
Opinions of the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture on speeding up the Development of Urban Modern Agriculture

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In order to thoroughly implement the National Modern Agricultural Development Plan (2011-2015), adhere to classified guidance, key breakthroughs and echelon promotion, encourage the suburbs of large and medium-sized cities to take the lead in realizing agricultural modernization, and give full play to the emergency guarantee function of urban agriculture,

In order to thoroughly implement the National Modern Agricultural Development Plan (2011-2015) on adhering to classified guidance, key breakthroughs, and echelon promotion, encouraging the suburbs of large and medium-sized cities to take the lead in realizing agricultural modernization, and giving full play to the emergency guarantee function of urban agriculture, this paper puts forward the following suggestions on speeding up the development of urban modern agriculture.

I. the significance of developing urban modern agriculture

(1) it is conducive to the overall optimization of the distribution of agricultural productive forces. In recent years, focusing on deepening the strategic adjustment of agricultural structure and optimizing the regional layout of agricultural products, our department has successively promulgated and implemented the regional layout planning of superior agricultural products and the regional layout planning of characteristic agricultural products. It has played an important role in giving full play to the comparative advantages of agriculture and building the industrial belt of bulk agricultural products and characteristic agricultural products. On this basis, defining the overall ideas and key tasks for the development of urban modern agriculture is of great significance to speed up the formation of a national agricultural productivity layout with benign interaction between urban suburbs and superior agricultural products production areas and characteristic agricultural products production areas.

(2) it is conducive to ensuring the effective supply of agricultural products in large and medium-sized cities. With the continuous expansion of urban scale and the continuous increase of population, the demand for agricultural products in large and medium-sized cities is increasing rigidly. The practice in recent years shows that the large-scale and long-distance cross-regional circulation of agricultural products, especially fresh agricultural products, not only increases the cost of purchase and marketing, but also increases the risk of quality and safety, and the production fluctuations in the main producing areas caused by various reasons will soon spread to the urban agricultural products market. Therefore, large and medium-sized cities to speed up the development of urban modern agriculture and maintain a certain ability of self-sufficiency of fresh food is an important basis for ensuring the supply of agricultural products and stabilizing the market of agricultural products.

(3) it is conducive to the improvement of urban ecological living environment. Rice fields are constructed wetlands and vegetable fields are artificial green spaces. Urban agriculture integrates production, life and ecological functions, and plays an important role in flood control and drainage, water conservation, soil and water conservation, and air purification, especially in providing green natural landscape and farming civilization entities. to meet the growing spiritual needs of urban residents, such as pastoral life, tourism and leisure. Speeding up the development of urban modern agriculture is an important way to improve urban ecological living environment, enrich urban residents' cultural life, maintain urban ecological balance and promote the coordinated development of human and nature.

(4) it is conducive to increasing the employment and income of farmers. Although the income level of farmers in the suburbs of large and medium-sized cities is higher than that in agricultural and pastoral areas, there is still a large gap compared with urban residents. While continuing to promote the transfer of rural labor force, we should speed up the development of urban modern agriculture, vigorously guide the injection of advanced production factors such as urban capital, technology, and talents into agriculture, and promote the development of leisure agriculture, agricultural products processing industry, and facility agriculture. raising the level of agricultural industrialization and service socialization is conducive to creating more employment and income opportunities for farmers and even citizens.

(5) it is conducive to the realization of the synchronization of the three modernizations. Urban agriculture is located in the periphery of the city geographically, serves the urban development functionally, interacts closely with urban industry and commerce in terms of resource elements, and is an effective carrier to promote the synchronization of the three modernizations. The National Modern Agricultural Development Plan (2011-2015) clearly lists "multi-functional agricultural areas in the suburbs of big cities" as "the first areas to be realized". Speeding up the development of urban modern agriculture is conducive to giving full play to the functions of demonstration, promotion and radiation, improving the level of synchronous development of the "three modernizations", coordinating urban and rural development and coordinating the relationship between workers and farmers, and promoting the formation of a new pattern of integration of urban and rural economic and social development.

II. The goal and task of developing urban modern agriculture

(6) take the lead in realizing agricultural modernization. In accordance with the general law of the development of modern agriculture and the actual needs of the development of urban agriculture, and in accordance with the overall requirements of building high-yield, high-quality, efficient, ecological and safe agriculture, we should take the overall development of urban and rural areas as the basic strategy, ensure the safe and effective supply of major agricultural products and increase farmers' income as the primary task, gather advanced production factors as an important means, innovate systems and mechanisms as a powerful driving force, and constantly optimize the layout structure. We should develop various functions of agriculture, speed up the transformation of the mode of development, promote industrial transformation and upgrading, improve the comprehensive efficiency of agriculture, and strive for the suburbs of large and medium-sized cities to take the lead in realizing agricultural modernization. On the basis of the stable development of grain production, we will strive to build urban agriculture into an important supply area for urban "vegetable baskets" products, an agricultural modernization demonstration area, a gathering area of advanced agricultural production factors, a multi-functional agricultural development model area, and a pioneering area for rural reform.

