
Vegetable Lists

  • Cabbage planting: how to grow kale in autumn?

    Cabbage planting: how to grow kale in autumn?

    How to grow kale in autumn? Please introduce the method of cultivating cabbage in autumn. the growth period is short and the growth rate is fast. it is generally planted in mid-late September and can be harvested 60 days after planting. It can be cultivated in flat beds and delayed in autumn with mulch in the later stage, which can be extended to the market after New Year's Day. Detailed management methods can be referred to the following.

  • Cabbage planting: how to prevent and cure cabbage downy mildew?

    Cabbage planting: how to prevent and cure cabbage downy mildew?

    How to prevent and cure cabbage downy mildew? Please introduce the harm of cabbage downy mildew: cabbage downy mildew mainly harms the leaves, initially produces chlorotic spots on the leaves, expands into polygonal or irregular spots limited by the veins of the leaves, the spot size is 5mm or larger, yellow or yellowish brown, slightly sunken.

  • Pepper planting technology: how to do pepper wilt and bacterial wilt?

    Pepper planting technology: how to do pepper wilt and bacterial wilt?

    How did Fusarium wilt and bacterial wilt occur in chili? Please introduce and guide the prevention and control of Fusarium wilt of pepper: it is one of the main diseases of pepper. In the early stage of the disease, a large number of lower leaves fell off, and water-stained rot appeared in the basal cortex of the stem near the surface. Sometimes the disease occurs only on one side of the plant, forming longitudinal macular necrosis.

  • Pepper planting technology: how to do pepper falling flower and fruit?

    Pepper planting technology: how to do pepper falling flower and fruit?

    How to do the summer pepper falling flower and fruit? Please introduce the solution the main reason for summer pepper flower and fruit drop is that the bud of pepper is easy to fall off when it exceeds 32 ℃. In addition, due to the influence of high temperature and drought climate, cotton bollworm, tobacco green worm, red spider and other pests are rampant, causing great harm. At the same time.

  • Towel gourd cultivation: how to prevent and cure loofah stubble and seedling rest?

    Towel gourd cultivation: how to prevent and cure loofah stubble and seedling rest?

    How to prevent and cure towel gourd stubble and seedling in summer? Please give us some guidance. The environment with too long light time in summer is contrary to the growth habits of towel gourd, which is the main reason why there are few female flowers and it is difficult to sit on towel gourd in summer. Towel gourd is a short-day plant, the current sunshine time is too long, inhibit the towel gourd flowering conditions, will cause flowers.

  • Cabbage planting: how to fertilize cabbage?

    Cabbage planting: how to fertilize cabbage?

    How to fertilize cabbage? Please give guidance on cabbage cultivation can refer to the following methods of fertilization: cabbage planting in the field of cabbage application of farm manure as base fertilizer, should be combined with the application of calcium superphosphate 300 kg. When the cabbage enters the rosette stage, the plant should form a powerful assimilation organ.

  • Pepper planting techniques: how to increase yield by planting chili peppers?

    Pepper planting techniques: how to increase yield by planting chili peppers?

    How to grow chili peppers to increase yield? Please guide pepper high-yield methods to increase pepper yield, can be carried out through the following methods: pepper enters the growing period, the number of side branches of pepper increases rapidly, resulting in serious canopy closure in the field in the later stage, in order to ensure the normal growth of pepper, you need to branch and prune.

  • Pepper planting technology: how to sterilize and disinfect pepper seedlings?

    Pepper planting technology: how to sterilize and disinfect pepper seedlings?

    How to sterilize and disinfect pepper seedlings? Please introduce the method that pepper is particularly vulnerable to fungi, bacteria and viruses, resulting in root rot, Fusarium wilt, corner spot, anthracnose and virus, resulting in rotting roots and dead seedlings, falling pepper, fallen leaves and withered branches and curling leaves at the top of the bundle, affecting the yield and even losing the harvest in serious cases. So the disease needs to start from.

  • Wax gourd planting: how to prevent and cure wax gourd virus disease?

    Wax gourd planting: how to prevent and cure wax gourd virus disease?

    How to prevent and cure wax gourd virus disease? Please introduce the effective prevention and control methods of virus disease in wax gourd. The main prevention and control methods of wax gourd virus disease are as follows: (1) Select more resistant varieties. Concentrate on raising seedlings, or spread silver gray film in the field to avoid aphids. (2) to control aphids in time in the field, 20% chrysanthemum horse EC 1500 times, or 25%.

  • Wax gourd planting: how to prevent and cure wax gourd powdery mildew?

    Wax gourd planting: how to prevent and cure wax gourd powdery mildew?

