
Han Changfu: speed up the in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the Fifth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The Fifth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee examined and adopted the proposal of the CPC Central Committee on the formulation of the 13th five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development. The "proposal" clearly points out that agricultural modernization is the basis for building a well-off society in an all-round way and realizing modernization.

The Fifth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee examined and adopted the proposal of the CPC Central Committee on the formulation of the 13th five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development. The "proposal" clearly points out that agricultural modernization is the basis for building a well-off society in an all-round way and realizing modernization, and it is necessary to vigorously promote agricultural modernization and promote the simultaneous development of new industrialization, informationization, urbanization, and agricultural modernization. This is a major strategic plan made by the CPC Central Committee to focus on the overall situation of socialist modernization and to meet the new challenges of agricultural development. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that without agricultural modernization, prosperity in rural areas, and farmers living and working in peace and contentment, national modernization is incomplete, incomplete, and unstable. At present, our country is in a critical period of transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. Speeding up the transformation of agricultural development mode is the main task and basic path to promote agricultural modernization during the 13th five-year Plan period. efforts should be made to build a modern agricultural industrial system, production system and management system, and take the agricultural modernization road of high output efficiency, product safety, resource saving and environment-friendly.

I. China has reached the stage where we must speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development.

During the Twelfth five-year Plan period, the construction of modern agriculture in China has been accelerated. There has been a new increase in the comprehensive production capacity of agriculture, with grain production reaching two levels of 100 billion jin in five years, and the total grain output reached 1.2142 trillion jin in 2014, stabilizing at more than 1.2 trillion jin for two consecutive years. At the same time, cotton oil sugar, fruit and vegetable tea, meat, eggs and milk, aquatic products and other stable development. New breakthroughs have been made in the construction of modern agriculture. In 2014, the contribution rate of agricultural scientific and technological progress exceeded 56%, the improved varieties of major crops, especially grain crops, basically achieved full coverage, the comprehensive mechanization level of farming and harvest exceeded 61%, and the effective irrigated area of farmland accounted for more than 52%. New progress has been made in the construction of the agricultural management system, the land circulation has been promoted in an orderly manner, the moderate scale operation of agriculture has developed steadily, and the main body of the new type of agricultural management has gradually grown. By the end of 2014, there were more than 870000 family farms and 1.28 million farmers' cooperatives, accounting for more than 30 per cent of household contracted arable land. For five consecutive years, the growth rate of farmers' income was higher than that of GDP and the income of urban residents, and the income ratio of urban and rural residents dropped from 3.33 ∶ 1 at the end of the Eleventh five-year Plan to 2.92 ∶ 1 in 2014. Under the background of increasing downward pressure on the economy, the good situation of agriculture has become a "Poseidon needle" for the sustained and healthy development of economy and society.

The 13th five-year Plan is the decisive stage of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. We should be soberly aware that the development of agricultural modernization still lags behind, facing many challenges, such as the "three increasingly prominent": first, the restriction of agricultural capital source environment has become increasingly prominent. The problems such as the reduction of the quantity and quality of cultivated land, the over-exploitation of groundwater and the aggravation of agricultural non-point source pollution have become increasingly prominent, the strings of resource elements are getting tighter and tighter, and the agricultural ecological environment has lit up a "red light". Especially after the problem of food and clothing is solved, the public's demand for the ecological environment and the quality of agricultural products is getting higher and higher. Second, the problem of imbalance in agricultural production structure has become increasingly prominent. The regional distribution of agriculture does not fully match the endowment of resources, the transportation of grain from the north to the south and the south-to-north water transfer coexist; the structure of grain economy and feeding is unreasonable, and the increase of the inventory of some agricultural products coexists with the increase of imports; the combination of farming and aquaculture is not tight and the circulation is not smooth; the decline of soil fertility and the lack of effective utilization of manure in aquaculture coexist; there is a disconnection in production, processing, circulation and consumption, and the whole agricultural industry chain has not yet been formed. Third, the problem of low quality and efficiency of agricultural development has become increasingly prominent. The cost of agricultural production is in the "rising channel", and the price of international agricultural products is lower than that of domestic agricultural products in varying degrees. Under the double squeeze of cost "floor" and price "ceiling", the comparative efficiency of agriculture continues to decline. The trend of part-time agriculture and the aging of farmers is obvious, and the problems of "who will farm the land" and "how to farm the land" are very prominent.

In accordance with the requirements of the proposal, the 13th five-year Plan should firmly establish a new development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development, and promote agricultural development from quantity growth to quantity and quality benefits. from relying mainly on material input to relying on scientific and technological innovation and improving the quality of workers, and from relying mainly on resources and consumption to sustainable development. We will improve the quality, efficiency and competitiveness of agriculture, and promote the comprehensive production capacity of grain, the quality and safety level of agricultural products, the utilization rate of agricultural resources, and farmers' income to a new level.

II. Key tasks of speeding up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development

The "proposal" makes comprehensive arrangements for speeding up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development, and we should proceed from China's national conditions, identify the focal points of our work, and pay close attention to achieving results.

