
Establish fair and reasonable market rules

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Market rules are the basic behavior norms and criteria of the main body of the market economy (legal person or natural person), the rules to maintain the operation of the market economy, and a kind of social norm applicable to the market behavior. From the history of the development of market economy, the formation of market rules is mainly

Market rules are the basic behavior norms and criteria of the main body of the market economy (legal person or natural person), the rules to maintain the operation of the market economy, and a kind of social norm applicable to the market behavior. From the history of the development of market economy, there are mainly two types of market rules: one is the order rules formed spontaneously by market subjects in the conflict of interest and competition, that is, induced institutional change, and the other is that the market cannot be formed spontaneously. it requires rules provided by external coercive forces (that is, government), that is, compulsory institutional change. Market rules in western countries are mainly formed spontaneously through the market. For countries with transitional economies, mandatory rules are often needed first in the initial stage of the establishment of the market system.

Since the reform and opening up, important progress has been made in the construction of China's market system. With the full liberalization of the grain purchase market in 2004, China has established the dominant position of the market in the adjustment of supply and demand, and basically formed a national unified market system. However, there are still a series of problems, especially the wholesale market, as the main circulation channel of agricultural products, needs to be regulated in investment, operation, management and daily operation, which has become a bottleneck restricting the development of agricultural products market in our country. The government should play a key role and guide the game within the market to gradually form the trend of rules.

First, the government has given a strong push. It is suggested that we should speed up the formulation of laws and regulations on the circulation of agricultural products, clarify the market position and standardize the market behavior. Drawing lessons from the practice and experience of the United States, Japan, Germany and other countries as well as Wuhan, Shouguang and other places in China, we should actively promote the reform of the circulation system of agricultural products and establish a circulation system for the integrated management of the whole agricultural industry chain.

Second, unified market supervision. Establish and improve fair and reasonable market rules, and never directly cut into the market or interfere with the normal business activities of market subjects. All actors, including the government, should act in accordance with the rules in accordance with the law and strengthen accountability.

The third is to implement negative list management. The government should make a list of industries, areas and businesses that are prohibited and restricted, regardless of "what can not be done" and no longer propose "incentive projects". The government should establish and improve the institutional and procedural rules of negative list management at the same time. At the same time, we should strengthen the construction of the social credit system and form a market system in line with international standards.

Fourth, give full play to the role of market main body and market organization. Take the market subject as the main force for the establishment of market rules, take trade associations and other organizations as the main support for the establishment of market rules, and spontaneously establish and improve the market self-discipline management system, trading system and code of conduct of agricultural products.