    How to prevent and cure powdery mildew of wax gourd? Please introduce effective control methods for wax gourd powdery mildew can refer to the following methods for control: 1. Select disease-resistant varieties. Guangyou 1, Huidou and other early and middle maturing wax gourd varieties or Guangyou 2, Guanxing 2, Qixing Zai and other mid-early maturing varieties were selected. 2. Spraying agricultural antibiotic 12 at the initial stage of the disease.

  • Pepper planting technology: how to prevent virus disease in autumn pepper?

    Pepper planting technology: how to prevent virus disease in autumn pepper?

    How to prevent virus disease in autumn chili? Please instruct the diseased leaves to show irregular chlorosis, dark green and light green mosaic after the onset of pepper virus disease, brown necrotic spots on some leaves and black-brown necrotic stripes along the stem from the main vein of the leaves, resulting in fallen leaves, flowers and fruits, as well as the death of the whole plant.

  • Pepper planting technology: what kind of temperature is suitable for flowering and pollination?

    Pepper planting technology: what kind of temperature is suitable for flowering and pollination?

    What kind of temperature is suitable for flowering and pollination of chili? Please recommend that the suitable temperature for flowering and pollination is 20 to 27 degrees Celsius, below 15 degrees Celsius or higher than 35 degrees Celsius is not conducive to pollination and fertilization (affecting pollen germination), which is easy to cause flower and fruit drop. Therefore, chili peppers are cultivated in hot seasons such as summer, especially when the temperature is above 3.

  • Cabbage planting: what should we pay attention to when planting kale in autumn?

    Cabbage planting: what should we pay attention to when planting kale in autumn?

    What should we pay attention to when planting kale in autumn? Please give guidance on the main points for attention in planting cabbage in autumn can refer to the following list: 1. Selection of cabbage varieties: autumn cabbage is the opposite of spring cabbage, and its early growth stage is the season of high temperature, so varieties with heat resistance and short growth period should be selected. 2. Cabbage sowing and breeding.

  • Cabbage planting: what is cabbage root rot?

    Cabbage planting: what is cabbage root rot?

    What is cabbage root rot? How to control cabbage root rot? Please introduce the harm and causes of cabbage root rot: mainly in the seedling stage or shortly after planting, the stem base epidermis turns brown, rot, followed by root rot, the diseased plant is easy to pull out. The disease overwinters with mycelia in seeds and soil.

  • Pepper planting technology: how to fertilize pepper after flowering?

    Pepper planting technology: how to fertilize pepper after flowering?

    How to fertilize chili after blooming? Please give guidance to pepper growth period is longer, need a large amount of fertilizer, generally in the seedling stage can be a small amount of fertilizer, can be combined with foliar topdressing, select appropriate calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, boron and other trace element fertilizer; in the flowering and fruit setting period, the demand for nitrogen is larger, it can be appropriate at this time.

  • How can chrysanthemum be planted with high yield?

    How can chrysanthemum be planted with high yield?

    How can chrysanthemum be planted with high yield? What should I pay attention to? Please also have experience to help introduce planting chrysanthemum want to get high yield, we must understand the growth habits of chrysanthemum, strengthen from the management, planting network sorted out the four points that need to pay attention to chrysanthemum planting, the following list for netizens reference. Note...

  • How to control anthracnose by planting chrysanthemum?

    How to control anthracnose by planting chrysanthemum?

    What harm does chrysanthemum anthracnose have? How to control anthracnose by planting chrysanthemum? Netizens are also asked to help introduce the harm and control methods of chrysanthemum anthracnose in the farming network, which are listed below for netizens' reference. The harm of chrysanthemum anthracnose: Artemisia annua anthracnose mainly harms leaves and stems. The leaves are stained.

  • Green onion planting technology: what is green onion brown spot disease?

    Green onion planting technology: what is green onion brown spot disease?

    What is the brown spot of green onion? What harm does green onion brown spot disease have? Is there any way to prevent it? Netizens are also asked to help guide the farming network to sort out the harm and control methods of green onion brown spot, which are listed below for netizens' reference. The harm of green onion brown spot: green onion brown spot, also known as leaf tip Verticillium wilt.

  • How to manage grafted cucumber seedlings?

    How to manage grafted cucumber seedlings?

    How to manage grafted cucumber seedlings? Is there anything you should pay attention to? Also ask experienced netizens to help guide the survival rate of grafted seedlings and the management technology after grafting has a very important relationship, the land network sorted out the management methods of cucumber grafted seedlings, listed below for netizens' reference. 1. Cucumber marries.

  • How to control potato late blight?

    How to control potato late blight?

    What are the hazards of potato late blight? Is there any way to prevent it? Also ask netizens to help guide the farming network to sort out the harm and control methods of potato late blight, which are listed below for netizens' reference. The harm of potato late blight: the late blight spreads quickly and the damaged stems and leaves rot quickly.