(1) pay more attention to increasing grain production capacity and tap the new potential of grain production. With the increase of the total population, the increase of the proportion of urban population, the improvement of the consumption level of residents and the expansion of the industrial use of agricultural products, China's agricultural products need to show a rigid growth trend. According to the forecast of experts, the demand for grain in China will be about 1.4 trillion jin by 2020, and there is still a shortfall of about 200 billion jin. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that the rice bowls of the Chinese people should be firmly in their own hands at all times, and the rice bowls must be mainly filled with Chinese food. It is necessary to steadily increase grain production capacity as the primary task to accelerate the transformation of the mode of agricultural development. Grain production can be adjusted according to market demand, but grain production capacity must be consolidated and increased. Adhere to the strictest cultivated land protection system, adhere to the red line of cultivated land, comprehensively delimit permanent basic farmland, explore the implementation of a pilot system of rotation and fallow of cultivated land, and implement the strategy of storing grain in the land and technology, to ensure that "grain is basically self-sufficient and food rations are absolutely safe." At present, the middle-and low-yield fields in China account for about 2. 3%, and most of them still depend on heaven for food. We will promote land renovation, the transformation of medium-and low-yield fields, and the construction of high-standard farmland on a large scale, and build 800 million mu of high-standard farmland by 2020.

(2) pay more attention to optimizing the agricultural structure and cultivating the modern agricultural industrial system. Modern agriculture must be guided by market demand, realize regional layout and specialized production, and promote the overall planning of grain economy and feeding, the combination of agriculture, animal husbandry and fishing, the integration of planting and breeding, and the deep integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries. It is necessary to explore the establishment of functional areas for grain production and protection areas for the production of important agricultural products, strengthen the construction of major agricultural products production areas such as grain, promote the construction of core production areas in major production areas, and increase balanced transfer payments to major agricultural products production areas and key ecological function areas. We should give full play to the comparative advantages of various localities and develop adaptive agriculture according to local conditions, including grain, economy, grass, animal husbandry and fishing, so as to improve the matching between the development of agricultural industry and resources and environment. Develop various functions of agriculture, promote the construction of agricultural industrial chain and value chain, improve the comprehensive efficiency of agriculture, and let farmers share more of the value-added benefits of the secondary and tertiary industries.

(3) pay more attention to the quality and safety of agricultural products and ensure "safety on the tip of the tongue". Quality and safety is an important symbol of modern agriculture. In recent years, the level of quality and safety of agricultural products in China has improved steadily and improved on the whole, and the monitoring qualified rate of major agricultural products has remained above 96%, but the hidden dangers are still prominent in some places and fields. We must persist in "producing" and "controlling" with both hands and hard hands. "production" is mainly to promote agricultural standardization, build a large number of agricultural standardized production bases, create a large number of well-known brands of agricultural products, and ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products from the source. The main purpose of "management out" is to improve the supervision system for the whole process of the quality and safety of agricultural products from farmland to the dining table, carry out pilot projects for quality and safety traceability, strengthen comprehensive law enforcement and special rectification efforts, and do a good job in the establishment of agricultural products quality and safety counties.

(4) pay more attention to scientific and technological innovation and enhance the comprehensive production capacity of agriculture. To speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development, it is essential to rely on innovation-driven and give full play to the multiplier effect of science and technology. It is necessary to speed up the establishment of a modern agricultural science and technology innovation system and promote the transformation of achievements and the popularization of technology. Vigorously develop the modern seed industry, expand and strengthen the integrated seed enterprises of breeding, breeding and promotion, actively promote the construction of national breeding and seed production bases, and mobilize the innovative enthusiasm of researchers through reform. We will speed up agricultural mechanization, carry out deep loosening and soil preparation operations, focus on breaking through bottlenecks such as rice machine planting, rape machine harvesting, cotton and sugarcane machine harvesting, and promote the mechanization of the whole production of major crops. We will promote agricultural informatization, carry out the "Internet +" modern agricultural campaign, implement the project of information entering villages and households, and speed up the demonstration and application of the Internet of things in agriculture. Cultivate a new type of professional farmers and create a team of high-quality modern agricultural producers and operators.

(5) pay more attention to the protection and management of agricultural ecological environment and realize the sustainable development of agriculture. Resource conservation and environmental friendliness are the basic requirements of modern agriculture. It is necessary to vigorously develop water-saving agriculture, promote water conservation in projects, varieties, agronomy, management, pollution control, and water use efficiency in agriculture, and expand the effective irrigation area to 1 billion mu without increasing the total amount of agricultural water consumption by 2020. We will strengthen the prevention and control of agricultural non-point source pollution, promote the reduced use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers and agricultural film, coordinate the safety of drinking water in rural areas, improve water and toilets, sewage and garbage treatment, promote the resource utilization and harmless treatment of wastes from the farming industry, and strive to achieve zero growth in the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides by 2020, and basically realize the resource utilization of livestock and poultry manure, crop straw and agricultural film.

