. Noun interpretation-alkalinity is understood as the ability of water to neutralize acids (H +), that is, buffering capacity. The total amount of dissolved HCO3-, CO32- and OH- is determined. Another understanding is like lime in water. The higher the alkalinity, the faster the PH rises. 6. Noun explanation-soil particles with different texture and thickness account for different proportions in the soil, thus forming different soil qualities. 7. Noun explanation-the water content that a soil can retain after draining and removing gravity water. 8. Noun explanation-pores refer to the macropores left by the discharge of gravity water, usually called aerated pores. 9. Noun explanation-the ratio of carbon to nitrogen refers to the relative ratio of carbon to nitrogen in organic media. When the ratio of carbon to nitrogen is high, most of the nitrogen will be absorbed by soil microorganisms. 10. Noun interpretation-CEC refers to the ability of soil to absorb and preserve nutrient ions, not to be washed by water, and to release nutrients for plant growth. 11. Noun interpretation-sandy soil, sandy loam, loam, clay sandy soil: a kind of soil dominated by sand. The sandy soil is aerated and permeable, so it is suitable for germination and emergence, but it has poor fertility, is vulnerable to drought and has few nutrients. Mainly apply organic fertilizer, chemical fertilizer should not be applied more. Sandy loam: a kind of soil that contains more sand but less fine soil. Generally, it can be spherical when wet, but the spherical surface is uneven and the dry soil is easy to crush. This kind of soil is loose, aerated and permeable, and is suitable for farming, but its fertilizer and water retention is poor. Organic fertilizer is the main fertilizer, and chemical fertilizer is applied frequently and less. Loam: a kind of soil with good soil property and suitable sand clay content. Its characteristic is loose but not loose, sticky but inconvenient, not only aerated and permeable, but also water and fertilizer conservation, and high fertility, suitable for planting in all kinds of plants. Clay: soil in which clay content is absolutely dominant and sand content is very low. It has high water and fertilizer conservation capacity and contains more nutrients for plants, but the ventilation and permeability is poor, the soil mass is large, and it is not easy to cultivate. 12. Noun interpretation-River sand, Haisha river sand: sand dug from freshwater lakes or shallow ditches in mountainous areas, generally without salinity or alkalinity, can be mixed into the soil to grow flowers, or as a medium for cutting. Sea sand: it is dug up from the beach. It is slightly saline-alkaline because it is washed by sea water. It can be washed with clean water and mixed into the soil to grow flowers. 13. Noun explanation-the acidity and alkalinity of acidic soil and alkaline soil is a term to measure the content of acid and alkali in soil. The soil with PH value less than 7 is acidic soil, and the soil with PH value greater than 7 is alkaline soil. PH value 3-4: strong acidity; PH value 5: acidity; PH value 6: weak acidity; PH value 7: neutral; PH value 8: weak alkaline; PH value 9: alkaline; PH value 10-11: strong alkaline. 14. Noun explanation-Humus is a kind of soil organic matter, which is completely decayed and decomposed by microorganisms. It has moderate cohesiveness and can make clay loose and sand bonded. Humus itself contains a variety of nutrients, has a strong absorption, can improve soil fertilizer and water conservation, but also can buffer soil acid-base changes, which is conducive to microbial activities and plant growth. 15. Noun explanation-rotten leaf soil refers to the organic matter formed by the accumulation and maturity of fallen leaves. Rotten leaf soil is soft, has the characteristics of good ventilation, good drainage and light weight, which is an excellent species in pot culture soil. Generally not used directly, mixed with other soil can be good soil quality, so that the soil Peng pine is conducive to plant growth. 16. Noun explanation-vegetable garden soil is used to grow vegetables in rural areas (including topsoil for planting trees in courtyards and green spaces). This kind of soil has good aggregate structure, fertile and good drainage, and is suitable for many kinds of flower cultivation. 17. Noun explanation-peat soil is also called peat and peat. It is a plant that is buried in moss and aquatic plants that is not completely decomposed. It is acidic and rich in organic matter, which can improve the physical properties of soil. Peat soil itself can not absorb and use many nutrients for plants, but it contains a lot of fiber and humic acid, and has a strong ability to absorb fertilizer and retain water. 18. Noun explanation-rotten grass soil is a decaying soil formed by the accumulation of weeds, poles, etc. Contains long-lasting nutrients for many years and is used to cultivate perennials. 