
December 24, 2015 Rice prices in Sichuan today-Rice prices

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, The purchase price of medium indica rice in Kaijiang area of Sichuan Province is 2760 yuan / ton, which is the same as yesterday, while the wholesale price of medium indica rice in bid 1 is 3970 yuan / ton, which is the same as yesterday. The purchase price of medium indica rice in Zigong is 2540 yuan / ton, the same as yesterday. Chengdu standard one night indica rice wholesale price 4060 yuan / ton

The purchase price of medium indica rice in Kaijiang area of Sichuan Province is 2760 yuan / ton, which is the same as yesterday, while the wholesale price of medium indica rice in bid 1 is 3970 yuan / ton, which is the same as yesterday. The purchase price of medium indica rice in Zigong is 2540 yuan / ton, the same as yesterday. Chengdu standard one-night indica rice wholesale price of 4060 yuan / ton, the same as yesterday.