(6) pay more attention to the innovation of management mode and increase farmers' income by increasing agricultural efficiency. This is the source of power to change the mode of agricultural development.

It is necessary to stabilize the rural land contract relationship, promote the orderly transfer of land management rights, develop various forms of moderate scale operation, and play a leading role in the development of modern agriculture. The main body of new agricultural management is a new force and leading force in the development of modern agriculture. It is necessary to build a policy system for cultivating new types of agricultural operators, vigorously develop agricultural socialized services, and actively promote cooperative, trusteeship, order-based and other forms of service. "New management subject + social service + moderate scale operation" is an important way to develop modern agriculture.

(7) pay more attention to the co-ordination of two kinds of resources in the two markets so as to enhance the competitiveness of agriculture. This is the objective requirement of speeding up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development. According to domestic needs, we should appropriately increase the import of agricultural products, strengthen the regulation and control of the import and export of agricultural products, grasp the scale and rhythm of the import of agricultural products, actively support the export of superior agricultural products, and achieve the effective allocation of domestic and foreign resources and the overall utilization of domestic and foreign markets. We will promote agricultural opening up to the outside world, strengthen agricultural cooperation with foreign countries, seize the major strategic opportunity of the "Belt and Road Initiative" construction, and speed up the cultivation of internationally competitive agricultural enterprise groups.

Third, ensure that the transformation of the mode of agricultural development is promoted in a down-to-earth manner.

To speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development, we must adhere to the correct principles. First, adhere to the market orientation, strengthen the guidance of market information, and use market methods to guide and organize agricultural production. The second is to persist in proceeding from reality, according to local resource endowments, industrial foundation and market conditions, taking measures to local conditions and taking advantage of the situation. The third is to adhere to the dominant position of farmers, respect their wishes and operational autonomy, and give full play to their initiative and creativity. The fourth is to persist in reform and innovation, remove the institutional obstacles that restrict the development of agriculture and rural areas, and stimulate the endogenous driving force.

The transformation of the mode of agricultural development is inseparable from policy support. It is necessary to speed up the establishment and improvement of the agricultural support and protection system so as to provide strong support for the transformation of the mode of agricultural development.

First, it is necessary to continue to increase investment in agriculture. This is a common practice in all countries in the world, especially in developed countries. It is necessary to persist in increasing but not decreasing investment in agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and speed up the establishment of a mechanism for stable growth of input. We will optimize the structure of financial expenditure for supporting agriculture, focusing on supporting agricultural infrastructure construction, agricultural structural adjustment, agricultural sustainable development, agricultural scientific and technological progress, and innovation in agricultural management modes.

Second, it is necessary to improve the agricultural subsidy policy. We should give full play to the guiding role of subsidy policies, maintain the continuity and stability of agricultural policies, gradually expand the scale and scope of the implementation of the "green box" policy, adjust and improve the "yellow box" policy, and speed up the establishment of a subsidy policy system suited to the transformation of agriculture. We will promote the tilting of new subsidies to new business entities and major producing areas, establish a subsidy system to encourage green development, carry out pilot projects of grain reform and feeding and planting and breeding, and improve the system of benefit compensation, cultivated land protection compensation and ecological compensation in major grain producing areas. We will improve the effectiveness of agricultural subsidy policies.

Third, it is necessary to reform the price formation mechanism of agricultural products. We will pay attention to giving full play to the role of the market in forming prices, continue to implement the policy of minimum purchase prices for rice and wheat, improve the temporary procurement and storage policies for important agricultural products such as corn, do a good job in pilot projects of target prices for soybeans and cotton, and actively carry out pilot projects for price insurance of agricultural products. We will strengthen the construction of circulation facilities and markets for agricultural products, as well as the construction of a comprehensive platform for market information monitoring, and reform and improve the reserve system for important agricultural products such as grain.

Fourth, we should improve rural financial services. We will deepen the reform and innovation of rural finance and promote the tilt of financial resources towards agriculture, rural areas and farmers. We will explore effective ways of leveraging financial funds to support agriculture and pay close attention to the establishment of a guarantee system for agricultural credit. We will steadily carry out pilot projects of mutual financial assistance within farmers' cooperatives, rural contracted land management rights and mortgage loans for farmers' housing property rights, and financial leasing of large-scale agricultural machinery and equipment, so as to improve financial services for new types of agricultural operators.

Fifth, it is necessary to strengthen agricultural insurance support. We will encourage commercial insurance institutions to innovate insurance products, increase premiums subsidized by the central and provincial governments for major grain crop insurance, and include seed production insurance for major grain crops in the central financial premium catalogue. we will speed up the study and introduction of a central financial award policy for the insurance of agricultural products with advantages with local characteristics. Actively explore the expansion of aquaculture insurance.

Changing the mode of agricultural development is a long-term and arduous task. We should conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, enhance our sense of urgency and responsibility in accordance with the requirements of the "proposal," forge ahead, strive to achieve new results in changing the mode of agricultural development, and constantly create a new situation in the construction of modern agriculture.