
awn Learn more about awn

  • Where can I sell fine leaf awn seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    Where can I sell fine leaf awn seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    Fine leaf awn is a kind of perennial herb, which is generally clumpy. By the side of the road, this plant is very common and keeps growing every year. In autumn, there will be spikes of deep pink flowers. When the breeze blows, it looks particularly beautiful. Such as

    2020-11-27 Fine leaves awn seeds where have sell raise seedlings methods which
  • Can the golden light be eaten raw?

    Can the golden light be eaten raw?

    Mango is a fruit that we often eat in summer. It tastes sweet and sour, tender and nutritious, and is very popular with the public. And here to say is a common variety of large mango golden mang. The golden light is big and bright, so

    2020-11-08 golden awn can be eaten raw ma awn fruit is we in summer
  • Where is the latest mango production?

    Where is the latest mango production?

    Mango is a large evergreen tree of the family Lacqueraceae, also known as Mameng, Maomengguo, Mango, Wangguo, etc., one of the famous tropical fruits, contains a high content of vitamin A precursor carotene is rare in all fruits, vitamin C content is not low, mineral

    2020-11-10 The latest mango origin where awn fruit lacquer tree tree
  • In which month does Guangxi mango mature?

    In which month does Guangxi mango mature?

    Guifei awn in Guangxi matured in late June, Tainong No.1 matured in mid-June, new century awn matured in early July, red ivory awn matured in mid-July, Renong No.1 awn and Gui Remang 82 matured in late July. In addition, Hongmang 6, Kate Mang and Gui Rimang 10

    2020-11-09 Guangxi mango what month mature of imperial concubine awn in
  • What if the green mango incision is too raw? The three major differences between Yumang and Yumang!

    What if the green mango incision is too raw? The three major differences between Yumang and Yumang!

    At the mention of Qingmang, everyone must be familiar with it. It is not only crisp, but also has high nutritional value and is favored by women. However, because Qingmang is cyan, and it is difficult to identify whether it is mature or not, many people begin to cut open and eat it as soon as they buy it back. The flesh is still raw.

    2020-11-09 Green awn cut too raw what to do and jade awn of the three
  • Baise mango is about to appear on the market, with the help of the government, and the fragrance of the fruit is floating around the world.

    Baise mango is about to appear on the market, with the help of the government, and the fragrance of the fruit is floating around the world.

    Baise mango is about to appear on the market, with the help of the government, and the fragrance of the fruit is floating around the world.

  • Cultivation Techniques of Coprinus comatus in Forest in Summer

    Cultivation Techniques of Coprinus comatus in Forest in Summer

    Cultivation Techniques of Coprinus comatus in Forest in Summer

  • Red golden awn (jujube)

    Red golden awn (jujube)

    According to Xinhua News Agency, Henan Forestry Science Research Institute selected and bred Hongjimangdong jujube, which represents the highest level of winter jujube in China, on the basis of extensive collection of domestic late-maturing jujube resources. According to the person in charge of the Agricultural Forestry Office of Henan Forestry Institute, the winter dates popularized in domestic production are Zaozhuang winter jujube, Chengwu winter jujube, Daxue jujube, Zhanhua winter jujube, and so on. The quality of some of these winter jujube varieties is too poor, the pulp cork is serious, some varieties bear fruit late, and the yield is also slightly poor. The red selected by Henan Province this time

  • Don't feed the new wheat bran directly to livestock.

    Don't feed the new wheat bran directly to livestock.

    After the wheat is harvested in the wheat producing area, the big livestock will have new wheat bran to eat. Many farmers are used to feeding new wheat bran directly to livestock, which is not good. Because livestock eat untreated new wheat bran, the oral mucosa is often punctured by wheat awn and cause stomatitis. After suffering from stomatitis, livestock want to eat but refuse to eat; pick the feed into the mouth and do not dare to chew, or chew a few mouthfuls and then spit out the feed; white turbid mucus continues to flow out of the mouth; wheat awn can be seen in the root of the teeth and the bottom of the tongue. Prevention of oral cavity

  • Baishanzu Town, Qingyuan County, Zhejiang Province holds the first "Red Rice Festival". Zhailang Village sells red rice in front of his home.

    Baishanzu Town, Qingyuan County, Zhejiang Province holds the first

    Baishanzu Town, Qingyuan County, Zhejiang Province holds the first "Red Rice Festival". Zhailang Village sells red rice in front of his home.

  • A common plant in the south of China, farmers use it as firewood with high economic value.

