
Aquaculture Lists

  • Water, fertilizer, pruning and maintenance of rhododendron

    Water, fertilizer, pruning and maintenance of rhododendron

    Azaleas, also known as Yingshanhong and pomegranate, are relatively nicknamed evergreen or ordinary green shrubs. Because azaleas have certain medicinal value, many flower friends choose to plant azaleas in their balconies or yards. So how can you take good care of your rhododendron?

  • Matters needing attention in fertilizing osmanthus bonsai

    Matters needing attention in fertilizing osmanthus bonsai

    Sweet-scented osmanthus is very famous in China, because the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus is rich, but also can be made into food, so sweet-scented osmanthus bonsai is a very ideal family bonsai. So how to fertilize sweet-scented osmanthus when cultivating sweet-scented osmanthus to ensure the flowering quality of sweet-scented osmanthus

  • Methods and matters needing attention of hydroponic culture of brown bamboo

    Methods and matters needing attention of hydroponic culture of brown bamboo

    Palm bamboo, also known as Guanyin bamboo, is a foliage plant of the genus Palmaceae. Because the brown bamboo is evergreen all the year round and the cultivation difficulty is relatively low, it is an indoor foliage plant that many flower friends choose to cultivate. In fact, the difficulty of brown bamboo hydroponic culture is not high, and it can be raised well, so what should brown bamboo hydroponic culture do?

  • How to water miniature bonsai scientifically

    How to water miniature bonsai scientifically

    Now more and more friends will plant some plants at home, among which there are many bonsai lovers. Planting a small bonsai at home can not only purify the air, but also beautify the environment, which can be said to be a good choice.

  • Forget-me-not management and maintenance method

    Forget-me-not management and maintenance method

    Forget-me-not, also known as forget-not-grass, is a plant of the family Arnebiaceae. Because of the good meaning of its name, it has become a flower that many couples will send, which is of great economic value. So how to manage forget-me-not?

  • Maintenance and management of potted flowers in autumn

    Maintenance and management of potted flowers in autumn

    As everything begins to wither in autumn, the conservation of potted flowers needs to be more careful in autumn, so that potted flowers can survive the winter safely. So how to manage potted flowers in autumn?

  • Five "taboos" of bonsai conservation


    Now more and more friends have begun to plant bonsai, but often can not raise a beautiful bonsai, in fact, there are still some taboos in the process of bonsai maintenance. The editor has sorted out five taboos about bonsai conservation for you. If you also like bonsai, you can study together.

  • Family maintenance and management of sword orchid

    Family maintenance and management of sword orchid

    Sword orchid, also known as Gladiolus, the editor needs to remind you that the sword orchid is not an orchid, but a bulbous plant of the duck tail family. As the sword orchid is very suitable for cultivation in the family environment, so the popularization rate is also very wide, the editor will introduce to you what problems should be paid attention to in the family maintenance of the sword orchid.

  • Matters needing attention in potted and aquaculture of hyacinth

    Matters needing attention in potted and aquaculture of hyacinth

    Hyacinth is a flower plant that many friends like very much. Because it is not difficult to cultivate hyacinth, both potted and hydroponic methods can produce beautiful hyacinth. But the prerequisite for hyacinth to produce beautiful flowers is to make the mother bulb split and help the bulb grow, when it grows to a certain extent.

  • The main points of planting gold marbles

    The main points of planting gold marbles

    Gold marbles are also called bottle orchids. Because of their beautiful branches and iron-colored flowers, they bloom pale yellow flowers in April and bear fruits in May, and the fruits turn orange and marble-shaped in October, it can be said that gold marbles integrate fruit, leaves and flowers, and have high economic and garden value.

  • Hydroponic plants can improve environmental humidity

    Hydroponic plants can improve environmental humidity

    Many plants can be cultured in water, and the method of cultivating plants in water is simple, and it can also add fun to people's life. In fact, hydroponic plants can improve the humidity of the environment if they are put indoors or in the office.

  • Key points of conservation of azaleas during the Spring Festival

    Key points of conservation of azaleas during the Spring Festival

    During the Spring Festival every year, it is often the peak season for the flower market, and the Lunar New year flowers are also very popular during the Spring Festival. No matter they are given away or placed in their own home, the Lunar New year flower is a good choice. Rhododendron is also a common New year's flower, but because rhododendron is a common variety and its flowering period is short.

  • Price and habit characteristics of bonsai of Ginkgo biloba

    Price and habit characteristics of bonsai of Ginkgo biloba

    In fact, ginkgo biloba can also be made into bonsai and raised indoors, not only for decoration, but also to purify the air and beautify the environment. But many friends will have questions about the price and habits of ginkgo bonsai, so let the editor introduce the price and habits of ginkgo to you. Interested friends might as well learn about it together.

  • Cultivation and maintenance of Cymbidium

    Cultivation and maintenance of Cymbidium

    Ball orchid is not only suitable for indoor as a potted plant to watch, but also has a certain medicinal value, ball orchid flowers can be used as medicine, stems and leaves have analgesic, hemostatic and other effects, so its economic value is still very high. Many orchid lovers will choose to cultivate orchids, so how should orchids be cultivated and maintained?

  • Hydroponic culture methods and matters needing attention of Cymbidium

    Hydroponic culture methods and matters needing attention of Cymbidium

    Although the magnolia is more afraid of dampness, the hydroponic magnolia can be successful, and many friends will watch the flowers above in the container of hydroponic magnolia, watch the roots below and enjoy the fish in the water. So how should families raise magnolia in hydroponics?

  • Attention should be paid to ventilation in the process of orchid culture

    Attention should be paid to ventilation in the process of orchid culture

    In the process of orchid cultivation, the environmental requirements are relatively high, especially if the ventilation measures are not done well, it is easy to cause orchids can not carry out respiration and photosynthesis, which has a great impact on the growth of orchids. So how to ventilate the orchids?

  • The role of moss in bonsai

    The role of moss in bonsai

    Moss is now a very popular micro-landscape, although it is very easy for moss to grow in the wild, it is not easy to raise moss well. Now more and more flower lovers have found that moss plays an important role in the cultivation of many plants. The editor will introduce to you the role of moss in bonsai modeling.

  • Key points of summer conservation of longevity flowers

    Key points of summer conservation of longevity flowers

    The longevity flower is also a succulent plant, but because the florescence of the longevity flower can be as long as more than 4 months, it is named that the longevity flower will enter the dormancy period after entering the summer, in order to make the longevity flower bloom better in the coming year, the method of cultivating longevity flowers in summer needs to be adjusted accordingly.

  • Tips for modeling black pine bonsai

    Tips for modeling black pine bonsai

    Black pine is an evergreen tree and a positive tree species. Black pine is very suitable for bonsai cultivation because of its strong resistance to diseases and insect pests, long life and slow growth. If you are also interested in black pine bonsai, you might as well take a look at the modeling method of black pine bonsai introduced to you by the editor.

  • Key points for winter conservation of Phalaenopsis

    Key points for winter conservation of Phalaenopsis

    Because Phalaenopsis is native to the tropics of Asia, it needs to be maintained in winter. in winter in northern China, Phalaenopsis needs to be cultivated in high temperature greenhouse. The editor would like to introduce to you what problems you should pay attention to in cultivating Phalaenopsis in winter.
