
Beijing January 12, 2016 Pork prices today's market dynamics Today's pigs

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, January 12,2016 Beijing pork price quotation is as follows, unit: yuan/kg Beijing City Beijing City Yanqing County January 12 pork price: 23.00 Beijing City Beijing City Fengtai District January 12 pork price: 21.00 Beijing City Beijing City Chaoyang District January 12 pork price: 21.00 North

The price of pork in Beijing on January 12, 2016 is as follows, unit: yuan / kg

Price of pork in Yanqing County, Beijing, January 12: 23.00

January 12, Fengtai District, Beijing, Pork Price: 21.00

Pork Price: 21.00 on January 12, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Price of pork in Tongzhou District, Beijing, January 12: 22.00

Price of pork in Haidian District, Beijing, January 12: 21.00

Pork Price: 21.00 on January 12, Shunyi District, Beijing

Price of pork in Changping District, Beijing, January 12: 23.00