
December 19, 2015 Jilin region Rice Market Today-Rice Price

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Jilin Grain Center Wholesale Market in 2015 Changchun produced third-grade japonica rice purchase price of 3140 yuan / ton, the same as yesterday, bid one northeast rice purchase price of 4800 yuan / ton, the same as yesterday. The train price of Songyuan Tiexi third-grade japonica rice is 3200 yuan / ton, which is the same as yesterday, marking one northeast meter.

Jilin Grain Center Wholesale Market in 2015 Changchun produced third-grade japonica rice purchase price of 3140 yuan / ton, the same as yesterday, bid one northeast rice purchase price of 4800 yuan / ton, the same as yesterday. Songyuan Tiexi third-grade japonica rice train plate price is 3200 yuan / ton, which is the same as yesterday, and the train plate price of one northeast meter is 4650 yuan / ton, which is the same as yesterday.