19. Noun explanation-wooden soil is also known as "tree dung". It is the product of decaying branches and sawdust, and its property and structure is similar to that of rotten leaf soil, which is acidic and easy, but lack of nutrients, so it is suitable for planting crab claw orchid, Dendrobium and so on. 20. Noun explanation-the mountain mud is formed by the decaying stratification of deciduous leaves in the broad-leaved forest for many years. Ventilated and permeable, good fertilizer and water retention. Suitable for growing orchids and orchids. 21. Noun explanation-Orchid mud, also known as black soil, is black and light. Suitable for growing rhododendron, camellia, bamboo and so on. 22. Noun explanation-bagasse is mostly used in tropical areas and has a high C / N ratio. Nitrogen must be added to meet the needs of rapid microbial decomposition. With high water holding capacity, rapid decomposition in the container, easy to dense, resulting in poor ventilation and drainage, rarely used. 23. Noun explanation-bark, pine bark and hardwood bark have good physical properties and can partly replace peat as pot medium. 24. Noun explanation-sawdust and bark have similar properties, but they are easier to decompose and deposit, and are too dense to dry. 25. Noun explanation-shavings are similar in composition to sawdust, except that the individual is larger and can provide higher ventilation. 26. Noun explanation-the husk has good drainage and ventilation, and will not affect the original ph value, soluble salt and anti-decomposition of the mixed medium, so it has high use value. However, it is necessary to cook before use to kill the pathogen. 27. Noun explanation-Caramel is a soilless medium made from grain husk by carbonization. Ph is slightly alkaline, but it can be neutral after several times of watering, and its ability to absorb nutrients is poor, but it can achieve satisfactory results when mixed with the same amount of peat as seedling pot medium. 28. Noun explanation-perlite, vermiculite, ceramsite temperature chapter 1, noun explanation-vernalization refers to the phenomenon that annual or biennial seed crops need to undergo a period of low temperature in the seedling stage before they can blossom and bear fruit. This period of development is called vernalization. 2. Noun explanation-temperature refers to the temperature measured in the louver box, where the ball of the thermometer is 1.5 meters above the ground. 3. Noun explanation-the temperature needed by flowers in the whole life activity is called biological temperature, which can be expressed by three temperature indicators. The biological minimum temperature is the lower limit temperature for the beginning of growth and development; the biological optimum temperature is the most suitable temperature for life maintenance and the fastest temperature for growth and development; and the biological maximum temperature is the upper limit temperature for life maintenance. 4. Noun explanation-effective accumulated temperature each flower has its own lower limit temperature for growth. When the temperature is higher than the lower limit temperature, it can grow and develop. This higher temperature value, which plays an effective role in the growth and development of flowers, is called effective accumulated temperature. The sum of the effective temperature of flowers during the whole growth period. 5. Noun explanation-Frost during the growing period, when the temperature drops to or below 0 degrees, causes the intercellular space of the plant to freeze. If the temperature rises quickly, the cell does not have time to absorb the evaporated water, causing the plant to dehydrate or die. 6. noun explanation-the temperature of cold injury is above 0 degrees, but it is lower than the lowest temperature that flowers can endure at that time, which causes the obstacle of labor-saving activity, the decrease of the vitality of cell protoplast and the decline of root absorptive capacity. there are some phenomena, such as twig and leaf withering. Light part 1, noun explanation-Solar Spectrum the three parts that have the greatest influence on flowers are visible light, ultraviolet light and infrared light. 2. Noun explanation-visible light is the energy source for photosynthesis of flowers. Through a prism, sunlight is divided into red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple, forming a light band. Red-orange light and blue-purple light absorb the most chlorophyll, while green light is almost completely reflected, so the leaves are green. 3. Noun explanation-ultraviolet light is invisible light other than purple light and cannot pass through ordinary glass. Among them, the wavelength + longer part can promote seed germination, fruit ripening and flower coloring. On the other hand, the part with shorter wavelength can not only inhibit the excessive growth of flowers, but also kill bacteria, thus improving the germination rate of seeds. 4. Noun explanation-infrared is invisible light other than red light. It is a kind of hotline, but its existence can be sensed. It is absorbed by the ground and converted into heat, which can increase the temperature and provide the heat needed by flowers. 