
The Ministry of Commerce will continue to promote the pilot construction of public welfare agricultural products market.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, A few days ago, the Ministry of Commerce held a press conference, press spokesman Shen Danyang said that this year, the Ministry of Commerce will continue to work with the Ministry of Finance and other departments to promote the pilot, build another number of public welfare agricultural products wholesale markets, and further improve the public welfare security mechanism. build public welfare step by step

At a press conference held by the Ministry of Commerce a few days ago, spokesman Shen Danyang said that this year, the Ministry of Commerce will continue to work with the Ministry of Finance and other departments to promote the pilot project, build another number of public welfare agricultural products wholesale markets, further improve the public welfare security mechanism, gradually build a public welfare agricultural product market system, and strive to form more mature experience and practices in investment, operation, supervision mechanism construction and public welfare functions.

The wholesale market of agricultural products has a strong public welfare attribute. Shen Danyang said that last year, the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Finance selected 10 places to carry out pilot projects for the construction of public welfare agricultural products wholesale markets, focusing on establishing a long-term mechanism in the aspects of investment guarantee, operation management, and government supervision. to enhance the government's ability of macro-control and livelihood protection in response to emergencies and abnormal market fluctuations. Select six places to carry out cross-regional agricultural products circulation infrastructure construction, and strive to build a national backbone network of agricultural products circulation.