(7) steadily develop grain production. Large and medium-sized cities should attach importance to grain production, define the grain production capacity targets and necessary self-sufficiency targets within their jurisdiction, share the responsibility for national food security, and establish and improve the assessment mechanism for grain production tasks. We should rationally divide agricultural functional areas and cultivated land protection areas, strictly implement the compensation system for the requisition and occupation of cultivated land, and resolutely put an end to such situations as "only occupying but not making up,"taking up more than making up for less," and "taking advantage of less compensation," to ensure that the area of cultivated land is not reduced, that the use of cultivated land is not changed, that the quality is improved, and that the sown area of grain is stabilized. We will strengthen the construction of agricultural infrastructure, carry out the construction of high-standard farmland, transform medium-and low-yield fields on a large scale, vigorously develop water-saving agriculture, and vigorously promote soil fertility measures such as the promotion of soil organic matter and soil testing and formula fertilization. Improve irrigation and drainage ditches, motor wells and other irrigation and water conservancy facilities, increase the effective irrigation area of farmland, improve machine ploughing roads, fertilizer accumulation facilities and other supporting facilities, and improve the ability of disaster prevention and reduction. Speed up the innovation and popularization and application of agricultural science and technology, develop the modern seed industry, vigorously promote agricultural mechanization, promote the matching of improved varieties and methods, and the integration of agricultural machinery and agronomy, so as to provide a strong guarantee for the stable development of grain production.

(8) do a good job in the construction of the "vegetable basket" project. Promote the implementation of the "vegetable basket" mayor responsibility system, build a "vegetable garden", and manage the "vegetable stalls". To reasonably determine the number of land for the production of "vegetable baskets" products, especially for leafy vegetables, fresh eggs, fresh milk, aquatic products and other products that require high transport and preservation, it is necessary to ensure that the existing self-sufficiency capacity is not reduced, and effectively enhance the emergency guarantee function of urban "vegetable basket" products. We will speed up the construction of a number of protected vegetable bases, large-scale livestock and poultry farms, and standardized demonstration farms for healthy aquaculture, and strive to improve the level of facilities and the level of prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. We will strengthen the construction of facilities such as pre-cooling and cold storage in the main producing areas, improve the level of cold chain logistics, and promote the balanced listing of fresh agricultural products. We will promote the upgrading and transformation of wholesale markets for agricultural products and improve the retail terminal systems such as market markets, community vegetable shops, chain supermarkets and weekend vegetable markets. We will support the direct supply and sale of products from cooperatives and leading enterprises, and actively develop e-commerce to provide convenience for the daily life of urban residents. To study and solve the problems of transportation and distribution of fresh agricultural products into cities and parking. Strengthen cooperation with non-local production bases, implement the reserve system for important "vegetable basket" products, improve the use of non-staple food price adjustment funds, innovate the use of financial instruments such as agricultural insurance, and explore the establishment of a price stability mechanism for "vegetable baskets" products. We will improve the market information monitoring system of "vegetable basket" products, strengthen the release of production and marketing information, and guide production and marketing to proceed smoothly.

(9) strengthen the supervision and control over the quality and safety of agricultural products. We will speed up the improvement of the inspection and certification, emergency disposal and risk assessment system for the quality and safety of agricultural products in large and medium-sized cities, comprehensively establish public service institutions for supervising the quality and safety of agricultural products in villages and towns, and vigorously strengthen the building of the ability to guarantee the quality and safety of agricultural products. We will establish and improve the system of export of origin and market access, do a good job in the convergence of production and marketing and joint prevention and control, and ensure the quality and safety of listed agricultural products in large and medium-sized cities and rest assured of consumption. We should firmly grasp production bases, leading enterprises, professional cooperatives, family farms and large farmers, and take the lead in carrying out standardized agricultural production to improve the quality and safety of agricultural products. Strengthen the supervision of agricultural inputs, carry out the management of the production environment, standardize the technical operation procedures, implement the management of production file records and packaging labels, and take the lead in realizing the traceable management of the whole process from the field head to the dining table by making full use of modern information means. Firmly grasp the wholesale distribution market, backbone distribution enterprises and key large merchants, set up quality inspection stations and mobile testing vehicles, strengthen the inspection and supervision of products from other places into the market, resolutely put an end to listing and trading of unqualified products and promptly notify the agricultural department of the place of origin.

