
Modern animal husbandry provides strong support for the overall development.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Since the 12th five-year Plan, the construction of modern animal husbandry in China has been promoted steadily, and it has made solid progress in ensuring the effective supply of animal products, ensuring the quality and safety of animal products and maintaining grassland ecology, which has provided strong support for stable growth, structural adjustment, reform and benefit to the people's livelihood.

Since the 12th five-year Plan, the construction of modern animal husbandry in China has been promoted steadily, and a solid step has been made in ensuring the effective supply of animal products, ensuring the quality and safety of animal products and maintaining grassland ecology. it provides a strong support for "stable growth, structural adjustment, reform and benefit to the people's livelihood".

Animal husbandry production has maintained a steady growth the varieties have become increasingly diversified the foundation of the animal husbandry industry has been continuously consolidated and the management system and mechanism have been continuously reformed and developed with remarkable results. According to the data, in 2014, the total output value of animal husbandry has exceeded 2.9 trillion yuan, and the per capita amount of meat has reached 64 kilograms. The income directly engaged in livestock and poultry farming accounts for 6% of the cash income of family agricultural operation, and there are 583 leading enterprises in the national industrialization of animal husbandry, accounting for 47%.

Transfer mode to enhance comprehensive production capacity

The national animal husbandry system adheres to the basic idea of "stabilizing pigs, protecting poultry, and promoting cattle and sheep", strengthen market guidance, do a good job in policy implementation, resolve industrial risks, and comprehensively enhance the comprehensive production capacity of livestock and poultry.

Standardized scale breeding of livestock and poultry has become the main force to ensure the supply of livestock products. During the 12th five-year Plan period, the central government invested a total of 14.9 billion yuan to support the upgrading and upgrading of the infrastructure of nearly 38000 large-scale farms. Since 2010, the implementation of livestock and poultry breeding standardization demonstration activities has been launched, and large-scale farming has become the main force to ensure the effective supply of livestock products in the market. In 2014, the proportion of live pigs, laying hens and dairy cows reached 42%, 69% and 45%, respectively.

Remarkable breakthroughs have been made in scientific and technological innovation in the livestock and poultry breeding industry. In recent years, genetic improvement plans for live pigs, dairy cows, beef cattle, meat sheep, laying hens and broilers have been issued and implemented successively. The improved breed breeding system has been initially formed, and the ability of improved breed selection and breeding has been significantly improved. Since the 12th five-year Plan, a total of 39 supporting systems for new breeds of livestock and poultry have been cultivated throughout the country, of which self-cultivated laying hens have accounted for more than 40% of the national market share.

-- the pace of industrialization has been accelerated. At present, there are 583 leading enterprises in the national agricultural industrialization of animal husbandry, accounting for 47 percent of the total. The integration of production, addition and marketing in animal husbandry and the development momentum of the integration of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries have been accelerated. A large number of production and management models with various forms, such as "enterprise + peasant household", "enterprise + cooperative", "enterprise + base" and other forms of mutual benefit and benefit sharing have been formed.

Special renovation to improve the level of quality and safety

Animal husbandry departments at all levels have fully implemented the central decisions and arrangements on the quality and safety of food and agricultural products, conscientiously performed their regulatory duties on feed, fresh milk and "clenbuterol", persisted in using the "four most stringent" to promote the rectification of outstanding problems, and improved the long-term mechanism with equal emphasis on production and management, and achieved remarkable results.

-- in-depth implementation of new laws and regulations to promote the overall improvement of the quality of feed enterprises, and the quality of products continues to improve. After the publication and implementation of the revised regulations on the Administration of Feed and Feed Additives, we will promptly issue supporting departmental regulations, organize the demonstration and establishment of the Feed quality and Safety Management Standard, and improve the feed quality and safety monitoring plan.

Through the organic connection and synergy of the supervision system in advance, during and after the event, the situation of small chaos in feed enterprises has been obviously improved. From 2010 to 2014, the qualified rate of sampling inspection of feed products increased from 93.9% to 96.2%, the number of feed production enterprises decreased from 10843 to 7617, and the number of feed enterprise groups with an annual output of more than 1 million tons increased from 17 to 31.

