
moth Learn more about moth

  • The breeding methods of moth, butterfly and flower

    The breeding methods of moth, butterfly and flower

    Sowing time moth butterfly flower is the most suitable for sowing in autumn, generally every year from August to October this time can be sown, when sowing, the survival rate of the plant will be higher, the growing plant will be more exuberant! Sowing soil moths and butterflies still have some requirements for the soil when sowing.

  • When to plant moth and butterfly flower to reproduce moth

    When to plant moth and butterfly flower to reproduce moth

    Moth butterfly flowers like to take good care of, cool growth environment, usually blooming gorgeous flowers in spring, very exotic, is often used as cut flower material. If you want to have such a beautiful flower, you should not only master its planting method, but also

    2020-11-08 Moth butterfly flower when species reproduction method moth butterfly like
  • The difference between a butterfly and a moth

    The difference between a butterfly and a moth

    The difference between a butterfly and a moth

  • What does moth to flame mean? Why put out the fire? What's next?

    What does moth to flame mean? Why put out the fire? What's next?

    Moths belong to the order Lepidoptera, mostly active at night, like to gather in the light, so there is a folk saying that moths burn themselves to the flame. What does moth to flame mean? Why put out the fire? What's next? moths

    2020-11-11 moth to flame what is it meaning why want
  • How to raise moths and butterflies

    How to raise moths and butterflies

    Potted soil selection of moth butterfly flower is also fastidious when planting, the flowerpot had better choose 10-15 cm, when transplanting seedlings, we should remember to carry soil at the root of the plant, and the soil should be loose, breathable, fertile and well drained. This kind of soil, we can arrange it according to the proportion, if we think it's too troublesome.

  • Why do moths put out the fire?

    Why do moths put out the fire?

    Why do moths put out the fire?

  • Sowing and propagation of moth, butterfly and flower

    Sowing and propagation of moth, butterfly and flower

    How to sow and so on when the soil is ready, begin to sow, spread the prepared seeds on the soil slowly and evenly, and then sprinkle a layer of soil on these seeds. Because the seeds of the moth butterfly flower are relatively large, the thickness of the soil in the last step is larger, preferably above 3mm.

  • Why do moths put out the fire? How to make use of the nature of fire fighting?

    Why do moths put out the fire? How to make use of the nature of fire fighting?

    The idiom of moths to the fire is familiar to almost everyone. Moths will be burned to death when they are caught in the fire, so why do they bother to jump on them? Let's take a look at why moths put out the fire. First, why do moths put out the fire? Most of the flights

    2020-11-11 Moths why to put out the fire nature how to use
  • Are moths beneficial insects or pests?

    Are moths beneficial insects or pests?

    Are moths beneficial insects or pests?

  • Matters needing attention in the culture of moth, butterfly and flower

    Matters needing attention in the culture of moth, butterfly and flower

    Pruning the moth butterfly flower in the process of its growth, it should be pruned frequently in order to keep the plant beautiful. When the plant is transplanted into the pot, it is necessary to pick the heart of the plant once, so that it can separate more new branches, and then, in order to maintain the ornamental nature of the plant, the plant can be pruned many times.

  • What diseases and insect pests do Japanese cherry trees suffer from?

    What diseases and insect pests do Japanese cherry trees suffer from?

    Root nodule disease occurs on or near the root neck of the ground, resulting in short plants and poor growth. When the disease occurs, the root of the plant produces nodules of different shapes, showing brown, rough epidermis and often accompanied by cracks. The initial stage of anthrax.

  • What is the harm of diamondback moth to cherry blossoms? How to prevent and cure?

    What is the harm of diamondback moth to cherry blossoms? How to prevent and cure?

    What is the harm of diamondback moth to cherry blossoms? How to prevent and cure? The harm of diamondback moth is mainly caused by its larvae biting the leaves of cherry blossoms. The newly hatched larvae ate the residual epidermis of mesophyll in clusters, dispersed the damage when they grew up, and ate up the whole leaves in severe cases. There are many species of diamondback moths that harm cherry blossoms, such as brown-edged green moth, Chinese green moth, camphor moth, small black thorn, and so on. The adults of the diamondback moth are densely scaly, usually yellowish brown to green, with simple red or brown markings. Its larvae, commonly known as itchy spicy seeds, have prickles and poisonous hairs on the body, which can irritate people.

  • What is the American white moth?

    What is the American white moth?

    What is the American white moth? What are the hazards of the American white moth? What are the control methods of American white moth? Also ask the netizens who know to help introduce the American white moth, also known as the American lamp moth and the autumn curtain caterpillar, which causes serious harm to garden trees, economic forests, farmland shelterbelts, etc.

  • Common diseases and insect pests of family potted flowers and their control measures

    Common diseases and insect pests of family potted flowers and their control measures

    Common diseases and insect pests of family potted flowers and their control measures

  • Introduction to common diseases and insect pests of family potted flowers and their control measures

    Introduction to common diseases and insect pests of family potted flowers and their control measures

    Introduction to common diseases and insect pests of family potted flowers and their control measures

  • What kind of growing environment is suitable for moth and butterfly flower?

    What kind of growing environment is suitable for moth and butterfly flower?

    The moth butterfly flower, which is native to Chile, is a biennial herb with a plant type up to 90cm. With big funnel-shaped flowers, it is very beautiful.

  • How to raise moths

    How to raise moths

    Moths belong to Lepidoptera, most of which are active at night. Its larvae and adults are also one of the main food sources of insectivorous animals such as birds, reptiles and amphibians, forming an important food chain in nature. So, how to raise flying moths? First, how do moths

    2020-11-11 Moths how raise moths genera Lepidoptera orders insects most
  • Are moth larvae harmful to human beings? How to wipe it out quickly?

    Are moth larvae harmful to human beings? How to wipe it out quickly?

    The larva is a small brown caterpillar, usually hidden in a silky bag or network (called a tube nest). The adult is a yellowish moth, afraid of light. If you press it to death, it will give off an unpleasant smell. So is the larva harmful to people? How

    2020-11-11 Clothes moth larva yes people have harm how quickly destroy
  • Occurrence and control of potato tuber moth

    Occurrence and control of potato tuber moth

    Potato tuber moth is also called potato borer, tobacco leaf moth, and the masses are called skin worm, embroidery worm, potato maggot and so on. First, the harmful symptoms are mainly caused by larval decay, mostly from the bud eyes and broken skin of potato pieces, and the larvae hatched on the plant will spread with the wind and feed on the leaves through the leaves. After the injured leaves die, the larvae transfer to other leaves to do harm. Second, the occurrence regularity of potato tuber moth occurs for several generations a year, overwintering in various insect states on the remnant leaves of sweet potatoes and various hosts in the field. Cheng

  • The difference between green moths and clams

    The difference between green moths and clams

    Flower clams and green moths are produced from the sea shellfish, people are common shellfish seafood, eat delicious, nutritious. The following is an introduction to the difference between clams and green moths. 1. The difference between flower clams and green moths Flower clams are widely distributed in the north and south sea areas of China

    2020-11-11 the difference between flower clams and green moths is that