(10) actively develop leisure agriculture and ecological agriculture. Adhere to agriculture as the basis, farmers as the main body, rural areas as the carrier, around the agricultural production process, farmers' working life and rural customs and features, overall planning and design, strengthen characteristic creativity, do a good job in the establishment of demonstration bases, the cultivation of well-known brands, the construction of service system, the excavation of local culture, the creation of fine lines, and so on, so as to protect ancient villages, ancient dwellings and rural features. Efforts will be made to cultivate a number of leisure agriculture demonstration sites and agglomeration villages with distinct themes and distinctive features. Innovate the public service model of leisure agriculture, rely on the existing agricultural sector information network to gradually establish and improve the leisure agricultural public service network, and build a seamless docking mechanism between urban demand and rural supply. We will firmly establish the concept of green and low-carbon development, and strictly control the transfer of urban and industrial "three wastes" to rural areas. We will actively develop healthy farming, strengthen the prevention and control of pollution in livestock and poultry breeding, integrate and popularize practical technologies such as water-saving, fertilizer-saving and energy-saving, promote agricultural clean production, and effectively prevent and control agricultural non-point source pollution. We will expand the scale and scope of rural cleaning projects, build facilities for the treatment and utilization of organic wastes such as straw, feces, domestic waste and sewage according to local conditions, develop rural biogas, and promote the resource utilization of rural wastes. to build a happy home for farmers.

(11) continuously enhance the ability to drive radiation. Support the main producing areas to set up direct sales windows, distribution centers and specialty stores in the city. Vigorously develop agricultural exhibition economy, cultivate a number of characteristic brands, and promote inter-regional agricultural cooperation. We will actively provide convenient services for major producing areas to carry out publicity and promotion activities in cities, and promote the convergence of production and marketing of agricultural products in various forms, levels, channels and efficiency. We will actively develop the initial and intensive processing of agricultural products, enrich the product structure, extend the industrial chain, and meet the diversified food needs of cities. We will cultivate a number of large processing and circulation enterprise groups, encourage and support leading enterprises to improve the equipment conditions of processing facilities, promote the agglomeration of leading enterprise clusters, promote the organizational model of leading enterprises connecting farmers' specialized cooperatives and driving farmers, and enhance the ability to drive the development of production bases around cities. Build a number of high-standard, high-starting point, high-level agricultural demonstration bases or parks, improve the infrastructure and production conditions of the bases or parks, and improve the level of services, so that the base or park will become an important platform for business incubation, technological research and development, achievements transformation, and talent exchange, so as to better promote the development of surrounding agriculture.

(12) to lead the informationization of agricultural production and operation. Speed up the integrated application and demonstration of modern information technology and equipment such as the Internet of things, cloud computing and new generation mobile communications in urban modern agriculture, and realize the deep integration of information technology and urban agriculture, promote the digitization, automation and intellectualization of urban modern agricultural production, and accelerate the modernization of urban agriculture. We will speed up the information construction in the field of urban modern agricultural circulation, and enhance the information capability of product trading, logistics and distribution, and product quality inspection. We will encourage the construction of agricultural e-commerce platforms, carry out online transactions, competitive auctions and product distribution, and provide information services for urban residents and agricultural producers. We will vigorously promote the information construction of agriculture-related enterprises and farmers' professional cooperative organizations in large and medium-sized cities, and actively promote the in-depth application of information technology in the fields of agricultural production, operation, management and services.

III. Safeguard measures for the Development of Urban Modern Agriculture

(13) strengthen organizational guidance. We will promote the implementation of the "vegetable basket" mayor responsibility system, further strengthen organization and leadership, clarify the division of responsibilities, strengthen coordination and cooperation, form a joint force of work, improve the working mechanism adapted to the development of modern urban agriculture, and ensure that various policies and measures are implemented. All localities should lose no time in formulating special plans for the development of urban modern agriculture, and actively strive to incorporate them into the overall plans for urban development and land use, so as to promote the coordinated and sustainable development of urban modern agriculture.

(14) strengthen pilot demonstration. All localities are encouraged to try first and take the lead in development, so as to form a number of models that can represent the development direction of urban modern agriculture, and lead the development of other areas through demonstration. The Ministry of Agriculture will, in conjunction with promoting the construction of modern agricultural demonstration zones, select a number of urban modern agricultural demonstration zones with good basic conditions, great development potential, and strong demonstration and leading role, and actively explore and promote the construction of urban modern agriculture.

(15) strengthen policy support. Focusing on developing the production of "vegetable basket" products, improving the agricultural insurance system, improving the agricultural ecological compensation mechanism, promoting the innovation and promotion of agricultural science and technology, invigorating the market circulation of agricultural products, and developing leisure ecological agriculture, we will study and introduce targeted policies and measures to speed up and improve the policy system to support the development of urban modern agriculture. We will continue to increase financial support for the development of urban modern agriculture, and gradually build a pluralistic investment pattern with government investment as the guidance and enterprises and farmers as the main body.

(16) strengthen the publicity of information. We will establish and improve the statistical system of modern urban agriculture, keep abreast of the supply and market trends of agricultural products in large and medium-sized cities, strengthen the release of information, and reasonably guide farmers' production and citizen consumption. Conscientiously sum up the experiences and practices of various localities in the development of urban modern agriculture, and carry out publicity and promotion in various forms, so as to form a good atmosphere of learning and promoting each other. Pay attention to theoretical research, explore the law of the development of urban modern agriculture, enrich theoretical connotation with practical achievements, and promote practical exploration with theoretical innovation, so as to provide better theoretical support for the development of urban modern agriculture.

General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture

August 6, 2012