5. Noun explanation-long sunshine flowers need more than 12 hours of sunshine every day to form flower buds. Flowers that bloom in spring and summer mostly belong to long sunshine flowers, such as iris, impatiens and so on. 6. Noun explanation-short-day flowers can form flower buds only after less than 12 hours of sunshine every day. In the environment of long sunshine in summer, flower bud differentiation can only be grown, but flower bud differentiation can not be carried out until the same day's sunshine decreases to 10-11 hours in autumn. Such as poinsettia, chrysanthemum, eight immortal flowers and so on. 7. Noun explanation-flowers in China Rizhao whose flower bud formation is not strict with the length of daytime sunshine. They have no obvious response to the duration of light, as long as the temperature is right, they can blossom all the year round. Such as rose, calla lily, hundred-day grass and so on. 8. Noun explanation-Light intensity refers to the energy of visible light received per unit area. Abbreviated as illuminance, unit Lax. 9. Noun interpretation-direct light refers to the light that the sun projects directly onto the ground with parallel rays. 10. noun explanation-scattered light is the light that spreads from the sky to the ground after sunlight passes through substances such as air molecules, dust and water droplets. 11. Noun explanation-positive flowers generally grow strong in strong light. Otherwise, it will lead to soft branches, light leaves, and do not blossom. Such as rose, poinsettia, Fusang and so on. 12. Noun explanation-negative flowers generally grow and develop normally only in the case of low light with a shade degree of more than 50%. Such as begonia, ferns, tortoise back and so on. 13. Noun explanation-neutral flowers have nothing to do with the intensity of light and can grow and develop. Such as cycad, Tianmendong and so on. Tips for the cultivation of green plants-over the years, my family's flowers and plants have been growing one after another, and they will unfortunately die in less than two or three months (here observe a moment of silence for two seconds to observe a moment of silence for those sacrificed green plants). In the last two years, I changed it to bottled water plants. it's a little green at home. There are basically two kinds of green plants in my family, one is rich bamboo, the other is green apple. The rich bamboo leaves turn yellow when raised, and then it becomes a "bamboo pole" at last. Fortunately, the rich bamboo is not expensive, it costs one yuan to buy one after a period of time, and throws away the bad ones (a little cruel, as if people are buried before they die). Later, my friend told me to put an iron nail in the water, so that the rich bamboo grew well, and the rich bamboo in the picture was survived among 40 or 50 branches. They have adapted to my harsh environment and survived tenaciously (figure 1): green pineapple is bought one pot at a time, extremely exuberant, after planted in my beautiful flowerpot, the longer the leaves, the less leaves, and finally when I pull them out, I trim the roots, put them in a glass bottle, and replace them with new ones. I kept it like this for more than a year, and last month I bought another pot of green apple. I carefully observed that such a large pot of green apple grew so well in a small basin. I found that there was not a hole under the flowerpot as before, but many holes (figure 2):

There is also a basin with more holes (figure 3). I think of a pot of green apple I bought before, and the roots are sticking out from the hole in the bottom of the basin, which shows that the root of the green apple needs to breathe so that it can grow well. In addition, I found that the green radish basin I bought did not seem to be soil, but some sawdust, and the green pineapple was hung up, and it was probably well ventilated, so the root system was so developed that it was almost a foot long and coiled together (figure 4). The thin root is like a cat beard, just two or three, not to mention the leaves above. Later, I also punched a lot of holes in my flowerpot (figure 5): newly bought green apple (figure 6): after planting the green apple, put it on the tray in order to maintain air circulation (figure 7): this pot of green apple grows well. I still have a pot of green apple that used to be good, but I forgot to turn off the water heater when I watered it and washed it with a sauna. I bought another one and put it on for more than 20 days. I think it's all right, but I don't know how long I can hold on (figure 8): the green apple I cut is in the bottle. I always love rotten roots. For some reason, I really want to know how to grow them. If I find out the reason, I will tell you (figure 9): if Atta sees this post, whether to try it or not, putting some plants at home can get angry and make money. In addition, I told Atta (and other netizens) that I could not reply to your post at any time (not all before). I bought too little time on the Internet, now I can't use other people's phone, and I don't have time to change it. I heard my son say that he was in Wukesong. He exceeded more than 50 last month. I felt distressed as soon as I surfed the Internet a few days ago. The more anxious I was, the more I typed wrong words. I went down every time I looked at the Internet. It is expected to be the same this month (it may have to be changed next month).

