
injection Learn more about injection

  • The correct position of the pig injection, what is the cause of bleeding after the injection?

    The correct position of the pig injection, what is the cause of bleeding after the injection?

    Intramuscular injection: the location of injection is in the muscular buttocks or neck. Subcutaneous injection: the location of the injection should be on the inside of the thigh or behind the ear root. Intravenous injection: choose the location of the injection is the back of the ear or the great auricular vein. Intraperitoneal injection: put the medicine

    2020-11-08 Pig injection correct position after injection bleeding what is it?
  • Teach you how to give a pig an injection

    Teach you how to give a pig an injection

    Injecting pigs is the main method to prevent and treat pig diseases. Several injection methods are usually used, such as intramuscular injection, subcutaneous injection, intravenous injection, intraperitoneal injection and so on. Intramuscular injection is rich in blood vessels, and the injected solution is absorbed quickly. in addition, the distribution of sensory nerves in muscle is less, and the pain caused by intramuscular injection is less, so it is the most commonly used method of injection. The injection site is generally chosen in the muscular buttocks or neck. When injecting, first shearing, disinfecting, holding the syringe in the right hand, piercing the needle vertically. The depth depends on the size of the pig.

  • Key points of management of Lentinus edodes after water injection

    Key points of management of Lentinus edodes after water injection

    After water injection, Lentinus edodes should strengthen the ventilation of the greenhouse and control the temperature in the greenhouse, and certain light stimulation and temperature difference stimulation can be given to promote mushroom production. Note that if the bacteria stick is heavy, you can first take off the bag and then inject water. The bacteria stick is light, and then you can inject water first.

    2020-11-08 Lentinus edodes water injection after management main points summary in
  • How to give a pig an injection

    How to give a pig an injection

    Injecting pigs is the main method to prevent and treat pig diseases. Several injection methods are usually used, such as intramuscular injection, subcutaneous injection, intravenous injection, intraperitoneal injection and so on. Intramuscular injection is rich in blood vessels, and the injected solution is absorbed quickly. in addition, the distribution of sensory nerves in muscle is less, and the pain caused by intramuscular injection is less, so it is the most commonly used method of injection. The injection site is generally chosen in the muscular buttocks or neck. When injecting, first shearing, disinfecting, holding the syringe in the right hand, piercing the needle vertically. The depth can be determined according to the size of the pig.

  • Recommendation of porcine immunization program

    Recommendation of porcine immunization program

    Recommendation of porcine immunization program

  • There are "eight taboos" to give poultry injections.

    There are

    There are "eight taboos" to give poultry injections.

  • The experiment of adding water to lake crabs by online vendors: death after 8 minutes of water injection

    The experiment of adding water to lake crabs by online vendors: death after 8 minutes of water injection

    The experiment of adding water to lake crabs by online vendors: death after 8 minutes of water injection

  • You should pay attention to the method of injecting poultry.

    You should pay attention to the method of injecting poultry.

    You should pay attention to the method of injecting poultry.

  • Immune procedure of common pig diseases

    Immune procedure of common pig diseases

    1. Immune program of growing and finishing pigs ⑴ 1-day-old: swine fever attenuated vaccine is super-immune, piglets are injected with a portion of classical swine fever attenuated vaccine after birth, and then let piglets eat colostrum 1-2 hours later, which is suitable for pig farms where classical swine fever often occurs; ⑵ 7-15 days old: asthma vaccine; ⑶ 10 days old: infectious atrophic rhinitis vaccine, intramuscular injection or subcutaneous injection; ⑷ 10-15 days old: piglet edema vaccine ⑸ 20 days old: intramuscular injection of swine distemper vaccine; ⑹ 25-

  • Intradermal injection of cattle

    Intradermal injection of cattle

    Inject the solution between epidermis and dermis, mostly used for allergy test, the site is selected in the neck or tail root. When injecting, pinch the skin with your left hand, hold the syringe with your right hand so that the needle penetrates into the skin at a 30-degree angle, slowly inject the liquid medicine, and the injection site presents a small papule-like bulge. After the needle is removed, it is no longer sterilized or compressed. The injection feels more laborious, indicating that the injection is correct. If the injection feels easy, it indicates subcutaneous injection and should be re-pricked.

  • The treatment method of ineffective multiple injection of drugs in diseased pigs

    The treatment method of ineffective multiple injection of drugs in diseased pigs

    In daily treatment, veterinarians often encounter that sick pigs are repeatedly injected with penicillin, streptomycin, antongding and other drugs, but the condition does not improve. We suggest the following methods: basic method: every 30 kg of pig body weight (the same below), 6 ml of dexamethasone sodium phosphate, 2 cigarettes of coramine, 10 ml of kanamycin hydrochloride, separate intramuscular injection. Cough, asthma, then use the basic prescription, another intramuscular injection of 3% ephedrine 2 mg. After 10 minutes, 0.5 mg of sulfadiazine sodium was injected intramuscularly.

