
Lowering the temporary storage price of corn-- the pain of reform cannot be borne entirely by farmers.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Reform is necessary and adjustment is necessary, but the pains of reform and development cannot all be borne by the peasants. After all, grain is a special commodity. Farmers growing grain is itself a responsibility and responsibility for national food security, and the cost of market fluctuations can not.

Reform is necessary and adjustment is necessary, but the pains of reform and development cannot all be borne by the peasants. After all, grain is a special commodity, farmers grow grain, itself is a responsibility and responsibility for national food security, the cost of market fluctuations can not be fully paid by farmers. At present, how to protect the interests and enthusiasm of grain farmers is very important.

At present, the corn in the three provinces of Northeast China and Inner Mongolia, the main grain producing areas of the country, has gradually entered the mature period from south to north. However, farmers who are expecting a bumper harvest are not happy. Not long ago, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Grain Bureau, the Ministry of Finance, the Agricultural Development Bank and other departments jointly issued a notice: the purchase price of temporary storage corn is set at 1 yuan per jin, which is at most 0.13 yuan lower than last year's temporary storage price per jin. It is also the first time that temporary storage prices have been lowered since the state launched the corn temporary storage policy in 2008.

It is both unexpected and reasonable to rise for seven years in a row, and the first downgrade is so big. Since 2008, under the guarantee of the temporary corn collection and storage policy and supporting the market, farmers' enthusiasm for planting corn has been greatly mobilized, the planting area is constantly expanding, the output is rising year after year, and corn prices are also rising all the way up. In 2008, the temporary collection and storage price is only more than 70 cents per jin, but by 2014, it has soared to 1.13 yuan, up nearly 60%.

However, contrary to the unilateral rise in domestic corn prices, the international market price has declined for three consecutive years. Before the reduction, the difference between corn import price and domestic temporary storage price has reached about 600 yuan per ton. This has directly led to two consequences: one is the sharp increase in corn imports, and the other is the upsurge of corn stocks. "Foreign grain enters the market and national grain goes into storage." in some major producing areas, there is a situation that "cannot be collected, cannot be stored, cannot be sold, and cannot be made up by finance."

It can be said that the sharp reduction in corn storage prices this year is not only the natural result of market pressure, but also the inevitable choice of industrial adjustment. We should keep the level of temporary storage prices close to the market as far as possible, make the market play a decisive role in the allocation of resources, give better play to the role of the government, and guide grain prices to return to the market. It is not only conducive to encouraging diversified market subjects such as feed and deep processing enterprises to receive more grain, store more grain, and use more grain, and promote the long-term and healthy development of the domestic corn industry, but also send a signal and reasonably guide market expectations. actively and steadily guide the adjustment of agricultural planting structure; for farmers, it is also a profound market awareness training and risk spirit education, because there is no market that only rises but does not fall.

However, at the same time, we should also see that the temporary storage price of corn has been greatly reduced, which has a real impact on the interests of farmers. In recent years, with the rise in grain prices, planting costs are also rising. The prices of agricultural materials and labor, especially the transferred land, are largely based on last year's grain prices. Now, the price of collection and storage per jin has been reduced by 0.13 yuan, for farmers, especially large-scale growers, the impact can be imagined. Restructuring, planting and restructuring is a process of reform, which is difficult for farmers to adapt to for the time being, and there will be many difficulties in a short period of time. Reform is necessary and adjustment is necessary, but the pains of reform and development cannot all be borne by the peasants. After all, grain is a special commodity, farmers grow grain, itself is a responsibility and responsibility for national food security, the cost of market fluctuations can not be fully paid by farmers. At present, how to protect the interests and enthusiasm of grain farmers is very important.

The purchase and storage price has been set, and the key is to make sure that the grain can be sold, sold smoothly and sold well. According to the policy, the implementation time of corn temporary storage acquisition this year will be adjusted from November 1, 2015 to April 30, 2016, with the start-up time about 20 days earlier than in previous years. This not only helps farmers sell grain in time after harvest, but also helps to make full use of drying capacity and reduce corn mildew as much as possible. At the same time, the main body of collection and storage has also increased the strength of AVIC, together with COFCO and COFCO, as a supplement to the grain storage company of China, which is conducive to expanding storage capacity and storage progress. We must strictly comply with the requirements of the policy, make good preparations, ensure that funds and equipment are in place, start on time, and strictly prevent the acts of suppressing grades and prices and giving vouchers to farmers. With regard to possible quality problems such as mildew of corn, it is necessary to strictly implement the acquisition quality standards, and all localities should also make a specific work plan for the purchase and disposal of substandard grain as soon as possible and start it in a timely manner to ensure that it is not difficult for farmers to "sell grain." At the same time, it is also necessary to actively mobilize multiple market entities such as feed and deep processing enterprises to participate in the acquisition.

During the period of adjustment and transformation, in the face of the objectives of reform and the needs of ensuring food security and farmers' interests, first of all, we must increase investment in agricultural infrastructure and agricultural science and technology support, constantly improve the comprehensive grain production capacity, and strictly abide by the red line of 1.8 billion mu of arable land. No matter how the adjustment can be done, the grain production capacity can not be adjusted down; secondly, for some farmers who have been replanted and reformed, we should increase subsidies and various support to them. Third, under the premise of preventing risks, we should increase financial support to new business entities and large grain growers, so as to avoid problems in their capital chain that affect production in the next quarter. In short, it is necessary to constantly create new grips and new platforms for strengthening farmers and benefiting farmers and rich peasants.

At the same time, all localities can also proceed from the immediate reality and explore some effective support to farmers in other links. For example, it is a common problem for farmers to dry their grain. Parking lots, basketball courts and cultural squares in rural areas can be used as temporary places for farmers to dry grain. For some large grain growers who have the ability and foundation, increase subsidies to help them purchase drying equipment, or use cooperatives as carriers to provide drying services to farmers. In addition, when it comes to grain sales season, it is the time for operators to pay land rent to farmers and pay off agricultural credit. At this time, we will provide them with the necessary financial support to prevent them from turning to usury or selling grain cheaply; for some customers who have a good reputation for loans in the bank, they can also appropriately extend the repayment period to prevent overdue repayment from affecting credit, and so on.

From the perspective of long-term development, although the current corn harvest and storage prices have been greatly reduced, they are still much higher than the international market prices; China's corn harvest has been bumper year after year, stocks are increasing, and the pattern of phased supply exceeding demand is further intensified; market demand continues to be weak, which suppresses the trend of corn prices, and the downward pressure on corn prices in the future is still great. In this regard, farmers should have sufficient market expectations and preparations, and timely adjust the planting structure. However, what to grow after adjustment is also a question. Government departments in major grain producing areas should do a good job in effective guidance and service, not only adjust but also avoid blindness, and at the same time vigorously cultivate the supporting forces of new industries upstream and downstream in the long run. The makers and implementers of relevant policies should also fully take into account the affordability of farmers, not only to continue to promote reform, but also to achieve a smooth transition. On the basis of overall consideration of the interests and wishes of the market subjects of all parties, we should always persist in putting the interests of farmers in an important position.

Only in this way can the overall situation of China's food security be maintained, and can we expect that the corn market, which has experienced the throes of reform, will really mature.