What is "green decoration"? Green design: recommend home "green design" to ease people's tension, so that people's tension has been adjusted, this is a very useful measure. Indoor "green design" approach: 1, indoor design outdoor. Designers design to make the interior as outdoor, introducing nature into the interior. 2, through architectural design or renovation of architectural design to make indoor and outdoor transparent, or open part of the wall, so that indoor and outdoor integration, creating an open flow space, so that residents more access to sunlight, fresh air and scenery. 3. Pursue pastoral flavor in urban residential buildings and even in the internal space of catering commercial services, and create a comfortable atmosphere of rural farming through design. 4. Use natural plastic arts in interior design, that is, plastic arts with life: indoor potted plants, potted plants, waterscape, flower arrangement, etc. 5. Create green landscape indoors by means of painting. 6. Indoor gardening techniques. 7. Emphasize the application of natural colors and natural materials in interior design, so that users can perceive natural materials and return to original and natural. 8, in the indoor environment to create the use of imitation of nature's sound effects, odor effects of the method. 9. Environment belongs to the category of ecology. Cave dwelling forms such as loess cave dwelling and nesting forms will become the research and design direction of architecture and interior design again. 10, ordinary family indoor floor height, generally in 2.5--3 meters, in order to make the occupants do not feel depressed indoors, in the design, can be used as a hollow carved ceiling frame, falling level in 30CM or so, so that the hollow frame from the zenith in 15CM or so, and in the hollow frame device hidden blue lamp belt or lamp, irradiated to the zenith surface, the sky blue light, so that people like in the illusion, there is a sense of openness, fresh feeling. Another aspect of environmental design is the combination and combination of colors, and proper color selection and matching can play a dual role in health and decoration. Second, the use of green building materials: room decoration materials have at least six aspects of harm to human health. First, it is "new residence syndrome", residents have eye, nose, throat irritation, fatigue, headache, skin irritation, breathing difficulties and a series of symptoms. Second, it produces typical neurobehavioral impairment, including memory impairment. Third, it is to stimulate the trigeminal nerve receptors. 4. It causes inflammatory reactions in the respiratory tract. Fifth, it is to reduce the body's disease resistance (immune function). 6. It has obvious mutagenicity, which proves that it is possible to penetrate human tumors. Generally speaking, most inorganic materials in decorative materials are safe and harmless, such as keel and accessories, common profiles, floor tiles, glass and other traditional decorative materials, while some chemical compounds in organic materials have certain hazards to the human body, most of which are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, such as benzene, phenol, anthracene, aldehyde and its derivatives, with strong irritating odor, can lead to various physiological and psychological diseases. 1, the choice of wall decoration materials: home wall decoration as far as possible not to use a large area of wooden plate decoration, can be the original wall after painting water-based paint, can also choose a new generation of pollution-free PVC environmentally friendly wallpaper, and even the use of natural fabrics, such as cotton, hemp, silk and other natural wallpaper as a substrate. 2, the choice of ground materials: the choice of ground materials is wide, such as floor tiles, natural stone, wood floors, carpets and so on. Floor tiles are generally not polluted, but large areas of natural stone are used in the living room, and plates that have not been tested for radioactive elements should be selected. Choose compound floor or chemical fiber carpet before, should carefully check the corresponding product said. If solid wood flooring is used, floor adhesives with low organic emission rates should be purchased. 3, the choice of top material: the floor height of the room is generally not high, can not do ceiling, the original ceiling after painting water-based paint or paste environmentally friendly wallpaper. If partial or integral ceiling, it is recommended to use light steel keel paper gypsum board, calcium silicate board, board and other materials instead of wood keel plywood. 4, soft decorative materials such as curtains, bedspreads, pillowcases, sofa cloth and other soft decorative materials, it is best to choose fabrics containing high cotton and linen components, and pay attention to the dye should have no odor, strong stability and not easy to fade. The most commonly used coating materials for wood products are all kinds of paints, which are well-known sources of indoor pollution. However, some domestic enterprises have developed environmentally friendly paints, such as Ya Jue, love brand decoration paint, pigeon brand metal paint, etc., do not use benzene-containing diluents, irritating smell is small, volatile faster, welcomed by users. Remind consumers to pay attention to the following points: 1, do not believe in non-professional advertising. For manufacturers or merchants advertising, to understand more information and details, consult relevant books, shop around, rational analysis and comparison. 2. Do not believe in famous brands. The high visibility of the product does not necessarily mean that it is of high quality, let alone that it does not contain harmful ingredients. 3, choose formal enterprise decoration products. Especially through ISO9000 series quality system certification or China Fangyuan mark product quality certification enterprises. 4. Understand the use of certain decorative materials by others. 5. Strictly measure whether the radioactivity value of granite and marble exceeds the standard. 6, the use of health care antibacterial building materials: the use of sterile glass, the use of antibacterial tiles on the wall. 7, high-quality green environmental protection coating: 8, the use of natural resin paint (paint), water-based wood varnish, enamel coating building doors, window surfaces. 9. Whether the wood meets the environmental protection standards, whether the large core board has an irritating odor, and the use of professional equipment to determine whether its isocyanide compounds, chlorine, antiseptic pesticides and free formaldehyde exceed the standard. Green environmental protection construction: While using green environmental protection building materials, we must always maintain the smooth flow of indoor air during the construction process, timely emit harmful gases, and properly classify construction waste to ensure that the construction process will not affect the health of construction personnel and the environment.

