
To arrange production, ask more about seed quotation

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Beijing City Xinfadi Agricultural Products Market is the largest wholesale market of agricultural products in China. In this market, it usually reflects the supply of agricultural products in the whole country, especially meat, eggs and fruits. The prices in this market are basically agricultural prices.

Beijing Xinfadi Agricultural products Market is the largest wholesale market of agricultural products in China. In this market, it usually reflects the supply of agricultural products throughout the country, especially those with meat, eggs, vegetables and fruits. The price of this market basically acts as a barometer of the price of agricultural products.

In the newly developed market, such a phenomenon often occurs: the oversupply of some vegetables exists at the same time as the shortage of other vegetables, and the oversupply and shortage of some vegetables appear alternately. Last spring, there were many varieties of vegetables that were "difficult to sell", including white radish from Sichuan, Chongqing and Hubei, celery from Hebei, Beijing and Tianjin, and cauliflower from Hubei, Henan, Hebei and Beijing. This spring, there are relatively few varieties of vegetables that are "difficult to sell", mainly concentrated in green onions and potatoes stored in winter.

On April 30, 2015, the wholesale price of green onions on the Xinfa market was 0.3-0.7 yuan per jin, and the price on April 1 was 0.4-0.5 yuan per jin, an increase of 11.11 percent at the end of the month compared with the beginning of the month. In the same period last year, the price was 0.3 to 0.9 yuan per jin, down 16.67 percent from the same period last year.

In fact, the price of green onions has been running low since April last year, especially at the beginning of this year. Fresh onions in winter and spring on the Beijing market are mainly supplied by Fujian, Zhejiang and Shanghai, as well as winter green onions from Shandong, Hebei and Tianjin. The wholesale price of green onions shipped from Fujian and Shanghai to Beijing is only 0.4 yuan and 0.5 yuan per catty, which is not even enough for dealers to pay for onions, stripping, packaging and transportation. Wholesalers do not make money, and onion farmers have no income.

By comparing the price trend of green onions in recent years, we can see that green onions also have the phenomenon of oversupply and shortage. This phenomenon of alternating shortage and surplus is what people usually call the "big and small year" phenomenon, which is the result of the regulation and control of the "invisible hand" of the market.

Under the condition of market economy, the production of agricultural products is arranged by farmers themselves, and there is an obvious mismatch between the management mode of farmers' small production and the mode of large circulation of agricultural products supply. this mismatch is bound to cause instability in the supply of some agricultural products. The relevant departments have tried to guide the production of farmers, but with little effect, so far can not form an effective early warning mechanism, this "big and small year" phenomenon is still unavoidable. Whenever we see the phenomenon of "difficulty in selling" agricultural products produced by farmers, it is always more distressing; whenever we see consumers complain about the high prices of some agricultural products, they are also more anxious. The price of agricultural products is produced, so the price control should start with the regulation of production.

Some people in the industry have suggested that farmers should think in reverse when arranging production and not stop planting next year because the price is too low this year. In fact, this kind of suggestion is not perfect. Green onion is a living example. The price of green onions was relatively low during the Spring Festival last year, but it is in reverse thinking this year and the price is even lower. In fact, according to our experience of working in the market for many years, we believe that when arranging production plans, farmers must investigate the sales of seeds and related agricultural materials. Once there is a hot sale of seeds or related agricultural materials, it is often "difficult to sell" when this kind of agricultural products are put on the market. Therefore, when arranging production, farmers should try their best to avoid the best-selling seeds and agricultural materials.