    A common plant in the south of China, farmers use it as firewood with high economic value.

    Today, the editor is going to introduce to you a kind of plant that is very common in the south. This plant is called Mangji. It is a kind of fern, because it is very tolerant to drought and has strong reproductive ability, so it is very common in rural areas. Awn dustpan.

  • Don't feed fresh wheat chaff to livestock.

    Don't feed fresh wheat chaff to livestock.

    As soon as the wheat is harvested, new chaff comes out. However, the newly husked wheat chaff cannot be fed directly to livestock (cattle, horses, donkeys, mules). Otherwise, livestock eat untreated new wheat chaff, mouth is easy to be broken by wheat awn and inflammation. If you want to feed livestock with new wheat bran, you can soak it in 0.3%~0.5% new lime water for 4 hours to make the new wheat bran alkalized and softened, and then feed it after washing it with clean water. In this way, livestock eat easy digestion, can increase calcium to make livestock physique strong; can also let the new wheat chaff stored in the natural strong state for 1 month, in the wheat awn

  • How to grow barley grass

    How to grow barley grass

    Barley grass is the seedling of Gramineae plant barley, which is rich in vitamins, minerals and protein, so how to grow barley grass? What is barley grass? Barley is an annual herb with stout culms, smooth glabrous, erect, 50-100cm high. Leaf sheath relaxation

    2020-11-08 Big wheat straw how grow big yes Gramineae plant
  • Danjing 3 rice

    Danjing 3 rice

    Variety source: Dandong Institute of Agricultural Sciences, introduced in 1984. Characteristics: the whole growth period is 165days, the seedling growth is robust, the adult plant height is 100-110cm, the plant shape is compact, the tillering ability is strong, the average ear is about 260000 per mu, the ear length is about 18cm, the seed setting rate is more than 80%, the grain is yellow and white, the awn is thin and short between awns, the 1000-grain weight is about 25g, the brown rice rate is 85%, and the whole rice rate is 78.5%. The rice is of good quality and palatable. Resistant to rice blast, bacterial blight, medium resistance to sheath blight, rice false smut. Moderate lodging resistance

  • How much is the price of green mango, the king of tropical fruits? Look familiar like this!

    How much is the price of green mango, the king of tropical fruits? Look familiar like this!

    Green mango, also known as crispy mango, is a kind of mango with bluish pericarp color, which is called Valentine fruit when it is not ripe. It is deeply loved by people because of its high nutritional value, juicy, sour and sweet taste, and has a good reputation as the king of tropical fruits. At present, it is sold on the market, and the price is small. That green mango

    2020-11-09 Tropical fruit king green mango price probably more
  • What are the kinds of wheat? The Origin of High-yield Wheat

    What are the kinds of wheat? The Origin of High-yield Wheat

    Wheat is one of the three major grains, almost all for food, and only about 1/6 is used as feed. China is one of the first countries in the world to grow wheat. So do you know what kinds of wheat there are? How to produce high yield wheat? Next, follow the editor.

    2020-11-09 Wheat of kind which high yield origin wheat is
  • Feed new wheat bran to livestock to guard against stomatitis

    Feed new wheat bran to livestock to guard against stomatitis

    Many farmers are accustomed to feeding new wheat bran directly to livestock. Untreated new wheat bran often punctures the oral mucosa of livestock and causes stomatitis. After suffering from stomatitis, livestock want to eat but refuse to eat; pick the feed into the mouth and do not dare to chew, or chew a few mouthfuls and then spit it out; white turbid mucus continues to flow out of the mouth; wheat awn can be seen in the mouth, such as the root of the tooth and the bottom of the tongue. Once this disease occurs, the wheat awn in the mouth of the livestock should be cleared first, and then rinse the mouth with clean water to prevent infection. And then

  • The difference between marigold and peacock grass

    The difference between marigold and peacock grass

    The difference between marigold and peacock grass

  • What does Grain in Beard mean?

    What does Grain in Beard mean?

    What does Grain in Beard mean?

  • Measures to overcome the age of mango

    Measures to overcome the age of mango

    To overcome the annual fruit of mango, the first thing is to have an appropriate amount of flowers; the second is to avoid low temperature and rainy weather during flowering; the third is to try to improve the fruit setting rate. The measures are as follows: first, the selection of varieties according to the characteristics of low temperature, overcast and rainy weather in early spring in Guangxi, it is ideal for mango to blossom after early April. Therefore, flowers should be chosen.
