
December 25, 2015 Heilongjiang region rice market today-rice

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, The plate price of the third-grade japonica rice train in Qitaihe, Heilongjiang Province in 2015 was 3160 yuan / ton, which was the same as yesterday, while the plate price of northeast rice train was 4400 yuan / ton, which was the same as yesterday. The purchase price of secondary japonica rice in Suihua in 2015 was 3160 yuan / ton, which was the same as that of yesterday, and the purchase price of northeast rice was marked 2.

The plate price of the third-grade japonica rice train in Qitaihe, Heilongjiang Province in 2015 was 3160 yuan / ton, which was the same as yesterday, while the plate price of northeast rice train was 4400 yuan / ton, which was the same as yesterday. The purchase price of second-grade japonica rice in Suihua in 2015 was 3160 yuan / ton, which was the same as yesterday, and the purchase price of northeast rice was 5900 yuan / ton, which was the same as yesterday. Hulin market annual production of second-class japonica rice train plate price of 3100 yuan / ton, the same as yesterday, marked a northeast meter train plate price of 4200 yuan / ton, the same as yesterday. Jiamusi Sanjiang second-class japonica rice purchase price of 3140 yuan / ton, the same as yesterday, bid II northeast meter train plate price of 4380 yuan / ton, the same as yesterday.