
Three problems of Rice Storm to be solved

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, It has been half a year since the "Liangyou 0293" incident occurred in Bengbu and other places in Anhui Province, and the final burden of the loss is still under negotiation. No matter which party pays for the tuition fees in the end, the questions raised in this disaster class are worth thinking about: first, absolutely reducing production.

It has been half a year since the "Liangyou 0293" incident occurred in Bengbu and other places in Anhui Province, and the final burden of the loss is still under negotiation. No matter which party pays the tuition fees in the end, the questions raised in this disaster course are worthy of consideration by all parties:

First, how to sort out the responsibility of reducing production and eliminating collection? In the current storm, a clear distinction of responsibility is a prerequisite, and arbitrary accusations of unclear responsibilities will only confuse the public. The key issue of this incident lies in whether the seed production company should bear the responsibility and what responsibility it should bear. However, at present, there is no authority on this, which needs to be further clarified in accordance with the law. Second, does false propaganda exist in disguise? According to the measures of the Ministry of Agriculture on the confirmation of super rice varieties, the naming right of super rice rests with the Ministry of Agriculture. However, it is reported that there are still cases of misuse and abuse of super rice names in publicity in some places. how can they be regulated and avoided in the future? Third, how can agricultural insurance play a further role? The local compensation standard of 330 yuan per mu makes people feel a little low. how can agricultural insurance further hedge risks and protect farmers from wind and rain? All these need to be further explored.

The Qingming Festival is busy planting wheat, and Grain Rain is planting the field. Now it is time to sow new rice. I hope all parties concerned can learn from it and turn negativity into positivity. This is not only a kind of wisdom, but also a dialectics in practice.