  • What if piglets get sick? It is suitable for intraperitoneal injection!

    What if piglets get sick? It is suitable for intraperitoneal injection!

    What if piglets get sick? It is suitable for intraperitoneal injection!

  • What should be paid attention to when injecting sick snakes?

    What should be paid attention to when injecting sick snakes?

    Practice has proved that injecting sick snakes is the best way to cure snake disease, but we must pay attention to the following points. (1) many first-time snake breeders who avoid tailing are affected by people getting sick and choosing their buttocks. They think that the best place to inject the snake should be in the tail, but they do not realize that the tail nerve is densely spread, and if there is a little carelessness, it will cause caudal nerve damage and cause discomfort of the sick snake. serious cases lead to death. Therefore, when giving injections to sick snakes, you should choose the muscle plump places below the heart and on both sides of the back. (2) do not use thick needles to inject sick snakes

  • The method of ineffective treatment of multiple injections of drugs in diseased pigs

    The method of ineffective treatment of multiple injections of drugs in diseased pigs

    In daily treatment, veterinarians often encounter that sick pigs are repeatedly injected with penicillin, streptomycin, antongding and other drugs, but the condition does not improve. We suggest the following methods: basic method: every 30 kg of pig body weight (the same below), 6 ml of dexamethasone sodium phosphate, 2 cigarettes of coramine, 10 ml of kanamycin hydrochloride, separate intramuscular injection. Cough, asthma, then use the basic prescription, another intramuscular injection of 3% ephedrine 2 mg. Ten minutes later, 0.5 mg of sulfadiazine sodium was injected intramuscularly.

  • Let's take a test: how many points can you get for your pig raising skills?

    Let's take a test: how many points can you get for your pig raising skills?

    Let's take a test: how many points can you get for your pig raising skills?

  • Six points for injection of sick turtles

    Six points for injection of sick turtles

    In recent years, artificial turtle breeding is gradually heating up, but the disease also has a local spread trend. There are many kinds of drug administration measures for the prevention and treatment of turtle disease, such as feeding medicine, liniment medicine, injection, medicine bath and so on. Once the tortoise gets sick, the work of treatment is very different from that of other animals, mainly because the tortoise has very hard armor. According to the author's practice of breeding and production for more than ten years, the method of injection is the most effective, because the liquid is directly injected into the tortoise and absorbed quickly. However, the author reminds the majority of turtle farmers to pay attention to the following points when giving turtle injections: 1. Do not use it

  • Misunderstanding of Clinical treatment and medication in Pig Farm

    Misunderstanding of Clinical treatment and medication in Pig Farm

    Misunderstanding of Clinical treatment and medication in Pig Farm

  • Prevention and treatment of common obstetrical diseases in farmed foxes

    Prevention and treatment of common obstetrical diseases in farmed foxes

    1, abortion early pregnancy abortion no obvious symptoms, late pregnancy loss of appetite, depressed spirit, often lick the vulva, some discharge underdeveloped fetus, some only a small amount of filthy or red lumps, some were absorbed by the fox itself. Treatment: ① has

    2020-11-08 Breeding foxes common obstetrics disease prevention abortion pregnancy
  • What should we pay attention to when giving an injection to a sick tortoise?

    What should we pay attention to when giving an injection to a sick tortoise?

    Artificial turtles can be treated by taking medicine, injection, rubbing medicine or even medicine bath if they get sick, among which the effect of direct injection into the tortoise is the fastest and the effect is the best. However, the tortoise has a carapace and has more bones and less flesh. Therefore, the following points must be paid attention to when injecting the tortoise, otherwise it is easy to cause harm to the tortoise. 1. Choose the right injection site. The muscles of the legs of the front and rear limbs of the turtle are relatively plump, and the injection is generally done from this point of view. During the injection, the angle of injection should be 45 °with the limb, and the angle is too high to damage the fascia or bone.

  • It is fastidious to inject medicine into sick turtles.

    It is fastidious to inject medicine into sick turtles.

    Because the tortoise has a very hard carapace, once the tortoise gets sick, it is very different from other animals in treatment. Practice has proved that injection is the most effective way to give medicine to sick turtles. The following technical problems should be paid attention to when injecting turtles. 1. Never use long or thick needles. The tortoise body exposes less muscles, generally only slightly more muscles at the base of the front and rear limbs, but the area is not large. So choose a thinner and shorter needle. The injection depth is generally 0.5 cm for small turtles, 0.8 cm for medium turtles and 1.2 to 1.8 cm for big turtles.