Fourth, the use of green furniture: where does formaldehyde come from in home improvement? Formaldehyde poisoning symptoms will appear in the environment where formaldehyde content exceeds the standard, generally manifested as dizziness, pungent smell, tears and palpitations. Long-term exposure to formaldehyde also increases the likelihood of cancer. In the home improvement materials, such as composite flooring, some furniture, furniture backboards, panels, etc., the use of density board, due to the use of urea formaldehyde glue in the density board, formaldehyde content is higher, the current state of the density board formaldehyde content has established strict standards, so in the purchase should pay attention to the brand, origin and test report of the material. The renovated room must also be fully ventilated and cannot be immediately occupied. Other man-made panels such as large core board, plywood, plywood, etc. due to the use of vinyl acetate-based adhesives, so the formaldehyde content is relatively low. Formaldehyde emission is an indicator of how much formaldehyde gas a product emits. At present, the adhesive used in decorative plates is still dominated by urea-formaldehyde resin, and the residual formaldehyde in the plates that does not participate in the reaction will gradually release to the surrounding environment. Formaldehyde, ammonia release and radioactive pollution are three important pollution sources in home decoration, especially ammonia and radioactivity, if not through the instrument, people simply can not detect their existence. Therefore, you can judge whether there is such pollution in your living environment through expert testing. Green decoration precautions: wall coatings pay attention to "memory" pollution: in the choice of paint, in addition to color and luster, the most important thing is to choose environmentally friendly paint. Generally speaking, the quality and environmental protection of joint venture and imported brands are relatively guaranteed, such as Nippon Paint, Dulux, Laiwei, Yadu, Shennewli, Chinese Paint Giraffe, Mowell, etc., and the fine products of domestic paint such as Red Lion and Lighthouse are also good. In the purchase of paint, you must go to the designated brand store, in addition, the real brand agents have a series of documents. Also pay attention to the use of auxiliary materials in construction, especially glue and primer. Even if you choose an environmentally friendly coating, you can't be sloppy when treating the substrate. Using a well-known brand primer not only ensures the overall effect, but also is absolutely necessary from an environmental point of view. In addition, the use of glue should also be noted that 107 glue contains harmful substances, and relevant national regulations have explicitly prohibited the use of 107 glue in family decoration. For these easily overlooked excipients, you must pay special attention. Beware of the "free" killer: the truly safe wood floor standard should be beneficial to the human body, harmless, no quality accidents in use, and no damage to buildings and the environment in laying. At present, there are many types of wood flooring, in terms of itself, solid wood flooring is free of harmful substances, and the quality of inferior composite flooring may contain harmful substances. Harmful substances include two aspects: one is that the floor with adhesive contains too much free formaldehyde emission; if the free formaldehyde exceeds 40mg100g, it is harmful to the human body and is not allowed to be sold on the market. Such as: European Code ship deck, Paco, icon and other brands. In addition, Baili, Taibu floor took the lead in passing the international green environmental certification, you can rest assured to use; Second, in the process of painting with a variety of organic solvents, such as: toluene, nitro, etc. will emit harmful gases to the human body, it is recommended that you buy the floor as much as possible when the surface decoration, painted floor, do not buy plain board. Therefore, when you purchase the floor, it is best to refer to the standard specifications of the wooden floor, according to your own needs and hobbies, choose the floor that meets the national safety standards. All in all, the safe selection of materials in home decoration is the key to environmental protection, you must pay special attention to, starting from the choice of materials, to protect your family in a healthy life in a comprehensive environment.