
National Development and Reform Commission: perfecting the adjustment mechanism of government pork reserve

Published: 2024-10-22 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/22, The National Development and Reform Commission and other departments jointly issued and improved the government pork reserve adjustment mechanism, made a good plan for ensuring supply and stabilizing prices in the pork market, distinguished between excessive decline and excessive rise, and reasonably determined the critical value of early warning indicators, and set up a three-level early warning range.

The National Development and Reform Commission and other departments jointly issued and improved the government pork reserve adjustment mechanism, made a good plan for ensuring supply and stabilizing prices in the pork market, distinguished between excessive decline and excessive rise, and reasonably determined the critical value of early warning indicators, and set up a three-level early warning range.

The NDRC said it clearly put forward a series of work arrangements around promoting monitoring and early warning, reserve regulation and policy coordination. The plan gives full play to the important role of the government's pork reserve adjustment as a key starting point, and attaches equal importance to "raising" and "lowering" pig and pork prices, so as to ensure price stability in order to ensure price stability and promote supply stability.

The NDRC said that when prices are too high, reserves will be released to protect residents' consumption needs, push prices down to a reasonable range, and avoid excessive expansion of pig production capacity; when prices are too low, it will start collection and savings to support the market and provide "reassurance" for farmers to avoid excessive elimination of pig production capacity.

The NDRC also mentioned that by the end of April this year, the stock of fertile sows in the country had returned to 97.6% of the normal year, and the number of live pigs is expected to return to normal in the second half of this year. As production capacity continues to recover, pig and pork prices are expected to continue to return to reasonable levels.