-- A new long-term supervision mechanism has been built, and the illegal problem of "clenbuterol" has been effectively curbed. Since 2011, the Ministry of Agriculture, together with relevant departments, has built a long-term mechanism of up-down linkage, departmental linkage and regional linkage to comprehensively strengthen the supervision of "clenbuterol". Over the past four years, nearly 3 million production and operation entities of various types have been inspected on the spot every year, and tens of millions of samples of various types have been organized for inspection, and a total of more than 300 cases have been transferred to the public security organs. In 2014, the qualified rate of livestock product "clenbuterol" sampling test was 99.8%, which was the best level in history.

-- vigorously carry out the special renovation of fresh milk, and the quality and safety level of fresh milk has been greatly improved. At present, there are 11000 milk stations and 7000 transport vehicles across the country, all of which are under supervision and operate with 100% license. Milk stations are all run by three types of legal entities, and the mechanized milking rate has reached 90%, an increase of 39 percentage points over 2008. At the same time, organize the development and on-line operation of the fresh milk purchase station management system, put all licensed fresh milk purchase stations and transport vehicles into the system record management, milk stations and transport vehicles have achieved information management. From 2009 to 2014, a total of 125000 batches of fresh milk samples were sampled, and the qualified rate of melamine in fresh milk remained 100% for 6 consecutive years, and no prohibited additives such as leather hydrolyzed protein were detected.

Grassland Ecological Rewards Policy to promote the Sustainable improvement of the Ecological Environment

Grassland departments at all levels firmly establish the concept of "giving priority to ecology and giving consideration to ecological production and life", continuously strengthen the construction of ecological protection of grassland, and promote the scientific development of grassland animal husbandry.

In particular, since 2011, the policy of subsidy and incentive mechanism for grassland ecological protection has been fully implemented in eight major grassland pastoral provinces, including Inner Mongolia, and in 2012, the scope of implementation of the policy has been extended to five provinces, including Heilongjiang, covering 13 grassland pastoral provinces across the country, benefiting 657 counties (regiment farms, farms). This policy is a major policy implemented in China's grassland pastoral areas since the founding of the people's Republic of China, covering a wide area and benefiting a large number of herdsmen. This policy has effectively promoted the restoration of grassland ecological environment, the transformation of the development mode of grassland animal husbandry and the sustained and stable increase of herdsmen's income.

-- accelerating the restoration of the grassland ecological environment. Monitoring shows that the overloading rate of livestock in the country's key natural grasslands dropped from 30% in 2010 to 15.2% in 2014. 3.84 billion mu of grasslands across the country have been recuperated through animal husbandry ban and balanced management of grass and livestock, and the ecological environment has been continuously improved. In 2014, the comprehensive vegetation coverage of grasslands across the country reached 53.6 percent, an increase of 2.6 percent over 2010, and the output of fresh grass was 1.02 billion tons, an increase of 4.7 percent over 2010.

-- accelerating the transformation of the development mode of grassland animal husbandry. All provinces and regions in pastoral areas should carry out artificial recommendation in accordance with local conditions, vigorously develop house-feeding and semi-house-feeding in captivity, promote standardized and intensive farming on an appropriate scale, and actively promote the transformation of the development mode of grassland animal husbandry. Since the 12th five-year Plan, 120 million mu of artificial feeding grasslands have been built in pastoral provinces, 85 million square meters of livestock sheds have been built, the improvement rate of livestock has exceeded 50 percent, and the proportion of 50 cattle and 100 sheep has exceeded 30 percent on a large scale, which has made outstanding contributions to ensuring the supply of beef and mutton market.

-- the income of herdsmen has accelerated. The grassland subsidy policy has 13.93 billion yuan directly subsidized to herdsmen every year, coupled with the high price of beef and mutton in recent years, the productive income of herdsmen continues to increase. According to industry statistics, the per capita net income of herdsmen in 268 pastoral areas and semi-pastoral counties reached 6287.7 yuan in 2014, an increase of 1793.3 yuan or 39.9% over 2010.