
The General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture on further strengthening the National Day period and autumn and winter

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, With the full end of the marine summer fishing moratorium, fishery production will enter the peak season in autumn and winter. Autumn and winter is the season of frequent occurrence of cold wave, strong wind and other disastrous weather and the busy season of maritime shipping, and it is the period of high incidence of safety accidents of fishing vessels. For the further implementation of the "Security of the State Council"

With the end of the summer fishing season, fishery production will enter the autumn and winter season. Autumn and winter is the season of frequent occurrence of disastrous weather such as cold wave and strong wind and the busy season of maritime shipping, which is the period of high incidence of fishing boat safety accidents. In order to thoroughly implement the Emergency Notice of the Security Committee Office of the State Council on Doing a Good Job in Preventing and Responding to Persistent Large-scale Disasters, In the spirit of the Circular of the Security Committee of the State Council on Centralizing the Special Action of "Six Strikes and Six Curbs"(No.6 [2014] of the Security Committee of the State Council), we will further strengthen the management of fishery safety production in autumn and winter, prevent and contain the occurrence of serious and extremely serious accidents, and ensure the stability of fishery safety production during the National Day of this year and autumn and winter.

1. Continue to organize and carry out the special action of "six strikes and six cures" to crack down on illegal activities. According to the overall deployment of the State Council, the fishery system earnestly organized and carried out the special action of "six strikes and six cures" to crack down on illegal activities and achieved initial results. At the next stage, we should earnestly sum up experience, strengthen supervision and inspection of fishery safety production and law enforcement, and severely crack down on all kinds of illegal fishing production activities, especially illegal fishing activities such as illegal fishing production by "three no" ships, false license plates and altered names of fishing boats. In conjunction with the work of "establishing two systems" and inspection of safety production, we should go deep into fishing ports and centralized mooring points of fishing boats, strengthen the inspection of fishing boats, important equipment and crew certificates and the investigation and treatment of hidden dangers, strengthen the inspection of fishing port safety, fire fighting facilities, fishing boats 'lifesaving, communication, fire fighting, signal type and other safety equipment and product quality, and effectively prevent and resolutely contain serious and extremely serious water safety accidents.

II. Do a good job in preventing typhoons and other disastrous weather. This year, typhoons and other persistent large-scale disaster weather increased, especially the No.9 super typhoon "Ramason" caused heavy losses to fishery production. All localities should combine the characteristics of autumn and winter climate, redeploy, re-inspect and re-implement fishery safety production work, and pay close attention to fishery safety production work in flood season. We should do a good job in 24-hour fishery emergency duty and leadership during daily and National Day holidays, actively strengthen coordination and cooperation with meteorological, maritime, water conservancy and other departments, pay close attention to disastrous weather warning and forecast, notify fishing boats and personnel in relevant sea areas of early warning information as soon as possible, and ensure that various defense measures are implemented in place. Fishery vessels shall prepare for navigation, actively cooperate with professional search and rescue forces under the condition of ensuring their own safety, organize rescue of fishing boats in distress, self-rescue and mutual rescue of fishing boats, and safeguard the safety of fishermen's lives and property. At the same time, it is necessary to timely report to our Ministry and relevant departments the arrival of fishing boats to avoid wind and the evacuation of fishermen, the preparation of defensive measures and the disaster situation, so as to ensure the smooth flow of information.

Third, strengthen the safety management of fishing vessels during the National Day period and after the summer break. Strengthen the management of fishing boats returning to port to avoid wind and berth on holidays, take effective measures to prevent accidents such as fire and collision, and ensure the safe and orderly berthing of fishing vessels in port. Urge enterprises and shipowners to carry out the main responsibility of safety production, punish fishing boats with incomplete safety equipment, unqualified crew, sailing beyond navigation area and exceeding wind wave resistance level according to regulations and prohibit them from leaving port. Effectively strengthen the propaganda and guidance of fishermen, require them to produce according to laws and regulations, avoid risks in sensitive sea areas, pay attention to formation operations, and maintain safe distances and smooth communication. Strengthen supervision over foreign-related fishery production, prevent cross-border fishing and foreign-related incidents, and maintain fishery safety production order. Actively cooperate with relevant departments to do a good job in the emergency handling and aftermath of foreign-related fishery cases.

Fourth, strengthen inter-departmental coordination and cooperation to prevent and reduce the occurrence of collision accidents between commercial fishing vessels. With the end of the fishing moratorium, a large number of fishing boats have gone to sea to operate, and the order of offshore operations and navigation has become more complicated. Fisheries authorities at all levels should earnestly implement the spirit of the Memorandum of Cooperation on Maritime Safety Management issued by the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Agriculture, strengthen cooperation with maritime departments, jointly carry out warning education for commercial fishing boats and maritime emergency rescue drills in key fishing areas and ports, enhance the safety concept of fishermen, especially ship owners and captains, and improve the safety awareness and self-rescue and mutual rescue capabilities of crew members. Joint cruise and law enforcement inspection shall be carried out in the waters where fishing boats and merchant ships operate intensively and accident-prone waters, urging the ships sailing on the sea to take effective preventive measures, strictly implementing the watch system, maintaining smooth communication, correctly using the automatic identification system (AIS) equipment when fishing boats operate and anchor, and preventing and avoiding the occurrence of water safety accidents. Actively carry out or participate in the investigation of collision accidents between commercial fishing boats within the jurisdiction, and cooperate with relevant departments to severely punish the vessels involved in the accident and escape.

general office of the Ministry of Agriculture

12 September 2014


NBY [2014] No. 53.CEB