
Agriculture focuses on modernization during the 13th five-year Plan, no longer simply pursuing yield growth.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Primary industry agriculture, in the face of hundreds of millions of people, in the next five years of the 13th five-year Plan, China's agriculture must achieve a new advance in quantity and quality. One of the most important ideas is that we should no longer simply pursue the continuous growth of grain production, but should develop.

Agriculture, the primary industry, is facing hundreds of millions of people. In the next five years of the 13th five-year Plan, China's agriculture must realize the new promotion of "quantity" and "quality". One of the most important ideas is to no longer simply pursue the continuous growth of grain "output", but to develop agricultural modernization and improve efficiency to keep up with the pace of China's modernization.

It is understood that at present, the Ministry of Agriculture is making intensive efforts to study and plan how to promote the sustained and healthy development of agriculture and rural areas during the 13th five-year Plan. Generally speaking, the development direction of the 13th five-year Plan is to promote agricultural modernization, change the mode of agricultural development, take the "three guarantees" (ensuring supply, income, and ecology) as the main task, continue to deepen reform, consolidate the position of agriculture as the foundation, and maintain the good momentum of stable development of agriculture and rural areas.

The head of the Ministry of Agriculture said that according to the current relationship between supply and demand, the new idea of China's agriculture is "not to pursue continuous growth, but to maintain the overall stability of grain production, especially to consolidate and enhance grain production capacity." According to this line of thinking, experts believe that during the 13th five-year Plan, China's grain self-sufficiency rate will remain above 95%, and the self-sufficiency capacity of rice, wheat and other rations will reach 100%.

The 13th five-year Plan period is the last sprint for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and it is also the key five years for speeding up agricultural modernization and realizing the synchronization of the four modernizations. For this reason, the Ministry of Agriculture makes it clear that during the 13th five-year Plan period, we must speed up the pace of agricultural modernization and strive to find a way for the development of modern agriculture with Chinese characteristics with high output efficiency, product safety, resource saving and environment-friendly.

However, the level of regional development is very inconsistent, and it is impossible for China's agricultural modernization to go hand in hand. In order to solve this worldwide problem, one of the measures put forward by the Ministry of Agriculture is to "develop modern agricultural demonstration zones."

"We have established 283 national modern agricultural demonstration zones in areas with suitable conditions, such as the eastern coast, the suburbs of big cities, large-scale reclamation areas, and the main producing areas of agricultural products, and strive to take the lead in realizing agricultural modernization. Step by step to promote the process of agricultural modernization throughout the country." The above-mentioned head of the Ministry of Agriculture said.

The second measure is to promote the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development, and accelerate agricultural modernization driven by innovation.

Experts believe that "restructuring and promoting" requires speeding up the formation of a "new pattern of integration of primary, secondary, and tertiary industries" is an important way to promote the transformation and upgrading of agricultural industrialization.

Specifically, under the premise of taking "agriculture" as the core, during the 13th five-year Plan period, we should adhere to the concept of industry and market thinking to grasp agriculture, and according to the idea of deep integration of agriculture and animal husbandry, cultivation, plus marketing and tourism, speed up the construction of a modern agricultural industrial system, focus on the development of agricultural and sideline products processing industry and food industry, and create new industries such as "Internet +" modern agriculture and rural tourism. Extend the industrial chain, build the supply chain, and form the whole industry chain.

Earlier, a reporter from the Shanghai Stock Exchange News learned that as a key work of the central rural industrial conference, the parties concerned will draft guidelines to promote the integrated development of primary, secondary, and tertiary industries in rural areas, which are expected to be issued in the second half of the year.